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kshenoy / CapsUnlocked.ahk
Created June 12, 2015 07:37
Use CapsLock as Control/Escape in Windows
; This is a complete solution to map the CapsLock key to Control and Escape without losing the ability to toggle CapsLock
; We use two tools here - any remapping software to map CapsLock to LControl and AutoHotkey to execute the following script
; This has been tested with MapKeyboard (by Inchwest)
; This will allow you to
; * Use CapsLock as Escape if it's the only key that is pressed and released within 300ms (this can be changed below)
; * Use CapsLock as LControl when used in conjunction with some other key or if it's held longer than 300ms
; * Toggle CapsLock by pressing LControl/CapsLock + RControl
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