This cleaned and refactored version is brought to you by Lessaire. There is so much wrong with this still, but since this crap is out in the wild may as well do what I can All I know is the original authors, whoever they were, should feel ashamed. Original Credits: Maybe Maybe GarQet Maybe someone else I dont fucking care, this script is 8 years old. This revision attempts to register the creatureEvents in the buffered login script at the bottom. If for whatever reason that doesn't work, you need to just move them to your regular login.lua. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Configuration Guide: announce - Event start announcement message whyBother - Announcement of cancellation due to insufficient participants winnerRed - Announcement that red team has won event winnerBlue - Announcement that blue team has won event posLobby - Position of Event Lobby where participants muster posTeamRed - Position of Red Team temple/start posTeamBlue - Position of Blue Team temple/start minLevel - Minimum player level to participate minAttend - Minimum attendance to start event maxAttend - Maximum attendance of the arena scoreWin - Number of frags to win battle prizeItem - ItemID of reward prizeAmount - Quantity of reward preamble - Delay minutes between announcement and commencement results - Delay minutes to publish results -- Global Storages scoreRed - Number of frags scored by Red team scoreBlue - Number of frags scored by Blue team stateSignup - EventState: registration open stateBegun - EventState: has commenced and is underway (2 globals for event state? noob shit) stateAttend - EventState: attendance stateIndice - EventState: current registration indice (for team assigning, noob shit) inArena - PlayerState: Sent to event grounds registered - PlayerState: Registered for event || EventState: Winning kill onTeamRed - PlayerState: On Team Red onTeamBlue - PlayerState: On Team Blue ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 3 then local red = getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.scoreRed) local blue = getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.scoreBlue) local nRed = rushConfig.teamRed local nBlue = rushConfig.teamBlue local limit = rushConfig.scoreWin local message = "" if blue < limit and red < limit then message = string.format("%s: %s frags.\n%s: %s frags.\nMatch is under way to %s frags.", nRed, red, nBlue, blue, limit) elseif blue >= limit then message = string.format("%s scored %s/%s frags. %s should win.", nBlue, blue, limit, nBlue) elseif red >= limit then message = string.format("%s scored %s/%s frags. %s should win.", nRed, red, limit, nRed) end doPlayerSendTextMessage(cid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, message) return true end return true end ]]> 3 then setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateIndice, 1) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.scoreBlue, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.scoreRed, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateSignup, 1) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend, 0) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateBegun, 0) local message = string.format("Attention! %s will start in %s minutes. %s", rushConfig.eventName, rushConfig.preamble, rushConfig.joinHow) doBroadcastMessage(message, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) local function broadcaster( minutes ) if(minutes == 1) then doBroadcastMessage(rushConfig.eventName .. ", starts in a minute. Last chance to join: !battle", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) return true; end doBroadcastMessage(rushConfig.eventName .. ", starts in " .. minutes .. rushConfig.joinHow, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) end if(rushConfig.preamble > 5) then addEvent(broadcaster, (rushConfig.preamble - 4) * 1000 * 60, 4) end if(rushConfig.preamble > 4) then addEvent(broadcaster, (rushConfig.preamble - 3) * 1000 * 60, 3) end if(rushConfig.preamble > 3) then addEvent(broadcaster, (rushConfig.preamble - 2) * 1000 * 60, 2) end if(rushConfig.preamble > 2) then addEvent(broadcaster, (rushConfig.preamble - 1) * 1000 * 60, 1) end addEvent(start, rushConfig.preamble * 1000 * 60) return true end return true end function results() if(getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateSignup) == 1) then local red = getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.scoreRed) local blue = getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.scoreBlue) doBroadcastMessage(rushConfig.eventName .. " results:\nRed Team scored: ".. red .." frags.\nBlue Team scored: ".. blue .." frags.\nMatch is under way to ".. rushConfig.scoreWin .." frags.", MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) addEvent(results, rushConfig.results * 1000 * 60) end end function start() if(getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateSignup) == 1 and getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend) >= rushConfig.minAttend) then doBroadcastMessage(rushConfig.announce, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateBegun, 1) addEvent(results, rushConfig.results * 1000 * 60) for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do local myOutfit = getCreatureOutfit(pid) local red = {lookType = myOutfit.lookType, lookHead = 94, lookBody = 94, lookLegs = 94, lookFeet = 94, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = myOutfit.lookAddons} local blue = {lookType = myOutfit.lookType, lookHead = 86, lookBody = 86, lookLegs = 86, lookFeet = 86, lookTypeEx = 0, lookAddons = myOutfit.lookAddons} if getPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.registered) == 1 then doCreatureAddHealth(pid, getCreatureMaxHealth(pid)) doCreatureAddMana(pid, getCreatureMaxMana(pid)) if((getPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.stateIndice) % 2) == 1) then doCreatureChangeOutfit(pid, red) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.inArena, 1) doTeleportThing(pid, rushConfig.posTeamRed) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.registered, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.onTeamBlue, 0) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.onTeamRed, 1) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(pid), 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You are in RED TEAM!