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Created November 3, 2024 19:06
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Nested NSX-T on NSX-T PowerCLI Functions and Video Example Code
# Author: Dave Davis
# Website:
function New-NsxtParentPort{
param (
[Parameter (Mandatory=$True,
[Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
if (-not $global:DefaultNsxtServers.isconnected)
Connect-NsxtServer -Menu -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Could not connect to an NSX-T Manager, please try again"
# I was having issues getting attachment.context to work using the Get-NsxtService method so resorted to Invoke-Restmethod as a workaround. This does require the credentials again for NSX-T Manager :(
[System.Management.Automation.PSCredential]$global:cred = $(Get-Credential -Message "NSX-T credentials, please!")
$vmService = Get-NsxtService -Name com.vmware.nsx.fabric.virtual_machines
Foreach ($vm in $VmName){
$virtualmachines = $vmService.list().results | Where-Object {$_.display_name -eq $vm}
if ($virtualmachines.display_name -notcontains $vm){
throw "Virtual Machine: $vm doesnt appear to be connected to a NSX-T logical switch. Please make sure it's connected and try again."
$lpSvc = Get-NsxtService -Name com.vmware.nsx.logical_ports
$logicalports = $lpSvc.list().results | Where-Object {$_.display_name -match $vm} | Sort-Object -Property "create_time"
$incr = 0
ForEach ($logicalport in $logicalports) {
$body = [pscustomobject]@{
resource_type = "LogicalPort"
display_name = "p_$($logicalport.display_name)_eth$($incr)"
attachment = @{
attachment_type = "VIF"
context = @{
resource_type = "VifAttachmentContext"
vif_type = "PARENT"
id = $
admin_state = "UP"
logical_switch_id = $logicalport.logical_switch_id
_revision = 0
} | ConvertTo-Json
$URI = "$($Connection.serviceuri.absoluteUri)" + "api/v1/logical-ports/$($"
$parentVIF = Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Basic -method "put" -uri $URI -body $body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck -Credential $cred
$incr ++
# Parent VIFs
function New-NsxtChildPort{
param (
[Parameter (Position=0,
[object []]$parentVIF,
[Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
[string []]$Name,
[Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
[int []]$VLAN,
[Parameter (Mandatory=$True)]
[string []]$LogicalSwitchName,
[Parameter (Mandatory=$False)]
begin {
if (-not $global:DefaultNsxtServers.isconnected)
Connect-NsxtServer -Menu -ErrorAction Stop
throw "Could not connect to an NSX-T Manager, please try again"
$lsSvc = Get-NsxtService -Name com.vmware.nsx.logical_switches
$logicalSwitches = $lsSvc.list().results
process {
foreach ($i in $logicalSwitchName){
if (($logicalSwitches.display_name -match $i).length -eq 1){
Write-Host "Logical Switch: $i does not exists" -ForegroundColor Red
foreach ($n in $Name)
foreach ($p in $parentVIF){
$bodyobj = [pscustomobject]@{
resource_type = "LogicalPort"
display_name = "c_" + $n + "_vlan" + $VLAN[$Name.IndexOf($n)] + "_" + $p.display_name.split(".").split("/")[1] + "_" + $p.display_name.split("_")[-1]
attachment = @{
attachment_type = "VIF"
context = @{
resource_type = "VifAttachmentContext"
parent_vif_id = " "
traffic_tag = $VLAN[$Name.IndexOf($n)]
app_id = (New-Item -Name $([System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())).name + "_" + $VLAN[$Name.IndexOf($n)]
vif_type = "CHILD"
id = (New-Item -Name $([System.Guid]::NewGuid().ToString())).name + "_" + $VLAN[$Name.IndexOf($n)]
logical_switch_id = ($logicalSwitches | Where-Object {$_.display_name -eq $LogicalSwitchName[$Name.IndexOf($n)]}).id
# address binding is hardcoded but may look into pull this information in dynamically
address_bindings = @(
mac_address = "00:00:00:00:00:00"
ip_address = ""
vlan = $VLAN[$Name.IndexOf($n)]
admin_state = "UP"
$bodyobj.attachment.context.parent_vif_id = $
$body = $bodyobj | ConvertTo-Json
$URI = "$($Connection.serviceuri.absoluteUri)" + "api/v1/logical-ports/"
Invoke-RestMethod -Authentication Basic -method "post" -uri $URI -body $body -ContentType "application/json" -SkipCertificateCheck -Credential $cred
#Connect to NSX-T Manager and vCenter
Connect-NsxtServer -Server "NSX-T Manager URL or IP" -User admin -Password "Password here"
Connect-VIServer -Server "vCenter URL or IP" -User "administrator@vsphere.local" -Password "Password here"
# Set to VM Network portgroup. Used to quickly change portgroup setting to "VM Network" when I was testing.
Get-VM "nsxt_lab01_mgmt-esxi01",
"nsxt_lab01_comp-esxi03" | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName "VM Network" -Confirm:$false
# Set to nsxt backed portgroup. Used to quickly change portgroup setting to "NSX-T Backed Portgroup i.e. nsxt_lab01_mgmt_vmk0_subnet_100" when I was testing.
Get-VM "nsxt_lab01_mgmt-esxi01",
"nsxt_lab01_comp-esxi03" | Get-NetworkAdapter | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName "nsxt_lab01_mgmt_vmk0_subnet_100" -Confirm:$false
# Quickly set Network to VM Network to reset and test script against hosts again.
Get-VM | Get-NetworkAdapter | Where-Object {$_.NetworkName -eq "nsxt_lab01_mgmt_vmk0_subnet_100"} | Set-NetworkAdapter -NetworkName "VM Network" -Confirm:$false
# Dot Sourcing the NSX-T Functions
. ./'NSX-T_Parent-Child_Functions'.ps1
# Create Parent and Child Ports.
# Make sure to change below parameters that are relevant to your environment. The information below was used in the youtube video.
# Youtube Video -
New-NsxtParentPort -VmName "nsxt_lab01_mgmt-esxi01",
"nsxt_lab01_comp-esxi03" |
New-NsxtChildPort -Name "workload1",
"nfs" `
-VLAN "80",
"103" `
-LogicalSwitchName "nsxt_lab01_workload1_vmk0_subnet_80",
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