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Last active August 29, 2015 14:25
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  • Save Unit03/2d069f65020c441373e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Unit03/2d069f65020c441373e0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Marek Glijer"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Spos\u00f3b propagacji plik\u00f3w konfiguracyjnych na nieograniczonej liczbie maszyn (stworzenie za pomoc\u0105 Pythona mechanizmu dzia\u0142aj\u0105cego w architekturze rozproszonej i bez single-point-of-failure). Prezentacja od zamys\u0142u, przez proces tworzenia do przyk\u0142ad\u00f3w u\u017cycia w \u015brodowisku produkcyjnym.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-17T18:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Skalowalna konfiguracja - jak za pomoc\u0105 Pythona umili\u0107 sobie prac\u0119 z nieograniczon\u0105 liczb\u0105 serwer\u00f3w",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-17T17:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
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"authors": [
"Oltjano Terpollari"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "My talk will show some simple examples of pentesting techniques using python in Penetration Testing field. I will present some tools writen in pure python that are very important for a penetration tester toolbox. I will do a simple password cracking demo, sqlmap demo and metasploit demo.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-17T18:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Python For Penetration Testing",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-17T17:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Micha\u0142 Jastrz\u0119bski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Dokumentacja techniczna kodu to rzecz niezmiernie wa\u017cna, z tym si\u0119 zgodzi chyba ka\u017cdy, kto kiedykolwiek przej\u0105\u0142 cudzy projekt, a zarazem bardzo cz\u0119sto pomijana. Wielokrotnie zdarza si\u0119 tak, i\u017c zapominamy lub nie mamy czasu pisa\u0107 dokumentacji, przez co si\u0119 dezaktualizuje, je\u015bli w og\u00f3le powstaje. Jak mo\u017cna ten stan rzeczy poprawi\u0107?",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-17T19:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "3 zagadki Sphinx'a, czyli dwa s\u0142owa o dokumentacji",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-17T18:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Antek Pi\u00e9chnik"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "It's null till you ship it. This is our motto at Base. In this talk I'll guide you through how we managed to build a world-class startup, implement a full-fledged SOA architecture, how we managed our growth and how we maintain a stable product while deploying to production around 20 times a day, how we ship code, work hard and stay happy.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-17T19:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Shipping Code",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-17T18:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Marcin Karkocha"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Debugowanie aplikacji internetowych nie nale\u017cy do naj\u0142atwiejszych i najprzyjemniejszych zada\u0144. Pewnie nie raz zdarzy\u0142a wam si\u0119 sytuacja gdzie wszystko pi\u0119knie dzia\u0142a wsz\u0119dzie poza systemem produkcyjnym. To, \u017ce aplikacja przechodzi testy, dzia\u0142a na systemach testowych i developerskich nie oznacza w tym wypadku, \u017ce jest dobrze. Dodatkowo wszystko komplikuje fakt i\u017c system produkcyjny jest jedynym miejscem gdzie pojawia si\u0119 nasz problem. W takiej sytuacji z pomoc\u0105 przychodzi nam werkzeug z jego interaktywn\u0105 konsol\u0105 dost\u0119pn\u0105 na stronie internetowej oraz kilka innych narz\u0119dzi kt\u00f3re pomog\u0105 nam zlokalizowa\u0107 problem oraz zrozumie\u0107 sytuacje kt\u00f3ra ma miejsce. Niniejsza prezentacja poprowadzi nas od narz\u0119dzi poprzez przyk\u0142ady a\u017c do og\u00f3lnych zasad kt\u00f3rymi nale\u017cy si\u0119 kierowa\u0107 w takich sytuacjach.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-17T21:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Werkzeug - debugowanie aplikacji internetowych w sytuacjach ekstremalnych",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-17T20:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Muharem Hrnjadovic"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Cloud computing presents a key paradigm shift for how systems are built, deployed and operated. OpenStack: - is leading the way to open cloud computing - is *the* most high-profile Python project today and creating hundreds of IT Jobs for open source developers - has become the operating system for the cloud and won the race to become the standard This talk presents the OpenStack project and explains why you should be paying attention to it.