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Last active February 9, 2023 15:49
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A true HashMap implementation for Solidity — including .keys() and .entries(). More storage-efficient than alternatives.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
// See Solidity forum discussion:
// This HashMap implementation is somewhat similar to how Java's HashMap works.
// For example:
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
struct HashMap {
bool init;
library HashMapLib {
uint constant BUCKET_COUNT = 256;
function bytesHash (bytes32 key) private pure returns (uint hash) {
hash = uint(keccak256(abi.encode(key)));
function baseSlot (HashMap storage map) private pure returns (uint slot) {
assembly {
slot := map.slot
function size (HashMap storage map) internal view returns (uint mapSize) {
uint slot = baseSlot(map);
assembly {
mapSize := sload(slot)
function _bucket (HashMap storage map, bytes32 key) private pure returns (uint slot) {
return baseSlot(map) + 1 + (bytesHash(key) % BUCKET_COUNT);
function _findKey (HashMap storage map, bytes32 key) private view returns (uint keySlot, bytes32 currKey, uint bucketSlot) {
bucketSlot = _bucket(map, key);
assembly {
keySlot := add(bucketSlot, BUCKET_COUNT)
currKey := sload(keySlot)
while (currKey != "" && currKey != key) {
assembly {
keySlot := add(keySlot, mul(BUCKET_COUNT, 2))
currKey := sload(keySlot)
function _increaseSize (HashMap storage map, uint bucketSlot) private {
assembly {
sstore(map.slot, add(sload(map.slot), 1))
sstore(bucketSlot, add(sload(bucketSlot), 1))
function _decreaseSize (HashMap storage map, uint bucketSlot) private {
assembly {
sstore(map.slot, sub(sload(map.slot), 1))
sstore(bucketSlot, sub(sload(bucketSlot), 1))
function _bucketSize (HashMap storage map, uint bucket) private view returns (uint bucketSize) {
assembly {
let bucketSlot := add(add(map.slot, 1), bucket)
bucketSize := sload(bucketSlot)
function _getKeyInBucketByIndex (HashMap storage map, uint bucket, uint index) private view returns (bytes32 key, uint keySlot) {
uint firstKeySlot = baseSlot(map) + 1 + bucket + BUCKET_COUNT;
keySlot = firstKeySlot + (2 * BUCKET_COUNT) * index;
assembly {
key := sload(keySlot)
function _getKeyValueInBucketByIndex (HashMap storage map, uint bucket, uint index) private view returns (KV memory kv) {
(bytes32 key, uint keySlot) = _getKeyInBucketByIndex(map, bucket, index);
if (key == "") return KV("", "");
uint valueSlot = keySlot + BUCKET_COUNT;
bytes32 value;
assembly {
value := sload(valueSlot)
kv = KV(key, value);
function keys (HashMap storage map) internal view returns (bytes32[] memory keyList) {
uint mapSize = size(map);
uint keyCount = 0;
keyList = new bytes32[](mapSize);
for (uint currBucket = 0; currBucket < BUCKET_COUNT; currBucket++) {
uint bucketSize = _bucketSize(map, currBucket);
for (uint bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex < bucketSize; bucketIndex++) {
(bytes32 key,) = _getKeyInBucketByIndex(map, currBucket, bucketIndex);
if (key == "") continue;
keyList[keyCount] = key;
if (keyCount == mapSize) break;
return keyList;
struct KV {
bytes32 key;
bytes32 value;
function entries (HashMap storage map) internal view returns (KV[] memory) {
uint mapSize = size(map);
uint kvCount = 0;
KV[] memory pairs = new KV[](mapSize);
for (uint currBucket = 0; currBucket < BUCKET_COUNT; currBucket++) {
uint bucketSize = _bucketSize(map, currBucket);
for (uint bucketIndex = 0; bucketIndex < bucketSize; bucketIndex++) {
KV memory kv = _getKeyValueInBucketByIndex(map, currBucket, bucketIndex);
if (kv.key == "") continue;
pairs[kvCount] = kv;
if (kvCount == mapSize) break;
return pairs;
function set (HashMap storage map, bytes32 key, bytes32 value) internal {
(uint keySlot, bytes32 currKey, uint bucketSlot) = _findKey(map, key);
assembly {
sstore(keySlot, key)
sstore(add(keySlot, BUCKET_COUNT), value)
if (currKey != key) {
_increaseSize(map, bucketSlot);
function get (HashMap storage map, bytes32 key) internal view returns (bytes32 value) {
(uint keySlot,,) = _findKey(map, key);
assembly {
value := sload(add(keySlot, BUCKET_COUNT))
function remove (HashMap storage map, bytes32 key) internal {
(uint keySlot, , uint bucketSlot) = _findKey(map, key);
assembly {
let valueSlot := add(keySlot, BUCKET_COUNT)
sstore(keySlot, "")
sstore(valueSlot, "")
_decreaseSize(map, bucketSlot);
// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity >=0.7.0 <0.9.0;
import "./HashMap.sol";
