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Last active November 17, 2024 14:30
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Fast Discrete Program Search with HVM Superpositions (SUP nodes) - finding ADD-CARRY

HOC's Fast Discrete Program Search (DPS)

HOC will soon (EOY?) launch an API for our DPS solution. The interface will be simple:

  • You give us a set of examples (input/output pairs)

  • We'll give you a (Python?) function that models it

And that's it. It will be an universal function finder.

We'll not release the full source, but, meanwhile, I can talk about the theory. As I've written before, the main idea is to exploit "superpositions" - a feature that HVM inherited from Interaction Combinators - to accelerate DPS (or Symbolic Regression). SUPs are the opposite of DUPs: instead of "cloning one value into two locations", they "merge two values into one location". For example, if you write:

Main = (+ {10 20} 1)

HVM will add the superposition of {10 20} to 1, resulting in {11 21}. While this looks like something simple you could just add to existing languages - it isn't. To get an asymptotical speedup, SUPs must be first-class, deeply ingrained into the runtime - and that's incompatible with the classical model that all languages use (the full λ-Calculus).

But how SUPs accelerate DPS?

To explain this, suppose you're trying to find the binary ADD-CARRY algorithm. Assume you don't know the implementation, but you know it can be done with a single recursive pass through both strings. As such, you write the following template:

ADC :: Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool -> [Int]
ADC 0 a     b     c = []
ADC n (0:a) (0:b) 0 = ? : ADC (n-1) a b ?
ADC n (0:a) (1:b) 0 = ? : ADC (n-1) a b ?
ADC n (1:a) (0:b) 0 = ? : ADC (n-1) a b ?
ADC n (1:a) (1:b) 0 = ? : ADC (n-1) a b ?
ADC n (0:a) (0:b) 1 = ? : ADC (n-1) a b ?
ADC n (0:a) (1:b) 1 = ? : ADC (n-1) a b ?
ADC n (1:a) (0:b) 1 = ? : ADC (n-1) a b ?
ADC n (1:a) (1:b) 1 = ? : ADC (n-1) a b ?

Now, all you need to do is find the correct replacement for each of the 16 missing bits (?). In a conventional language (like Haskell), you'd need to use a loop to enumerate and try all the 65,536 options separately. Now, here's the insight: all these "add candidates" share a lot in common. Couldn't we save a lot of time if we could optimally "cache" identical computations across different guesses? Indeed: that's where hash-consing - lol, jk - SUP nodes come to save the day.

On HVM, instead of trying each candidate separately, we can create a superposition of all possible functions. Then, we can apply them all to some test cases. Finally, we can collapse the result into a single value, to recover a function that works. More or less like this:

let adc = {superposition of candidates}

let test_0 = add 48436 10318 == 58754
let test_1 = add 38148 25462 == 63610

collapse $ if test_0 && test_1 then None else Some BITS

Running this on HVM will output the missing bits:

[0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]

And voilà: we just discovered the ADD-CARRY function!

So, how fast this is? In this implementation, a single call to 'add' takes about ~4k interactions. As such, calling it 65k times would take about 262m interactions. Yet, the program above returns in just 36k interactions! That's a ridiculous 7277x speedup. More impressively, we achieved sub-1 interactions per guess! And that speedup only gets larger as the search space grows.

Below I publish the HVM1 source to replicate this experiment:

// type Bool = F | T
F = λf λt f
T = λf λt t

// type Bin = (O Bin) | (I Bin)
(O xs) = λo λi (o xs)
(I xs) = λo λi (i xs)

// type Nat = (S n) | Z
(S n)  = λs λz (s n)
Z      = λs λz z

// If-Then-Else
(If 0 t f) = f
(If x t f) = t

// Converts U60 to Bin
(Bin 0 n) = E
(Bin s n) = (If (== (% n 2) 0) (O (Bin (- s 1) (/ n 2))) (I (Bin (- s 1) (/ n 2))))

// Converts Bin to U60
(U60 0 bs) = 0
(U60 n bs) = (bs λp (+ (* 2 (U60 (- n 1) p)) 0) λp (+ (* 2 (U60 (- n 1) p)) 1))

