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Created October 20, 2019 14:58
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  • Save Whateverable/6c6def919c696ea9678be2531a6f4fb0 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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BEGIN { my str $name = 'foo'; our $subset := Metamodel::SubsetHOW.new_type: :$name; $*W.add_object_if_no_sc: $subset }; say $subset.^name.WHAT
Output on both points: «===SORRY!=== Error while compiling /tmp/PJPUG5gSKt
An exception occurred while evaluating a BEGIN
at /tmp/PJPUG5gSKt:1
Exception details:
===SORRY!=== Error while compiling
Required named parameter 'refinee' not passed
at :
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