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Noblesse Oblige

Xevion Xevion

Noblesse Oblige
View GitHub Profile
use std::env;
use std::fs::File;
use std::io::{BufRead, BufReader, BufWriter, Write};
use std::path::Path;
use regex::Regex;
use chrono::{FixedOffset};
const HOUR: u32 = 3600;
fn parse_offset(raw_offset: &str) -> i32 {
adject = ['adult human', 'AFAB', 'alpha', 'AMAB', 'anime', 'biological', 'butch', 'cisgender', 'ex', 'failed', 'female', 'FtM', 'gamer', 'gay', 'gender neutral', 'it/its', 'male', 'MtF', 'neurodivergent', 'normal', 'non-binary', 'pathetic', 'punished', 'sigma', 'they/them', 'transgender', 'transsexual']
prefix = [ 'a', 'allo', 'andro', 'bi', 'boy', 'cat', 'cis', 'demi', 'dog', 'doll', 'fem', 'fluid', 'gender', 'girl', 'grey-a', 'guy', 'hetero', 'homo', 'him', 'inter', 'intra', 'les', 'lesbo', 'male', 'man', 'masc', 'macro', 'meta', 'micro', 'neo', 'neutro', 'non', 'nu', 'pan', 'poly', 'post', 'pre', 'she', 't', 'tom', 'trans', 'them', 'tri', 'x-', 'xirl'];
suffix = ['bian', 'binary', 'bo', 'boi', 'boy', 'butch', 'bxy', 'by', 'cat', 'dog', 'doll', 'fem', 'femme', 'friend', 'flux', 'fucky', 'gal', 'gender', 'girl', 'guy', 'gxrl', 'gyne', 'husband', 'lesbian', 'masc', 'male', 'man', 'moder', 'queer', 'sex', 'vir', 'wife', 'witch', 'woman', 'xirl'];
flags = {
nonbinary: ['#fcf434', '#fcfcfc', '#9c59d1', '#2c2
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
def get_start_of_week(value: datetime) -> datetime:
"""Returns the datetime of the start of the week for the given datetime."""
return (value - timedelta(days=value.weekday())).replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0)
def get_minutes_since_start_of_week(value: datetime) -> float:
"""Returns the number of minutes since the start of the week."""
"compilerOptions": {
"target": "es2020",
"lib": [
"allowJs": true,
"skipLibCheck": true,
import asyncio
import io
import os
from typing import Optional
import websockets
from PIL import Image
from constants import Environment
-- Find all threads that have zero subscriptions BUT have at least one attachment
FROM (SELECT "Thread".id, "Thread".subject,
COUNT(DISTINCT(S."threadId")) AS Subscriptions,
COUNT( AS Attachments
FROM "Thread"
LEFT JOIN "Post" P on "Thread".id = P."threadId"
LEFT JOIN "Attachment" A on = A."postId"
LEFT JOIN "Subscription" S on "Thread".id = S."threadId"
GROUP BY "Thread".id)
Xevion / sets.ts
Created February 8, 2023 05:51
Typescript Set Functions
export const union = <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) => new Set([...a, ...b]);
export const intersection = <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) => new Set([...a].filter(x => b.has(x)));
export const difference = <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) => new Set([...a].filter(x => !b.has(x)));
export const symmetric = <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) => union(difference(a, b), difference(b, a));
export const isSubsetOf = <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) => [...b].every(x => a.has(x));
export const isSupersetOf = <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) => [...a].every(x => b.has(x));
export const isDisjointFrom = <T>(a: Set<T>, b: Set<T>) => !intersection(a, b).size;
The router query parameters are not immediately made available on first render.
Here I use a reference to track when the router's query parameter were first made available.
A reference is used instead of state to ensure no unnecessary re-renders are made.
const routerExecutionRef = useRef(false);
useEffect(() => {
if (router.isReady && !routerExecutionRef.current) {
routerExecutionRef.current = true;
import React from "react";
import { Button } from "@chakra-ui/react";
import ReactDOMServer from "react-dom/server";
interface DipswitchProps {
length: number;
value: number;
interface DipswitchExporterProps {
import { z } from "zod";
import { getMonth } from "date-fns";
export const SeasonEnum = z.enum(["FALL", "SPRING"]);
export type Season = z.TypeOf<typeof SeasonEnum>;
export const SemesterSchema = z.object({
season: SeasonEnum,
year: z.number().min(2000).max(2050),