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Last active July 15, 2020 15:30
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; Text expansions to aid date input in dynalist
; !tod = today, !tom=tomorrow !sat=next sunday
; !i2d = in 2 days, !nw = next sunday, !i2w = sunday of the second week from today
; NOTE: Some shortcuts require date.exe from posix utils. If you have git for windows installed in the default location, the script will work.
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
;global gitpath := "C:/Software/git/usr/bin/date.exe"
global gitpath := "C:/Program Files/git/usr/bin/date.exe"
; today
FormatTime, CurrentDateTime, A_Now, {!}(yyyy-MM-dd){Space}
SendInput %CurrentDateTime%
; tomorrow
vDate := DateAdd(A_Now, 1, "Days")
FormatTime, oDate, %vDate%, {!}(yyyy-MM-dd){Space}
SendInput %oDate%
; in 2 days
vDate := DateAdd(A_Now, 2, "Days")
FormatTime, oDate, %vDate%, {!}(yyyy-MM-dd){Space}
SendInput %oDate%
; in 3 days
vDate := DateAdd(A_Now, 3, "Days")
FormatTime, oDate, %vDate%, {!}(yyyy-MM-dd){Space}
SendInput %oDate%
; in 4 days
vDate := DateAdd(A_Now, 4, "Days")
FormatTime, oDate, %vDate%, {!}(yyyy-MM-dd){Space}
SendInput %oDate%
; next week / in 1 week (Sunday)
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d sun")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; in 2 week (Sunday)
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d sun+7day")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; in 3 week (Sunday)
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d sun+14day")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; next month / in 4 week (Sunday)
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d sun+21day")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; next sunday
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d sun")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; next monday
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d mon")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; next tuesday
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d tue")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; next wednesday
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d wed")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; next thursday
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d thu")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; next friday
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d fri")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
; next saturday
vDate := StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(gitpath . " --rfc-3339=date -d sat")
vDate := Rtrim(vDate, "`n")
SendInput {!}(%vDate%){Space}
;commands as functions (AHK v2 functions for AHK v1) - AutoHotkey Community
DateAdd(DateTime, Time, TimeUnits)
EnvAdd, DateTime, % Time, % TimeUnits
return DateTime
DateDiff(DateTime1, DateTime2, TimeUnits)
EnvSub, DateTime1, % DateTime2, % TimeUnits
return DateTime1
FormatTime(YYYYMMDDHH24MISS:="", Format:="")
local OutputVar
FormatTime, OutputVar, % YYYYMMDDHH24MISS, % Format
return OutputVar
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
; Function .....: StdoutToVar_CreateProcess
; Description ..: Runs a command line program and returns its output.
; Parameters ...: sCmd - Commandline to execute.
; ..............: sEncoding - Encoding used by the target process. Look at StrGet() for possible values.
; ..............: sDir - Working directory.
; ..............: nExitCode - Process exit code, receive it as a byref parameter.
; Return .......: Command output as a string on success, empty string on error.
; AHK Version ..: AHK_L x32/64 Unicode/ANSI
; Author .......: Sean (, modified by nfl and by Cyruz
; License ......: WTFPL -
; Changelog ....: Feb. 20, 2007 - Sean version.
; ..............: Sep. 21, 2011 - nfl version.
; ..............: Nov. 27, 2013 - Cyruz version (code refactored and exit code).
; ..............: Mar. 09, 2014 - Removed input, doesn't seem reliable. Some code improvements.
; ..............: Mar. 16, 2014 - Added encoding parameter as pointed out by lexikos.
; ..............: Jun. 02, 2014 - Corrected exit code error.
; ..............: Nov. 02, 2016 - Fixed blocking behavior due to ReadFile thanks to PeekNamedPipe.
; ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
StdoutToVar_CreateProcess(sCmd, sEncoding:="CP0", sDir:="", ByRef nExitCode:=0) {
DllCall( "CreatePipe", PtrP,hStdOutRd, PtrP,hStdOutWr, Ptr,0, UInt,0 )
DllCall( "SetHandleInformation", Ptr,hStdOutWr, UInt,1, UInt,1 )
VarSetCapacity( pi, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 16 : 24, 0 )
siSz := VarSetCapacity( si, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 68 : 104, 0 )
NumPut( siSz, si, 0, "UInt" )
NumPut( 0x100, si, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 44 : 60, "UInt" )
NumPut( hStdOutWr, si, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 60 : 88, "Ptr" )
NumPut( hStdOutWr, si, (A_PtrSize == 4) ? 64 : 96, "Ptr" )
If ( !DllCall( "CreateProcess", Ptr,0, Ptr,&sCmd, Ptr,0, Ptr,0, Int,True, UInt,0x08000000
, Ptr,0, Ptr,sDir?&sDir:0, Ptr,&si, Ptr,&pi ) )
Return ""
, DllCall( "CloseHandle", Ptr,hStdOutWr )
, DllCall( "CloseHandle", Ptr,hStdOutRd )
DllCall( "CloseHandle", Ptr,hStdOutWr ) ; The write pipe must be closed before reading the stdout.
While ( 1 )
{ ; Before reading, we check if the pipe has been written to, so we avoid freezings.
If ( !DllCall( "PeekNamedPipe", Ptr,hStdOutRd, Ptr,0, UInt,0, Ptr,0, UIntP,nTot, Ptr,0 ) )
If ( !nTot )
{ ; If the pipe buffer is empty, sleep and continue checking.
Sleep, 100
} ; Pipe buffer is not empty, so we can read it.
VarSetCapacity(sTemp, nTot+1)
DllCall( "ReadFile", Ptr,hStdOutRd, Ptr,&sTemp, UInt,nTot, PtrP,nSize, Ptr,0 )
sOutput .= StrGet(&sTemp, nSize, sEncoding)
; * SKAN has managed the exit code through SetLastError.
DllCall( "GetExitCodeProcess", Ptr,NumGet(pi,0), UIntP,nExitCode )
DllCall( "CloseHandle", Ptr,NumGet(pi,0) )
DllCall( "CloseHandle", Ptr,NumGet(pi,A_PtrSize) )
DllCall( "CloseHandle", Ptr,hStdOutRd )
Return sOutput
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