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-17T21:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "I see OpenStack in your future!!",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-17T20:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Jakub Wasielak"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Nikt nie lubi captchy, lecz wci\u0105\u017c jest ona przera\u017caj\u0105co popularna. Wielu programistom wydaje si\u0119, \u017ce jest to jedyny spos\u00f3b, aby przez ich formularz nie przechodzi\u0142y tysi\u0105ce bot\u00f3w, a u\u017cytkownicy s\u0105 zmuszani do wielokrotnego odczytywania kosmicznych znaczk\u00f3w. NoCaptcha to nowe podej\u015bcie do zabezpiecze\u0144 formularza oraz gotowa do u\u017cycia paczka w Django.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-17T21:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "NoCaptcha - boty zostaj\u0105 za drzwiami",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-17T20:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Szymon Py\u017calski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "We all know it is good to write unit tests. But sometimes trivial code seems not so trivial to test it. Let's go through some of these situations and find suitable ways of creating tests that will give reproducible results while still emulating realistic situations our code can cope with.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-17T21:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "How to test it?",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-17T20:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"\u0141ukasz Taczuk"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Za\u0142\u00f3\u017cmy, \u017ce mamy przed sob\u0105 skompilowany program w postaci pliku exe. Po grecku. Albo po chi\u0144sku. Teoretycznie, jeste\u015bmy skazani na uczenie si\u0119 szlaczk\u00f3w na pami\u0119\u0107 albo (jak to cz\u0119sto ludzie robi\u0105) na niepor\u0119czne zerkanie na zrzuty ekranu z dodanymi napisami, kt\u00f3re wyja\u015bniaj\u0105 co dany guzik robi. A nieprawda! Nie do\u015b\u0107, \u017ce jeste\u015bmy w stanie przet\u0142umaczy\u0107 wstawione na sztywno ci\u0105gi znak\u00f3w, to proces ten mo\u017cemy ca\u0142kowicie zautomatyzowa\u0107 na wypadek wydania nowszej wersji programu. Wystarczy odrobina wiedzy na temat plik\u00f3w wykonywalnych i szczypta niekonwencjonalnego my\u015blenia.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T11:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Google Translate tu nie pomo\u017ce!",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T10:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Tarek Ziad\u00e9"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Vaurien is basically a Chaos Monkey for your TCP connections. Vaurien acts as a proxy between your web application and any backend. You can use it in your functional tests or even on a real deployment, to slow down/break/error out the requests and responses between your web application and a back end like LDAP, MySQL, Memcache, Redis and so on. This is very useful to check how your application behaves when something is wrong with your backend. So instead of having to deal with it live in production - just have a test continuously testing various scenarii. Vaurien is built in Python and you can write your own",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T11:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Vaurien",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T10:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Radomir Dopieralski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Chcesz si\u0119 dowiedzie\u0107 dok\u0142adnie co si\u0119 dzieje, gdy tworzysz nowy obiekt? Albo gdy definiujesz klas\u0119? W jaki spos\u00f3b s\u0105 wyszukiwane atrybuty i wywo\u0142ywane metody? A jaki wp\u0142yw na te mechanizmy mo\u017ce mie\u0107 tw\u00f3j w\u0142asny kod? Wyst\u0105pienie to prezentowa\u0142em ju\u017c dwukrotnie: na konferencji 4Developers oraz na Europythonie. Nagranie Ze wzgl\u0119du na d\u0142u\u017cszy czas, na planuj\u0119 zrobi\u0107 wersj\u0119 rozszerzon\u0105.