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Last active November 3, 2024 15:18
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Set Perennially Reserved on RDMs
# Author: Dave Davis
# Website:
# Modify Perennially Reserved for Phsyical RDMs #
# Global variable
$vcenter = ""
$Cluster1 = "compute"
$rdmPRreportLocation = "RDM-PR-report.csv"
# vCenter
Connect-VIServer -Server $vcenter
# Phase 1 #
# ESXi Hosts Info. Since my environemnt is in linked mode I filter for specific vCenter
$vmhosts = Get-Cluster | Where-Object {$_.Name -eq $Cluster1} | Get-VMHost |
Where-Object {$_.Uid -match "vcsa-a"} | Sort-Object
# RDMs Info
$RDMinfo = $vmHosts | Get-VM | Get-HardDisk -Disktype "rawPhysical" | `
Select ScsiCanonicalName, @{Name = "VM" ; Expression = {$_.parent}}, `
@{Name = "ESXiHost" ; Expression = {$_.parent.vmhost}}, `
@{Name = "Datastore" ; Expression = {$_.Filename.split("]")[0].trim("[")}}
Write-host "Informational: pRDMs shared between VMs" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Identify duplicate SCSICanonicalNames
$RDMinfo | Group -Property ScsiCanonicalName | Where count -gt 1 | Select -ExpandProperty Group | Format-Table -AutoSize
# Create emptry array for report
$rdmPRreport = @()
Write-host "Informational: Begin Perennially Reserved modification of pRDMs" -ForegroundColor Yellow
Write-Host "Format: [ host ] [ datastore ] [ naa id ] [ perennially reserved status ]" -ForegroundColor Darkblue
foreach ( $vmhost in $ {
$myesxcli = Get-EsxCli -VMhost $vmHost
foreach ($naa in $RDMInfo | ? VM -match "c-sql-node01"){
$Result = New-Object PSObject
$diskinfo = $$naa.SCSICanonicalName)
if($diskinfo.IsPerenniallyReserved -eq "false"){
# Phase 2 # --> to set perennially reserved status remove the # below and modify the last $false to $true
$diskinfo = $$naa.SCSICanonicalName)
$vmhost + " " + $naa.Datastore + " " + $naa.SCSICanonicalName + " " + `
"PerenniallyReserved = " + $diskinfo.IsPerenniallyReserved
$Result | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Host" -Value $vmhost
$Result | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Datastore" -Value $naa.Datastore
$Result | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "Disk Name" -Value $naa.SCSICanonicalName
$Result | add-member -membertype NoteProperty -name "PR enabled?" -Value $diskinfo.IsPerenniallyReserved
$rdmPRreport += $Result
Write-host "Informational: Completed Perennially Reserved modification of pRDMs" -ForegroundColor Yellow
# Export RDMs to CSV
Write-host "Exporting Datastore Report to: $rdmPRreportLocation" -ForegroundColor Green
$rdmPRreport | Export-Csv -Path $rdmPRreportLocation -NoClobber:$false
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