From ≈2018-11-26T00:00:00Z to ≈2018-12-03T00:00:00Z
Open tickets before: 2178
Open tickets after: 2179
Number of tickets touched: 10
[closed] GH#2508 Fix shaped dynamic var (my %*a{Int}) [closed] GH#2509 my @a is Buf / Blob doesn't work [closed] GH#2510 thread
[testneeded] GH#2401 Match.^roles does not behave
[updated] GH#2475 Reimplement .native-descriptor for async sockets [updated] GH#2499 Failures in Perl6::Parser module [updated] GH#2501 unexpected behavior from cglobal pointers [updated] GH#2507 Regex inside structure not giving the same result as raw regex
[closed] GH#2508 Fix shaped dynamic var (my %*a{Int}) [closed] GH#2509 my @a is Buf / Blob doesn't work [closed] GH#2510 thread [open] GH#2511 Ignore library versions on OpenBSD. [open] GH#2512 Smartmatch with Any and Pair tries to call a non-existent method on Any