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Created April 7, 2015 06:50
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sub EXPORT(|) {
sub atkeyish(Mu \h, \k) {
nqp::atkey(nqp::findmethod(h, 'hash')(h), k)
my role Tuxic {
token term:sym<identifier> {
:my $pos;
<identifier> <!{ $*W.is_type([atkeyish($/, 'identifier').Str]) }> <?before <.unsp>|\s*'('> \s* <![:]>
{ $pos := $/.CURSOR.pos }
{ self.add_mystery(atkeyish($/, 'identifier'), atkeyish($/, 'args').from, nqp::substr(atkeyish($/, 'args').Str, 0, 1)) }
token methodop {
| <longname>
| <?[$@&]> <variable> { self.check_variable(atkeyish($/, 'variable')) }
| <?['"]>
[ <!{$*QSIGIL}> || <!before '"' <-["]>*? [\s|$] > ] # dwim on "$foo."
[ <?before '(' | '.(' | '\\'> || <.panic: "Quoted method name requires parenthesized arguments. If you meant to concatenate two strings, use '~'."> ]
] \s* <.unsp>?
| <?before \s*'('> \s* <args>
| ':' <?before \s | '{'> <!{ $*QSIGIL }> <args=.arglist>
|| <!{ $*QSIGIL }> <?>
|| <?{ $*QSIGIL }> <?[.]> <?>
] <.unsp>?
nqp::bindkey(%*LANG, 'MAIN', %*LANG<MAIN>.HOW.mixin(%*LANG<MAIN>, Tuxic));
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