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T12:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Magiczne atrybuty",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T11:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Peter Inglesby"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "\"The Django source code contains many advanced features of the Python language that are rarely encountered in day-to-day development work. This can make the Django source seem daunting to the uninitiated. In this talk I will take one particular advanced feature -- metaclasses -- and explain what they are and how they work, taking my examples from the Django codebase. We'll also cover, in passing, some techniques I've found useful for understanding a complex codebase. The talk will be suitable for anybody who has both a good grounding in the Python language, and a sense of curiosity.\"",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T12:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Advanced Python through Django: Metaclasses",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T11:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Wojtek Erbetowski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Z tak pi\u0119kn\u0105 dokumentacj\u0105, jak\u0105 ma Django wydaje si\u0119by\u0107 niemo\u017cliwym aby nie zrozumie\u0107 jakim prostym zadaniem jest pisanie test\u00f3w. Niestety od zrozumienia jak one dzia\u0142aj\u0105 do umiej\u0119tno\u015bci testowania z\u0142o\u017conej aplikacji droga jeszcze bardzo d\u0142uga, a tym gorzej dla nas, \u017ce tak\u017ce kr\u0119ta, z urwiskami po obu stronach.\n Na prezentacji dowiesz si\u0119 rzeczy, kt\u00f3rych nie znajdziesz na StackOverflow, ani w tutorialach, do\u015bwiadcze\u0144 zbieranych latami na r\u00f3\u017cnych platformach i w r\u00f3\u017cnych j\u0119zykach, wiedzy, kt\u00f3r\u0105 zbiera si\u0119 na dnie urwiska po solidnym upadku.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T13:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Zaawansowane testowanie jednostkowe aplikacji Django",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T12:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Martin Kolman"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Android applications have been traditionally made using a custom Java flavor with the option for C++ extensions. During the talk I'll describe and demonstrate how it is possible to create applications for Android in Python & Qt for the GUI, without the need for touching Java or C++. Such Python GUI applications can also be packaged as a standalone Android AP package, that can be even distributed through the the official Google Play store.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T13:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Developing Android application with Python & Qt",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T12:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Piotr Przymus"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Metaprogramowanie - to dynamiczne tworzenie kodu lub modyfikowanie dzia\u0142ania uruchomionego programu. Python daje nam w tym temacie szerokie mo\u017cliwo\u015bci. Kr\u00f3tki tutorial dla tych kt\u00f3rzy chc\u0105 lepiej pozna\u0107 takie techniki metaprogramowania jak dekoratory, metaklasy, syntetycznie generowany kod czy 'monkey patching'.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T14:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Kr\u00f3tkie wprowadzenie do metaprogramowania w Pythonie - czyli o tym jak u\u0142atwi\u0107 (utrudni\u0107) programowanie sobie i innym.",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T13:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Micha\u0142 \u017byli\u0144ski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Wsp\u00f3lna historia Pythona i Microsoft przypomina g\u00f3rski maraton \u2013 jest d\u0142uga i kr\u0119ta. Na przestrzeni ostatnich lat nasz dialog ze \u015brodowiskami open-source ewoluowa\u0142 z pozycji zamkni\u0119tej twierdzy do coraz bardziej aktywnego anga\u017cowania si\u0119 i wspierania rozwijanych spo\u0142eczno\u015bciowo projekt\u00f3w i technologii. Podczas tej sesji postaram si\u0119 podsumowa\u0107 aktualny stan oferty Microsoft dla wszystkich entuzjast\u00f3w j\u0119zyka Python, omawiaj\u0105c zar\u00f3wno rzeczy typowe (np. ofert\u0119 narz\u0119dziow\u0105), jak i bardziej egzotyczne i znane zapewne tylko nielicznym.