// Converts U60 to Nat
(Nat 0) = Z
(Nat n) = (S (Nat (- n 1)))

// Boolean Fns
And = λa (a λb(F) λb(b))
Or  = λa (a λb(T) λb(b))

// Maybe Or
(Join None     b) = b
(Join (Some x) b) = (Some x)

// Collapse an N-label Superposition
(Collapse 0 x) = x
(Collapse n x) = (HVM.DUP (- n 1) x λx0λx1(Collapse (- n 1) (Join x0 x1)))
// Checks if two Bins are equal
Eq = λn (n
  λn λa (a
    λa λb (b λb ((Eq) n a b) λb F)
    λa λb (b λb F λb ((Eq) n a b)))
  λa λb T)

// Target Add Function (we're searching this)
Add = λn (n
  λn λa (a
    λa λb (b
      λb λk (k
        (O ((Add) n a b F))
        (I ((Add) n a b F)))
      λb λk (k
        (I ((Add) n a b F))
        (O ((Add) n a b T))))
    λa λb (b
      λb λk (k
        (I ((Add) n a b F))
        (O ((Add) n a b T)))
      λb λk (k
        (O ((Add) n a b T))
        (I ((Add) n a b T)))))
  λa λb λk E)

// Superposed Function Template (with 16 missing bits)
Fun = λn (n
  λn λa (a
    λa λb (b
      λb λk (k
        (#0{λx(O x) λx(I x)} ((Fun) n a b #8{T F}))
        (#1{λx(O x) λx(I x)} ((Fun) n a b #9{T F})))
      λb λk (k
        (#2{λx(O x) λx(I x)} ((Fun) n a b #10{T F}))
        (#3{λx(O x) λx(I x)} ((Fun) n a b #11{T F}))))
    λa λb (b
      λb λk (k
        (#4{λx(O x) λx(I x)} ((Fun) n a b #12{T F}))
        (#5{λx(O x) λx(I x)} ((Fun) n a b #13{T F})))
      λb λk (k
        (#6{λx(O x) λx(I x)} ((Fun) n a b #14{T F}))
        (#7{λx(O x) λx(I x)} ((Fun) n a b #15{T F})))))
  λa λb λe E)

// Superposition Labels used in the Template
Map = [
  #0{0 1} #1{0 1}  #2{0 1}  #3{0 1}  #4{0 1}  #5{0 1}  #6{0 1}  #7{0 1}
  #8{0 1} #9{0 1} #10{0 1} #11{0 1} #12{0 1} #13{0 1} #14{0 1} #15{0 1}

// Tests if `Fun a b == c`
(Test s a b c) =
  let x = ((Fun) (Nat s) (Bin s a) (Bin s b) F)
  let y = (Bin s c)
  ((Eq) (Nat s) x y)

// Main
// ----

// Finds the Binary Addition Function
Main =
  let e0 = (Test 16 48436 10318 58754) // test: 48436 + 10318 = 58754
  let e1 = (Test 16 38148 25462 63610) // test: 38148 + 25462 = 63610
  let ok = ((And) e0 e1) // looks for a Fun that passes both tests
  (Collapse 16 (ok None (Some Map))) // output: [0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]

This is the heart of the algorithm we'll be running, and I'm posting it for anyone to explore. In special, note how we fully replaced loops and enumeration by superposition and collapsing. Of course, this version is greatly simplified, as I provided a template for the ADD-CARRY shape, simplifying the task. Our full solution generates the templates on the fly, and employs a bunch of new tricks to let us to recover functions from I/O pairs alone. We also use a custom HVM version, and (depending on our Series A outcome 😅) a MASSIVE LOT of compute.

Even with all these tricks, the general problem is still exponential, but, by greatly optimizing the cost of a guess (all the way to <1 interaction), and with massive compute, this "dumb" approach can discover programs and proofs that would otherwise be intractable.


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VictorTaelin commented Aug 3, 2024

Note: you must use the dup_labels branch on HVM1: Use -t 1 since HVM1 has a bug with the parallelizer.

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