contract HashMapContract {
using HashMapLib for HashMap;
HashMap hashmap;
HashMap hashmap2;
function size2 () public view returns (uint mapSize) {
return hashmap2.size();
function size () public view returns (uint mapSize) {
return hashmap.size();
function keys () public view returns (bytes32[] memory) {
return hashmap.keys();
function entries () public view returns (HashMapLib.KV[] memory) {
return hashmap.entries();
function set (bytes32 key, bytes32 value) public {
return hashmap.set(key, value);
function get (bytes32 key) public view returns (bytes32 value) {
return hashmap.get(key);
function remove (bytes32 key) public {
return hashmap.remove(key);
const { expect } = require("chai");
const { ethers } = require("hardhat");
describe("HashMapContract", function () {
const strToBytes = ethers.utils.formatBytes32String;
let hashmap;
beforeEach(async () => {
const HashMapContract = await ethers.getContractFactory("HashMapContract");
const hashmapDeployment = await HashMapContract.deploy();
await hashmapDeployment.deployed();
hashmap = await ethers.getContractAt("HashMapContract", hashmapDeployment.address);
it("should return different sizes for different hashmaps", async function () {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test3"), strToBytes("testing 1"));
await tx.wait();
const value1 = await hashmap.size();
const value2 = await hashmap.size2();
it("should return list of all keys", async function () {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test3"), strToBytes("testing 1"));
await tx.wait();
const tx2 = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test4"), strToBytes("testing 2"));
await tx2.wait();
const value = await hashmap.keys();
expect(value).to.deep.equal([strToBytes("test3"), strToBytes("test4")]);
it("should return list of all entries", async function () {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test3"), strToBytes("testing 1"));
await tx.wait();
const tx2 = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test4"), strToBytes("testing 2"));
await tx2.wait();
const value = await hashmap.entries();
[strToBytes("test3"), strToBytes("testing 1")],
[strToBytes("test4"), strToBytes("testing 2")]
it("should reduce size when deleting a key", async () => {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test3"), strToBytes("testing 1"));
await tx.wait();
const tx2 = await hashmap.remove(strToBytes("test3"));
await tx2.wait();
expect((await hashmap.size()).toNumber()).to.equal(0);
it("should empty the value when key is removed", async () => {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test3"), strToBytes("testing 1"));
await tx.wait();
const tx2 = await hashmap.remove(strToBytes("test3"));
await tx2.wait();
const value = await hashmap.get(strToBytes("test3"));
it("should keep 2 keys with same `bucket` separately", async function () {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test3"), strToBytes("testing 1"));
await tx.wait();
const tx2 = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test4"), strToBytes("testing 2"));
await tx2.wait();
const value = await hashmap.get(strToBytes("test3"));
expect(value).to.equal(strToBytes("testing 1"));
it("should overwrite values if setting same key", async function () {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test"), strToBytes("testing 1"));
await tx.wait();
const tx2 = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test"), strToBytes("testing 2"));
await tx2.wait();
const value = await hashmap.get(strToBytes("test"));
expect(value).to.equal(strToBytes("testing 2"));
it("should return values as set originally", async function () {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test"), strToBytes("testing"));
await tx.wait();
const value = await hashmap.get(strToBytes("test"));
it("should not increase size when setting same key twice", async function () {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test"), strToBytes("testing"));
await tx.wait();
const tx2 = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test"), strToBytes("testing"));
await tx2.wait();
expect((await hashmap.size()).toNumber()).to.equal(1);
it("should increase size after set()", async function () {
const tx = await hashmap.set(strToBytes("test"), strToBytes("testing"));
await tx.wait();
expect((await hashmap.size()).toNumber()).to.equal(1);
it("should have initial size 0", async function () {
expect((await hashmap.size()).toNumber()).to.equal(0);
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