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T14:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Python i Microsoft \u2013 razem czy osobno?",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T13:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Konrad Ha\u0142as"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Instrukcja import jest jednym z cz\u0119\u015bciej u\u017cywanych przez programist\u00f3w pracuj\u0105cych w j\u0119zyku Python wyra\u017ce\u0144. Od litanii import\u00f3w rozpoczynamy prawie ka\u017cdy plik z rozszerzeniem *.py. Jednak czy wiemy, co dzieje si\u0119 w trzewiach naszego ulubionego j\u0119zyka, gdy napotka on s\u0142owo kluczowe import? Czy s\u0105 mo\u017cliwo\u015bci ingerencji w jego zachowanie? W prezentacji opowiem o wszystkim co zwi\u0105zane z systemem import\u00f3w w j\u0119zyku Python - historii, dobrych i z\u0142ych praktykach, problemach oraz mo\u017cliwo\u015bciach rozbudowy. Zar\u00f3wno pocz\u0105tkuj\u0105cy jak i zaawansowany pythonista znajdzie w tej prezentacji co\u015b dla siebie.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T17:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "import import",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T16:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Piotr Banaszkiewicz"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "In this talk I'll go through history and future of Python packaging. I will also introduce the audience to the ways of dealing with system-wide installed applications (ie. Debian and RPM packages).",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T17:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Packaging Python applications",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T16:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Rados\u0142aw Jankiewicz"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "* Podstawowe informacje o tworzeniu paczek i dystrybucji kodu\n* Kr\u00f3tkie om\u00f3wienie narz\u0119dzi (distutils/setuptools/distribute/distutils2)\n* PyPi - korzystanie i dystrybucja w\u0142asnych paczek\n* Bezpiecze\u0144stwo",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T18:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Dystrybucja kodu w Pythonie",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T17:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Nicholas H.Tollervey"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "This short introductory talk will give a brief description of the story behind the London Python Code Dojo - a monthly meeting of practical Pythonic playfulness and learning. I will explain what it is and how it works in the hope that Polish Pythonistas will take up the format and make it their own. The talk will be followed by a \"London\" rules code dojo",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-18T18:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Coding Dojo Introduction",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-18T17:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Adrian Jasi\u0144ski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Podczas prezentacji zostanie przedstawiona baza danych zorientowana na cz\u0105steczki chemiczne i biologiczne zbudowana w oparciu o framework TurboGears. Przechowywane w niej dane wykorzystywane s\u0105 w procesach projektowania nowych lek\u00f3w.\nW dalszej cz\u0119\u015bci przybli\u017cone zostan\u0105 Pythonowe biblioteki u\u017cyte w projekcie: RDKit, Biopython, Scipy i Matplotlib. Prezentacja jest adresowana do os\u00f3b zainteresowanych tworzeniem aplikacji naukowych a tak\u017ce analiz\u0105 i prezentacj\u0105 danych.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T11:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Projektowanie lek\u00f3w z Pythonem",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T10:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Lennart Regebro"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "There are many idioms and patterns that used to be a best practice but isn't anymore, thanks to changes in Python. Despite that they often show up even in new code, and some of these patterns are even explained to be Good Ideas at stackoverflow and similar. This talk will bring out the most common of these patterns so you know what they are, and why you should avoid them.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T11:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Prehistoric Python Patterns",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T10:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Jan Kaliszewski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Wyst\u0105pienie obejmie:\n* przypomnienie podstaw ( obiekt iterowalny, iterator, funkcja generatorowa, generator -- przybli\u017cenie poj\u0119\u0107 i praktyczne przyk\u0142ady);\n* om\u00f3wienie narz\u0119dzi z biblioteki standardowej Pythona i przyk\u0142ady ich u\u017cycia\n* analiz\u0119 przypadku: dzia\u0142anie generatora prze\u015bledzone krok po kroku;\n* zagadnienia zaawansowane i mniej znane fakty (np. stosowanie generator\u00f3w do implementowania pseudo-w\u0105tk\u00f3w; niesfinalizowane generatory a cykle referencji);\n* om\u00f3wienie