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Xavier Plantefève XPlantefeve

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XPlantefeve / PXENextBoot-Dell.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Gets a computer to boot on PXE at next boot, clears the flag, or retrieve the information. For Dell systems with the Sysman WMI layer installed.
Gets a computer to boot on PXE at next boot, clears the flag,
or retrieve the information.
Works for Dell systems with the Sysman WMI layer installed.
LAST UPDATED: 18/02/2015
AUTHOR : Xavier Plantefève
XPlantefeve / ConvertTo-Csave.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Rewriting of the ConvertTo-CSV CMDlet, as an exercise.
Converts objects into a series of comma-separated value (CSV) variable-length strings.
The ConvertTo-CSV cmdlet returns a series of comma-separated (CSV) strings that represents the objects that you submit. You can then use the ConvertFrom-CSV cmdlet to re-create
objects from the CSV strings. The resulting objects are CSV versions of the original objects that consist of string representations of the property values and no methods.
You can also use the T:Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Export-Csv and T:Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.Import-Csv cmdlets to convert objects to CSV strings (and back). Export-CSV is the
same as ConvertTo-CSV, except that it saves the CSV strings in a file.
XPlantefeve / ConvertFrom-Csave.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:15
Rewriting of ConvertFrom-Csv, as an exercise. Quickly done and unfinished.
Function ConvertFrom-Csave {
Param (
[char]$Delimiter = ',',
[string[]] $Header,
[PSObject] $InputObject,
XPlantefeve / test.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Exercise: answer to an old forum question.
# version 1. Note that "-Attributes" was not available in 2010 (PoSh2)
Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Attributes !Directory |
ForEach-Object { Add-Member -InputObject $_ -NotePropertyName Acl -NotePropertyValue (Get-Acl $_.FullName) -PassThru } |
Select-Object DirectoryName,Name,length,@{Name='Owner';Expression={$_.acl.Owner}}
XPlantefeve / Convert-GrisbiToCsv.ps1
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Conversion of a Grisbi personal finance file to csv. #Raw
function Convert-Currency ($transaction)
If ($transaction.Exb -eq '1') {
return [math]::Round([decimal]$transaction.Am /
[decimal]$transaction.Exr,2) + $transaction.exf
} else {
return [math]::Round([decimal]$transaction.Am *
[decimal]$transaction.Exr,2) + $transaction.exf
'LastName1, FirstName1',
'LastName2, FirstName2',
'LastName3, FirstName3',
$odd = $true
XPlantefeve / ModuleAsObject.ps1
Created March 19, 2015 16:18
Module as object
function New-Dog {
[ValidateSet('small', 'medium','large', $null)]
XPlantefeve / Get-FaultyAdmAccounts.ps1
Created March 19, 2015 16:21
Get faulty ADM accounts ('adm-username' for which there's no 'username')
Function Get-ADReferent ($user)
$user = $user -replace '^adm-',''
Try {
$test = Get-ADUser $user
} Catch {
XPlantefeve / Get-SurveyorComputer.ps1
Created March 31, 2015 13:52
Reads computer info from a surveyor database
Gets computer information from Surveyor
Returns computers from the Surveyor database. Can return information for
specific computers or a filtered subset of the DB table.
Get-SurveyorComputer -Name MyComputerName
Returns information for the computer named MyComputerName.
XPlantefeve / SQLServer.ps1
Created March 31, 2015 13:56
A couple of CMDlets to interrogate a SQLServer
Opens a connection to a SQL server.
Opens a connection to a SQL server and provides a sqlConnection object.
the connection object has to be closed at the end of the processing.
$con = Open-SQLServer -Server SQLSVR -Database MyDataBase
Opens a connection to the MyDataBase DB on SQLSVR.