mod.edge2HPD <- function(edge_df = NULL, unique.rows = TRUE, axis.cols = NULL, type = "2D", desc = NULL, edge.weight = NULL, edge.color = NULL, node.color = NULL, node.size = NULL, node.radius = NULL, node.axis = NULL) 
  #edge.weight - a list corresponding to edge weights (same order as in edge_df)
  #edge.color - a lis corresponding to edge colors (same order as in edge_df)
  #node.color - a data frame consisting of two columns: column 1 - node labels, column 2 - node color
  #node.size - a data frame consisting of two columns: column 1 - node labels, column 2 - node size
  #node.radius - a data frame consisting of two columns: column 1 - node labels, column 2 - node radius
  #node.axis - a data frame consisting of two columns: column 1 - node labels, column 2 - node axis
  if (is.null(edge_df)){
    stop("No edge data provided")
  if (!{
    stop("edge_df is not a data frame")
  if (unique.rows)
    nr.old <- nrow(edge_df)
    edge_df <- unique(edge_df)
    if (nr.old > nrow(edge_df))
      cat("\n\t", nr.old - nrow(edge_df), "non-unique data-frame rows removed!\n\n")
  # Get node labels
  lab1 <- as.character(unlist(edge_df[, 1]))
  lab2 <- as.character(unlist(edge_df[, 2]))
  # Get number of unique nodes
  nn <- length(unique(c(lab1, lab2)))
  # Define node ID
  id <- 1:nn
  # Define node label
  label <- unique(c(lab1, lab2))
  # Create a data frame for node attributes
  node.attributes <- data.frame(id, label)
# Node size definition
  if (!is.null(node.size))
    if (is.numeric(node.size[, 2]) | is.integer(node.size[, 2]))
      nSize <- c()
      for (i in 1:length(label))
        indx <- which(as.character(node.size[,1]) == label[i])
        if (length(indx[1]) != 0)
          nSize = c(nSize, node.size[indx[1],2])
          msg <- paste("No size data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". Value 1 will be assigned to this node!", sep = "")
          nSize = c(nSize, 1)
      node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, size = nSize)
      rm(i, nSize, indx)
      stop("Node size is not numeric or integer.")  
  if (is.null(node.size))
    warning("No data provided for the node size. All nodes will be assigned size 1!")
    node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, size = rep(1, nn))
# Node color definition
  if (!is.null(node.color))
    nCol <- c()
    for (i in 1:length(label))
      indx <- which(as.character(node.color[,1]) == label[i])
      if (length(indx[1]) != 0)
        nCol = c(nCol, as.character(node.color[indx[1],2]))
        msg <- paste("No color data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". Black color will be assigned to this node!", sep = "")
        nCol = c(nCol, "black")
    node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, color = nCol)
    rm(i, nCol, indx)
  if (is.null(node.color))
    warning("No data provided for the node color. All nodes will be colored black!")
    node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, color = as.character(rep("black", nn)))
# Node radius definition

  if (!is.null(node.radius))
    if (is.numeric(node.radius[, 2]) | is.integer(node.radius[, 2]))
      nSize <- c()
      for (i in 1:length(label))
        indx <- which(as.character(node.radius[,1]) == label[i])
        if (length(indx[1]) != 0)
          nSize = c(nSize, node.radius[indx[1],2])
          msg <- paste("No raidus data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". Random values will be assigned!", sep = "")
          nSize = c(nSize,  sample(nn, 1))
      node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, radius = nSize)
      rm(i, nSize, indx)
      stop("Node raidus is not integer.")  
  if (is.null(node.radius))
    warning("No data provided for the node radius. All nodes will be assigned random radius values")
    node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, radius = sample(nn, nn))
# Node axis definition
  if (!is.null(node.axis))
    if (is.integer(node.axis[, 2]))
      nSize <- c()
      for (i in 1:length(label))
        indx <- which(as.character(node.axis[,1]) == label[i])
        if (length(indx[1]) != 0)
          nSize = c(nSize, node.axis[indx[1],2])
          msg <- paste("No axis data provided for the node ", nodes$id[n], ". This node will be assigned to axis 1!", sep = "")
          nSize = c(nSize,  1)
      node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, axis = nSize)
      rm(i, nSize, indx)
      stop("Node axis is not integer.")  
  if (is.null(node.axis))
    warning("No data provided for the node axis. All nodes will be assigned to axis 1")
    node.attributes <- cbind(node.attributes, axis = rep(1, nn))

  # Create HPD object
  HPD <- list()
  # Define node attributes
  HPD$nodes$id <- as.integer(node.attributes$id)
  HPD$nodes$lab <- as.character(node.attributes$label)
  HPD$nodes$axis <- as.integer(node.attributes$axis)
  HPD$nodes$radius <- as.numeric(node.attributes$radius)
  HPD$nodes$size <- as.numeric(node.attributes$size)
  HPD$nodes$color <- as.character(node.attributes$color)
  # Get number of edges
  ne <- nrow(edge_df)
  # Edge weight definition
  if (!(is.null(edge.weight))) 
    if (length(edge.weight) != nrow(edge_df))
      stop("Edge weights are not provided for all edges!") 
    if (is.numeric(edge.weight) | is.integer(edge.weight))
      edge_df <- cbind(edge_df, weight = edge.weight)
      stop("Edge weight column is not numeric or integer.")  

  if (is.null(edge.weight))
    warning("No edge weight provided Setting default edge weight to 1")
    edge_df <- cbind(edge_df, weight = rep(1, ne))
  # Edge color definition
  if (!(is.null(edge.color))) 
    if (length(edge.color) != nrow(edge_df))
      stop("Edge colors are not provided for all edges!") 
      edge_df <- cbind(edge_df, color = as.character(edge.color))
  if (is.null(edge.color))
    warning("No edge color provided. Setting default edge color to gray")
    edge_df <- cbind(edge_df, color = rep("gray", ne))
  # Set up edge list
  # Merge by default sorts things and changes the order of edges, so edge list has to stay paired
  edge.hlp <- merge(edge_df, node.attributes[, 1:2], by.x = 1, by.y = "label")
  edge <- merge(edge.hlp, node.attributes[1:2], by.x = 2, by.y = "label")
  HPD$edges$id1 <- as.integer(edge$id.x)
  HPD$edges$id2 <- as.integer(edge$id.y)
  HPD$edges$weight <- as.numeric(edge$weight)
  HPD$edges$color <- as.character(edge$color)
  HPD$nodes <-$nodes)
  HPD$edges <-$edges)
  # Add description
  if (is.null(desc)) {
    desc <- "No description provided"
  HPD$desc <- desc
  # Define axis columns
  if (is.null(axis.cols)){
    axis.cols <- brewer.pal(length(unique(HPD$nodes$axis)), "Set1")

  HPD$axis.cols <- axis.cols
  HPD$nodes$axis <- as.integer(HPD$nodes$axis)
  HPD$nodes$size <- as.numeric(HPD$nodes$size)
  HPD$nodes$color <- as.character(HPD$nodes$color)
  HPD$nodes$lab <- as.character(HPD$nodes$lab)
  HPD$nodes$radius <- as.numeric(HPD$nodes$radius)
  HPD$nodes$id <- as.integer(HPD$nodes$id)
  HPD$edges$id1 <- as.integer(HPD$edges$id1)
  HPD$edges$id2 <- as.integer(HPD$edges$id2)
  HPD$edges$weight <- as.numeric(HPD$edges$weight)
  HPD$edges$color <- as.character(HPD$edges$color)
  HPD$type <- type
  class(HPD) <- "HivePlotData"
  # Check HPD object
  return (HPD)