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Rolling around

Vincent Tam VincentTam

Rolling around
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VincentTam /
Last active October 22, 2023 15:26
vin's discord math notes chap. 2

由於 (1 + 1/n) 是二項式的 n 次方,要了解它的特性(如剛才展示的上下限),需要用上二項式定理。上面不等式最具技巧的一步在於藍色分母從 n! 變成 2⁻¹。 小問題:為何上標有 "-1"? 重點在於 n! = 1 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 3 ⋯ (n - 1) n 中,當 n! 變成 (n + 1)! 時,額外乘上的數字 n + 1 是隨 n 而增長,但 2 變成 2⁺¹ 時,額外乘上的數字永遠是 2,所以當 n「足夠大」(n > 3)時,n! > 2。 取倒數後不等式反轉,於是出現 1/n! < 1/2,然後就可以運用等比數列和公式,為 (1 + 1/n) 給出上限。

上面實驗發現 n 越大,(1 + 1/n) 也越大。即若 m < n,(1 + 1/m) < (1 + 1/n)。這種數列我們叫__嚴格遞增數列__。(「嚴格遞增」比「單調遞增」「嚴格」,只接受「>」,不接受「=」。) 練習:試證 (1 + 1/n) < (1 + 1/(n + 1))⁺¹ 提示:

  1. 如上面般展開 (1 + 1/n),分離最簡單兩項。
  2. 其餘 n - 1 項中,調整分子分母配對,先把 1 / k! 放在左邊。
VincentTam / .gitlab-ci.yml
Last active August 26, 2020 11:58 — forked from florentchauveau/.gitlab-ci.yml
GitLab CI yaml file for building docker images
# This is a GitLab CI configuration to build the project as a docker image
# The file is generic enough to be dropped in a project containing a working Dockerfile
# Author: Florent CHAUVEAU <>
# Mentioned here:
# do not use "latest" here, if you want this to work in the future
image: docker:18
- build
VincentTam / mse2192864.mkd
Last active October 4, 2023 18:31
My answer to a deleted question from WayneXMayersX on math.SE

Interpretation of exponentation and permutation


I have $3^3$, can I call it a permutation/permutation with repetition?

As written in here:

VincentTam / mse2706068.jl
Created March 24, 2018 14:03
Sum of digits of p^2016 for some prime p
using Primes
plist = primes(1,10000)
sumdigits(n, base=10) = sum(digits(n, base))
for p in plist[1:100]
sdgit = sumdigits(big(p)^2016)
println("$(p), $(log(p)), $(sdgit)")
if sdgit == 2017
title('A connected not path connected set')
hold on
% Plot set A
for i = 1:10
plot([0,1], [0,1/i], "linewidth", 2)
% Plot set B
plot([0.5,1],[0,0],'--', "linewidth",2)
VincentTam /
Last active January 27, 2018 08:31
Echange "pythonique" de deux nombres
# input
a = int(input("Donner la valeur de a: "))
b = int(input("Donner la valeur de b: "))
# avant échange
print("a = ",a)
print("b = ",b)
# échange
a, b = b, a
Nvec = 10000:10000:1000000; % no of intervals
rrsumvec = zeros(size(Nvec));
for ind = 1:length(Nvec)
N = Nvec(ind);
dx = 5 / N;
x = (1:N) * dx;
fx = sqrt(25 - x.^2);
rrsum(ind) = sum(fx * dx);

My answer to a deleted question Interpretation of exponentation and permutation on math.SE

WayneXMayersX asked this question.


I have $3^3$, can I call it a permutation/permutation with repetition?

VincentTam / mydual.m
Last active February 21, 2017 09:32
My Octave dual simplex tableau generator
# Show dual simplex tableau
# Prereq: matrix A, vectors b,c, basis
printf("Current basis:"); printf(" %2i", basis); disp("");
B = A(:,basis); cB = c(basis);
Bm1A = B\A; xB = B\b; zrow = cB'*Bm1A-c'; zval = cB'*xB;
if length(xB(xB<0)) >= 1
ovp = find(xB==min(xB(xB<0)))(1);
r = zrow./Bm1A(ovp,:); # ratio for display
T = [0:size(A)(2) 0; basis' Bm1A xB; 0 zrow zval; 0 r 0]
# compute min ratio
VincentTam / mytest.m
Last active February 20, 2017 13:34
My Octave simplex tableau generator
# Show simplex tableau
# Prereq: matrix A, vectors b,c, basis
printf("Current basis:"); printf(" %2i", basis); disp("");
B = A(:,basis); cB = c(basis);
Bm1A = B\A; x_B = B\b; zrow = cB'*Bm1A-c'; zval = cB'*x_B;
nv = find(zrow==min(zrow(zrow<=0)))(1);
r = x_B./Bm1A(:,nv);
T = [0:size(A)(2) 0 0; basis' Bm1A x_B r; 0 zrow zval 0]
if length(r(r>=0)) >= 1
ovp = find(r==min(r(r>=0)))(1);