nowych mo\u017cliwo\u015bci w Pythonie 3.3 (yield from).",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T12:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Nast\u0119pny prosz\u0119: iteratory i generatory pod lup\u0105",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T11:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Krzysztof Dorosz"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Talk will cover many advanced aspects of processing payments in django and will be mainly focused on integration with django-getpaid application. Django-getpaid is carefully designed multi-broker payment processor for Django framework. It was designed to provide following features: * multiple payment brokers support - allows using simultaneously many payments methods at the same time, * multiple payments currency support (getpaid will automatically filter available backends list accordingly to the payment currency), * integration flexibility - makes minimal assumption on 3rd party code - requires only an existence of any single django model representing an order, * proper architecture design - all backends which requires fetching payment confirmation are enforced to use asynchronous celery tasks. Django-getpaid is a production ready solution with support for all main payment processing services in Poland. It is also easily extendable via pluggable backend system to support any other services. Project site: This talk will be an extended version of my 2013 DjangoCon talk: \"Apps for advanced plans, pricings, billings and payments\" concerning only payments topic.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T12:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Payments processing in django",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T11:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Marcin Karkocha"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "W jaki spos\u00f3b \u015bledzi si\u0119 u\u017cytkownik\u00f3w w internecie? Co tak naprawd\u0119 wiedz\u0105 dostawcy internetu o naszych dzia\u0142aniach w sieci? Czy nasze dane s\u0105 bezpieczne? A mo\u017ce w\u0142a\u015bnie takie praktyki pozwol\u0105 nam by\u0107 bezpieczniejszymi, czyli o tym dlaczego niekt\u00f3re firmy szpieguj\u0105 nas w imi\u0119 bezpiecze\u0144stwa. Chcia\u0142bym przedstawi\u0107 wam histori\u0119 z i\u015bcie szpiegowskim klimatem a przy tej okazji zapozna\u0107 was z mo\u017cliwo\u015bciami bibliotek oraz podej\u015bciami do analizy tre\u015bci stron internetowych. Przejrze\u0107 narz\u0119dzia przez LXMLa, BeautifulSoupa, xPatha i inne a\u017c po pyQuery, oraz pokaza\u0107 dodatkowe rozwi\u0105zania dzi\u0119ki kt\u00f3rym b\u0119dzie to szybkie, skuteczne i co najwa\u017cniejsze pewne co w tej sytuacji jest bardzo wa\u017cne.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T13:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Python w s\u0142u\u017cbie jej kr\u00f3lewskiej mo\u015bci - czyli o parsowaniu stron i szpiegowaniu u\u017cytkownik\u00f3w s\u0142\u00f3w kilka",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T12:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Peter Inglesby"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "As developers, we spend too much of our time trying to understand how code works, and in particular, why it doesn\u2019t work as we expect. Debugging is the art of understanding buggy code, and it is a special case of what is known as \u201cproblem solving\u201d. In 1945, George P\u00f3lya wrote \"How To Solve It\", a guide to thinking about solving problems, and in this talk I want to share P\u00f3lya\u2019s approach. In particular, I want to show how his ideas can be applied to debugging Python programs. Along the way, we\u2019ll look at various tools and techniques that I have found useful when trying to understand the behaviour of Python code (whether buggy or not). I\u2019ll also discuss how, if we write software with the goal of making debugging easy, we end up with more maintainable code that contains fewer bugs.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T13:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Debugging with Uncle P\u00f3lya",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T12:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Adam Kali\u0144ski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Most of us probably started their programming career by just having fun out of writing some code and solving the puzzles. But so often our jobs are filled with dull and repetitive tasks that kill all the fun. I will try to convince you that with a little help of games we can change that.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T14:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "The game of programming",
