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Created May 25, 2018 12:31
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pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
interface IERC20 {
function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 totalSupply);
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance);
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success);
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining);
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
library SafeMath {
function mul(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
uint c = a * b;
assert(a == 0 || c / a == b);
return c;
function div(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
assert(b > 0);
uint c = a / b;
assert(a == b * c + a % b);
return c;
function sub(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
assert(b <= a);
return a - b;
function add(uint a, uint b) internal returns (uint) {
uint c = a + b;
assert(c >= a);
return c;
function max64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
function min64(uint64 a, uint64 b) internal constant returns (uint64) {
return a < b ? a : b;
function max256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
return a >= b ? a : b;
function min256(uint256 a, uint256 b) internal constant returns (uint256) {
return a < b ? a : b;
function assert(bool assertion) internal {
if (!assertion) {
pragma solidity ^0.4.11;
import './IERC20.sol';
import './SafeMath.sol';
contract VeioCoin is IERC20 {
using SafeMath for uint256;
uint public _totalSupply = 0;
string public constant symbol = "VEO";
string public constant name = "Veio Coin";
uint8 public constant decimals = 18;
uint256 public constant RATE = 10000;
address public owner;
mapping(address => uint256 ) balances;
mapping(address => mapping(address => uint256)) allowed;
function () payable {
function VeioCoin(){
// balances[msg.sender] = _totalSupply;
owner = msg.sender;
function createTokens() payable {
require(msg.value > 0);
uint256 tokens = msg.value.mul(RATE);
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].add(tokens);
_totalSupply = _totalSupply.add(tokens);
function totalSupply() constant returns (uint256 totalSupply){
return _totalSupply;
function balanceOf(address _owner) constant returns (uint256 balance){
return balances[_owner];
function transfer(address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success){
balances[msg.sender] >= _value
&& _value > 0
balances[msg.sender] = balances[msg.sender].sub(_value);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].sub(_value);
Transfer(msg.sender, _to, _value);
return true;
function transferFrom(address _from, address _to, uint256 _value) returns (bool success){
allowed[_from][msg.sender] >= _value
&& balances[_from] >= _value
&& _value > 0
balances[_from] = balances[_from].sub(_value);
balances[_to] = balances[_to].add(_value);
allowed[_from][msg.sender] = allowed[_from][msg.sender].sub(_value);
Transfer(_from, _to, _value);
return true;
function approve(address _spender, uint256 _value) returns (bool success){
allowed[msg.sender][_spender] = _value;
Approval(msg.sender, _spender, _value);
return true;
function allowance(address _owner, address _spender) constant returns (uint256 remaining){
return allowed[_owner][_spender];
event Transfer(address indexed _from, address indexed _to, uint256 _value);
event Approval(address indexed _owner, address indexed _spender, uint256 _value);
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