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Created February 23, 2020 11:25
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  • Save Whateverable/ce9b1017378c9bd6c299bbd67b717535 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save Whateverable/ce9b1017378c9bd6c299bbd67b717535 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
    + Merge branch 'match-subst' of ssh:// into match-subst [b582c7e9]
    + Make Parameter's BUILD use named args [b2c809e4]
    + Support basic usage of UNIX sockets over TCP with IO::Socket::INET [7c7d3b96]
    + Add constant for PF_UNSPEC [1a5b2185]
    + Add a family named parameter to IO::Socket::INET.connect and .listen [ed4226d7]
    + Pod::To::Text display enums [f60d9694]
    + Pod::To::Text display subset documentation [91f89435]
    + Fix #2371 - Pod::To::Text display sub & method return type [0b0a1aad]
    + Add Parameter.prefix and Parameter.suffix [bd68955b]
    + Refactor Parameter.raku and improve how it handles parameter names [3f6a2a22]
    + Decontainerize arguments in eqv between Seqs [76187b57]
    + Allow clients to define their own "name" / "version" logic [1299e324]
    + Merge pull request #3446 from dumarchie/eqv [5d65764a]
    + Merge pull request #3438 from rakudo/release-2020.01 [0d530092]
    + Merge pull request #3357 from Kaiepi/unix [547c7b94]
    + Bump NQP to get Moar support for IP6NS changes [bae5fc7d]
    + Merge pull request #3430 from Kaiepi/parameter-raku [c9a6b02d]
    + Merge pull request #3330 from vendethiel/manual-parameter-new [749ab904]
    + Merge pull request #3286 from rakudo/match-subst [14abd588]
    + [JVM] Unbreak the build [a08f0439]
    + Bump NQP to get some grammar micro-opts [fb13c31c]
    + [JVM] Update overlooked ref to HLL language perl6 [59cf387d]
    + Use file from roast's as example [ab6710e6]
    + [JVM] Update another ref to HLL language perl6 [5984ce98]
    + Merge pull request #3449 from vrurg/will-build-typecheck [e27811a6]
    + Merge branch 'master' into will-build-typecheck [68ff8cf5]
    + Merge pull request #3452 from vrurg/will-build-typecheck [589ba38c]
    + Remove deprecated support for implicit Distribution::Builder prefix [593db2d7]
    + Add a --build-only option for install-dist.p6 [4c6c0278]
    + Make building optional when installing in install-dist.p6 [411db10e]
    + Don't attempt to split ports from paths for for UNIX sockets [ce5b5dea]
    + Don't call nqp::getport when listening on UNIX sockets [62cb756d]
    + Bump NQP to get the latest libtommath fixes [f8b9d027]
    + Make sure Version objects can coerce themselves [5eb113b1]
    + Fix variable declared by shape match in signature [ca78390e]
    + Give Junction an iterator method [bceaeb1a]
    + Don't unwant the first argument of a call node [e1faa704]
    + #2364 Make throws-like throw an exception on Bool:D matchers [f4ad0c2e]
    + Bump NQP to get latest libuv and some NQP fixes [37b1be7e]
    + #2364 Fix review [50f084d8]
    + Bump NQP to get is-prime fix [5cffce14]
    + Change err msg for pos after named in signature [8dcf1a8e]
    + Add the Stash's name to the Failure when trying... [ca1e51c8]
    + Bump NQP to get latest libtommath fixes [9a83b61e]
    + Correct the todo count for some Unicode tests [e2a66ff6]
    + Merge pull request #3361 from kalkin/Pod-To-Text-Subsets [94b30b66]
    + Merge pull request #3360 from kalkin/Pod-To-Text-Enums [ca912be1]
    + Merge pull request #3369 from kalkin/sub-and-method-return-type [a152997d]
    + properly close Channel Supply [6fbfc4a0]
    + Mention RAKUDOLIB in --help [f9b7de22]
    + Merge pull request #3472 from rbt/master [5a4a3be4]
    + Merge pull request #3464 from atroxaper/2364-throws-like-bool [f2b30919]
    + Correct the order of checks in Bool condition [5696dbd1]
    + Merge pull request #3473 from vrurg/test-matcher-bool [cdc907b2]
    + Merge pull request #3467 from jstuder-gh/named_param_lta_error_msg [ab9c1ffa]
    + Merge pull request #3465 from MasterDuke17/add_some_more_context_to_could_not_find_symbol_failure [774a839c]
    + Merge pull request #3471 from kbucheli/propberly_close_channel_supply [83900164]
    + s/// parts should be thunks, not lexical scopes [50ca2ed9]
    + Fix clone of multi-dim array to be deep enough [4a954cbc]
    + Ensure Foo(...) coercers make Raku objects [3a86272e]
    + Fix closure handling of the s/// construct [adb85e44]
    + Enable user-defined chaining operators to work [d027ee0c]
    + Fix internal compiler error on parameter re-decl [3498c540]
    + Have the REPL register uncaught exception handler [6bf227d0]
    + Bump NQP to get srand / rand_I fixes [f95bf76a]
    + Fix concurrency issue with re-checking a precomp file's dependencies [f5ce80e1]
    + Bump NQP [5685648a]
    + Added *_RUNNER_OPTS variable [701c38df]
    + Merge pull request #3480 from vrurg/rakudo_3478 [fbeb3e34]
    + Renaming of perl6 to rakudo [f5f6f76f]
    + Merge branch 'master' into perl6-to-rakudo [585cc6b5]
    + Return back PERL6LIB [23ca6952]
    + Add inst-perl6* to cleanup list [519a741a]
    + Return accidentally removed perl6-m [536a2d28]
    + Don't use raku method where it's not available [b2962b1f]
    + Make Signature instantiate_generic not skipping return type [56ccd132]
    + Make Channel.list around 16x faster [82bd76f1]
    + Merge pull request #3484 from vrurg/rakudo_3483 [17f7c5ad]
    + Merge pull request #3481 from vrurg/perl6-to-rakudo [0bebe4e2]
    + Remove duplicate entry from .gitignore [b74e5d7b]
    + Set attribute's rw status when added to a container [4de852e4]
    + Apply late `also is rw` trait to the existing attributes [85660c8f]
    + fix typo in comment [348fa84c]
    + Merge pull request #3496 from vrurg/rakudo_3495 [40352398]
    + Fix executable name and off-by-one [388846cf]
    + Make Seq.list return the cached list if it exists [8ccfa87e]
    + Make error on Buf stringification more awesome [539e96c2]
    + Fix mixing in Raku-level code to the grammar [992f1b83]
    + Base .List and .Slip on .list [d1d931a7]
    + Remove period to fix test [3f637af9]
    + IO::Path!new-from-absolute-path is a private method [1d946e15]
    + Revert "Make Match.STR faster if there are no captures" [21aa02ba]
    + Merge pull request #3502 from dumarchie/Seq.list [65cc0a8b]
    + Temporary fix for R#3459 [65ef7db1]
    + Revert workaround for issue with num [4064023c]
    + Merge pull request #3506 from dumarchie/master [858a0e32]
    + Bump NQP to get native num fixes [271d0b4b]
    + Change the default "from" to "Raku" [6354c915]
    + Revert "Change the default "from" to "Raku"" [8dcf652d]
    + Temporarily disable CircleCI building [adc61a8f]
    + Merge pull request #3508 from patrickbkr/disable-circleci [e0005de7]
    + Fix CircleCI configuration [efba9639]
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