"released": null,
"room": "E",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T13:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"\u0141ukasz Ole\u015b"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "OpenStack jest aktualnie jednym z najwi\u0119kszych projekt\u00f3w opensource. Instalacja r\u00f3\u017cnych element\u00f3w, a p\u00f3\u017aniej konfiguracja na wielu serwerach mo\u017ce sprawia\u0107 trudno\u015bci nawet do\u015bwiadczonym administratorom. Podczas prezentacji poka\u017c\u0119 od podszewki jak rozwi\u0105zali\u015bmy ten problem.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T14:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Jak zbudowa\u0107 w\u0142asn\u0105 chmur\u0119 w ci\u0105gu 1h przy u\u017cyciu Pythona i Puppeta, czyli Fuel w akcji.",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T13:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Honza Kr\u00e1l"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "We will walk through Elasticsearch features targeted towards data exploration and analysis and show how you can use them to gain insight into your data and your users' behavior and how Elasticsearch allows you to build powerful real-time dashboards for your users. We will use real-life, publicly available data sets and open source tools. Every attendee should walk away with a clear understanding on what Elasticsearch can do with their data, what tools are available out of the box and how to extend them or creating custom ones.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T16:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Explore your data",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T15:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Martin Kolman"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Anaconda is the default installer in the Fedora and Red Hat Enterprise Linux distributions and their derivatives, being the first point of contact for many of their (future) users. Anaconda is written in Python with some minor C extensions and uses the GTK graphics library for its graphical interface. Anacondas history goes back to the first commit on April 24. 1999, back in the times of Python 1.x and it has been in continuously developed and used ever since. Anaconda evolved from those humble beginnings, through the ever changing Linux landscape, varying requirements, the inevitable rewrites and other challenges faced by such a long running a and critical project. This is how anaconda evolved into what it is now - a flexible full featured Linux distribution installer, supporting a wide range of installation methods and environments, ranging from small ARM boards, through PCs and up to the S390 mainframes and massive server farms.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T17:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "The Anaconda Fedora and RHEL installer",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T16:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Tarek Ziad\u00e9"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Built with zmq, Circus ( is a process and socket manager we\u2019re writing at Mozilla Services. It has many features like a web interface with a live stream of process/socket stats, a command line tool to drive the system. etc. This talk will present the architecture of the tool, its uses cases at Mozilla, and what we\u2019re planning next.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-19T18:00:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "en",
"license": null,
"name": "Circus",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-19T17:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Ola Sitarska"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "W maju 2013 roku, Warszawa sta\u0142a si\u0119 centrum europejskiego Pythona, sprowadzaj\u0105c do stolicy Polski blisko 500 Djangowc\u00f3w z ca\u0142ej Europy. DjangoCon Europe 2013 ju\u017c dawno si\u0119 sko\u0144czy\u0142, wi\u0119c czas na ma\u0142e podsumowanie. Chcia\u0142abym pokaza\u0107 wszystkim jak to wygl\u0105da\u0142o zza kulis, opowiedzie\u0107 kilka ciekawych (mo\u017ce \u015bmiesznych?;) historii, przybli\u017cy\u0107 wszystko, czego nauczyli\u015bmy si\u0119 po drodze i zainspirowa\u0107 do dzia\u0142ania na rzecz rozwoju spo\u0142eczno\u015bci.",
"duration": 45,
