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Last active January 13, 2022 15:26
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Minetest backup postgresql->sqlite w/ dedupe optimization
set -ex
set -ex
rsync -rlt -f 'H /restart' -f 'H /online' --delete-after /src/worlds/world/ /tmp/backup/
cd /tmp/backup
rm -rf profiler
# Encrypted backup contains full auth; public copy has password hashes cleared.
gpg --import /static/pgpkey.txt ||:
time gpg --encrypt --armor --trust-model always -r "$PGPID" <auth.sqlite >auth.sqlite.asc
time sqlite3 auth.sqlite 'update auth set password = null; vacuum'
# Instead of relying on built-in migration, try to do a simple upsert
# on top of any past snapshot, to try to make minimal incremental
# changes in a single pass.
rm -f map.sqlite
cp /backup/map.sqlite map.sqlite ||:
echo 'begin transaction;'
echo 'create table if not exists blocks (pos int primary key, data blob);'
pg_dump -p 5432 -h pgsql -U "$PGUSERNAME" -w -a -t public.blocks "$PBDATABASE" |\
perl -ne '
my($x, $y, $z, $hex) = split("\t");
$hex or next;
print "update blocks set data=X'\''" . substr($hex, 3) . "'\''"
. " where pos=" . (16777216 * $z + 4096 * $y + $x)
. " and data<>X'\''" . substr($hex, 3) . "'\'';\n";
print "insert or ignore into blocks values("
. (16777216 * $z + 4096 * $y + $x)
. ",X'\''" . substr($hex, 3) . "'\'');\n";
echo 'commit;'
) | time sqlite3 map.sqlite
rm -f players.sqlite
time minetestserver --migrate-players sqlite3 --world .
grep -v '^pgsql_' < |\
sed 's/backend = postgresql/backend = sqlite3/' > &&\
# May contain PII
rm -f ipban.txt
# Keep backup clean of journal files
find . -type f -name '*.sqlite' | while read X; do
sqlite3 "$X" 'PRAGMA journal_mode=delete;'
# Apparently mounting individual files inside another bind mount
# causes docker to do insane things, so mount them separately
# and compose them manually.
( cd /motd && tar cf - . ) | tar xf -
time /mapper/minetestmapper \
--drawalpha \
--colors /static/colors.txt \
--geometry -992:-992+2000+2000 \
-i . \
-o map.png \
--min-y -64 \
--max-y 1024 \
--bgcolor \#000000
time optipng -o 1 -strip all map.png
) 2>&1 |\
while read X; do
echo "[`date --iso-8601=seconds`] $X"
done >/tmp/log-$$.txt
mv /tmp/log-$$.txt /tmp/backup/backup-log.txt
time rsync -rlt --delay-updates --delete-delay /tmp/backup/ /backup/
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