\nThis battle will continue up to ".. rushConfig.scoreWin .." frags!") else doCreatureChangeOutfit(pid, blue) doTeleportThing(pid, rushConfig.posTeamBlue) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.inArena, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.registered, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.onTeamBlue, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.onTeamRed, 0) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(pid), 10) doPlayerSendTextMessage(pid, MESSAGE_EVENT_ADVANCE, "You are in BLUE TEAM!\nThis battle will continue up to ".. rushConfig.scoreWin .." frags!") end end end elseif(getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend) < rushConfig.minAttend) then doBroadcastMessage(rushConfig.whyBother, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateSignup, -1) for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if getPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.registered) == 1 then setPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.registered, -1) doTeleportThing(pid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(pid))) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(pid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) end end end end ]]> = rushConfig.maxAttend then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, rushConfig.errorFull .. " [" .. getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend) .. " players]!") return true end setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend, getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend)+1) if getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend) == rushConfig.maxAttend then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, rushConfig.errorFull .. " [" .. getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend) .. " players]!") else doBroadcastMessage("" .. getPlayerName(cid) .. " has joined to the " .. rushConfig.eventName .. "! Now, we have: " .. getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateAttend) .. " players!", 19) end setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.registered, 1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.inArena, -1) doTeleportThing(cid, rushConfig.posLobby) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.stateIndice, getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateIndice)) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateIndice, tonumber(getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateIndice))+1) return true end ]]> = rushConfig.scoreWin local victoryBlue = blue >= rushConfig.scoreWin local winner = victoryBlue or victoryRed if (not winner) then if((getPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.stateIndice) % 2) == 1) then doTeleportThing(cid, rushConfig.posTeamRed) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 10) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), MAGIC_EFFECT_UNKNOWN, COLOR_UNKNOWN, true) doCreatureAddMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid)) doPlayerRemoveDamagingConditions(cid) if getCreatureSkullType(cid) == SKULL_WHITE then doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, 0) end else doTeleportThing(cid, rushConfig.posTeamBlue) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), 10) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), MAGIC_EFFECT_UNKNOWN, COLOR_UNKNOWN, true) doCreatureAddMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid)) doPlayerRemoveDamagingConditions(cid) if getCreatureSkullType(cid) == SKULL_WHITE then doCreatureSetSkullType(cid, 0) end end else local message = victoryBlue and rushConfig.winnerBlue or rushConfig.winnerRed local team = victoryBlue and rushConfig.onTeamBlue or rushConfig.onTeamRed doBroadcastMessage(message, MESSAGE_STATUS_WARNING) for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, team) == 1) then doPlayerAddItem(pid, rushConfig.prizeItem, rushConfig.prizeAmount) end end end -- With this kill, a team won if winner then setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateSignup, -1) setGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateBegun, -1) local function decampPlayer(cid) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.inArena, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.onTeamBlue, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.onTeamRed, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.registered, -1) setPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.stateIndice, -1) doCreatureAddHealth(cid, getCreatureMaxHealth(cid), MAGIC_EFFECT_UNKNOWN, COLOR_UNKNOWN, true) doCreatureAddMana(cid, getCreatureMaxMana(cid)) doSendMagicEffect(getCreaturePosition(cid), CONST_ME_TELEPORT) doTeleportThing(cid, getTownTemplePosition(getPlayerTown(cid)), true) doPlayerRemoveDamagingConditions(cid) end decampPlayer(cid) for _, pid in ipairs(getPlayersOnline()) do if(getPlayerStorageValue(pid, rushConfig.registered) == 1) then decampPlayer(pid) end end return false end return false end return true end ]]> 3 then return true end if(getGlobalStorageValue(rushConfig.stateSignup) == 1) then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.inArena) == 1 then if getPlayerStorageValue(cid, rushConfig.registered) > -1 then doPlayerSendCancel(cid, rushConfig.outfitLock) return false end end end return true end ]]>