"end": "2013-10-20T10:45:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Cyrkowe kulisy DjangoCon Europe 2013",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-20T10:00:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"\u0141ukasz Balcerzak"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Podczas pierwszej cz\u0119\u015bci prezentacji przedstawi\u0119 najlepsze praktyki testowania, w\u0142\u0105cznie z kr\u00f3tkim przegl\u0105dem popularnych narz\u0119dzi oraz co robi\u0107 a czego unika\u0107 by testowanie w\u0142asnych projekt\u00f3w by\u0142o stosunkowo \u0142atwe, r\u00f3wnie\u017c dla innych. Druga cz\u0119\u015b\u0107 prezentacji b\u0119dzie o Continuous Integration - kiedy warto zainwestowa\u0107 czas w konfigurowanie zautomatyzowanego testowania po ka\u017cdej zmianie kodu. Jakie rozwi\u0105zania istniej\u0105 i jakie problemy rozwi\u0105zuj\u0105. W prezentacji b\u0119d\u0105 wymieniane/omawiane unittest, pytest, nose, tox, travis-ci, Jenkins.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-20T11:45:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Automatyzacja test\u00f3w",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-20T10:45:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Przemek Lewandowski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Programowanie sensu stricto to nie wszystko - istotn\u0105 rol\u0119 odgrywa r\u00f3wnie\u017c spos\u00f3b, w jaki zarz\u0105dzamy projektem. Chc\u0105c osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 wi\u0119ksz\u0105 efektywno\u015b\u0107 lub rozwi\u0105za\u0107 wci\u0105\u017c pojawiaj\u0105ce si\u0119 problemy wielu rzuca has\u0142o \"Agile\", kt\u00f3re ma stanowi\u0107 antidotum na wszystkie nasze k\u0142opoty. Czy rzeczywi\u015bcie tak jest? Co to znaczy by\u0107 Agile? Celem mojej prezentacji jest wyja\u015bnienie dlaczego wa\u017cne jest eksperymentowanie wzarz\u0105dzaniu projektami, dzi\u0119ki kt\u00f3remu mo\u017cemy osi\u0105gn\u0105\u0107 zen. W prezentacji przedstawione b\u0119d\u0105 nie tylko podstawy Agile, ale tak\u017ce wiele istotnych element\u00f3w metodologii Scrum oraz Kanban. Na przyk\u0142adzie om\u00f3wione zostan\u0105 g\u0142\u00f3wne problemy w implementacji zwinnych metod zarz\u0105dzania projektami oraz sposoby ich rozwi\u0105zywania.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-20T12:45:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Droga wyj\u015bcia z chaosu",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-20T11:45:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Przemys\u0142aw Kukulski"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "Ile razy zdarzy\u0142o Wam si\u0119 zapomnie\u0107 wykona\u0107 testy (zw\u0142aszcza regresyjne)? Ile razy przez to wyd\u0142u\u017cy\u0142 si\u0119 proces wydawania nowej wersji? A ile razy nie chcia\u0142o Wam si\u0119 pisa\u0107 test\u00f3w bo by\u0142y zbyt nudne? Jenkins jest serwerem s\u0142u\u017c\u0105cym do automatyzacji procesu testowania oprogramowania. Dzi\u0119ki odpowiedniej konfiguracji mo\u017cemy (cz\u0119\u015bciowo) zapomnie\u0107 o testach regresyjnych - wykonaj\u0105 si\u0119 same, i gdy wyst\u0105pi b\u0142\u0105d Jenkins upewni si\u0119 \u017ce si\u0119 o tym dowiemy ;) Dodatki takie jak violations, open tasks, pozwol\u0105 nam na lepsz\u0105 organizacj\u0119 kodu, cobertura powie nam kt\u00f3re partie kodu nie s\u0105 przetestowane... a CI Game pozwoli na zastosowanie grywalizacji co mo\u017ce 'zwi\u0119kszy\u0107' ch\u0119ci by kod by\u0142 przetestowany i poprawny (PEP-8/pylint) Celem prelekcji b\u0119dzie pokazanie praktycznych zastosowa\u0144 dla serwera Jenkins (z w/w pluginami i nie tylko). Jako aplikacja 'testowa' zostanie u\u017cyta aplikacja napisana w Django.",
"duration": 60,
"end": "2013-10-20T13:30:00",
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Continous Integration - Jenkins kontratakuje",
"released": null,
"room": "F",
"rooms": [
"start": "2013-10-20T12:30:00",
"tags": null,
"url": ""
"abstract": null,
"authors": [
"Krzysztof Dorosz"
"conf_key": null,
"conf_url": "",
"contact": null,
"description": "I will discus some advanced techniques that can be used to squeeze the last bit from memcached and redis when dealing with a very large scale. Talk will describe internal structure of memcached memory management and how to optimize configuration to a given use case. In terms of Redis some techniques of efficient hash store will be presented.\nDisclaimer: this talk has a very little in common with Python itself, but some examples are provided in Python, as well as both memcached and redis are industry standard for Python based projects. This is the same talk I gave for a very small audience of Pykonik (Krak\u00f3w python group).",
"duration": 30,
"end": null,
"kind": "talk",
"language": "pl",
"license": null,
"name": "Beyond millions of keys in memcached and redis",
"released": null,
"room": null,
"rooms": [
"start": null,
"tags": null,
"url": ""
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