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Last active October 7, 2024 13:27
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An attempt to name shapes in riichi mahjong
3 tanki (in context)
33 pair
34 ryanmen
35 kanchan
12 penchan
333 set (triplet)
345 run (sequence)
357 ryankan
334 ryanmen-plus (ryanmen-plus-one)
335 kanchan-plus (kanchan-plus-one)
112 penchan-plus (penchan-plus-one)
122 penchan-plus (penchan-plus-one)
346 phantom nobetan (when containing 1, doesn’t necessarily contain ryanmen)
3334 ryantan (ryanmen-tanki)
3335 kantan (kanchan-tanki)
1112 pentan (penchan-tanki)
1222 pentan (penchan-tanki)
3456 nobetan
3445 bulge (nakabukure)
3345 aryanmen (bad ryanmen)
3457 skipping shape
3579 sankan? ?
33345 entotsu
34567 sanmenchan (note the original japanese can also refer to three-sided waits in general)
12345 long ryanmen (useful as a component of other names) Y
33455 ii-kanchan (note inconsistency vs. ii-ryanmen referring to 3334455, not 33445) Y
34457 aryankan (in context, meaning bad ryankan) Y
13579 (WWYD-chan had a colorful name for this which I don’t recall at the moment)
33577 (a nice shape that perhaps I should find a name for)
344568 ryanmen-kanchan
134568 long ryankan
334568 long kanchan-plus Y
344566 ryanmen-plus variant Y
112345 long ryanmen-plus Y
122345 long ryanmen-plus Y
334567 sanmen-plus trivial
344567 sanmen-plus trivial
345679 phantom sanmentan (doesn’t necessarily contain sanmenchan, e.g. 345689) trivial
233345 entotsu-ryanmen Y
133345 entotsu-kanchan Y
333445 staircase (*“entotsu-plus”?) (accepts one more kind of tile than entotsu-ryanmen) *
333455 entotsu-iikanchan (accepts one more kind of tile than entotsu-kanchan) Y
33345 EE entotsu wait (for pedants, as opposed to “entotsu shape”)
3456789 sanmentan (but I met someone who likes to call this santan, and what I call santan, sanmentan)
3345678 asanmen (wait for 9 tiles, same as sanmentan) trivial?
4566678 asanmen variant Y
3456678 asanmen variant (nobetan-aryanmen) Y
3334555 tatsumaki
3335777 kantankan (kanchan-tanki-kanchan)
3334568 long kantan ?
1112234 pentan-aryanmen (penchan-aryanmen is already accurate, but I think it’s nice to point out pentan) Y
1122223 pentan-aryanmen variant Y
3335567 kantan-aryanmen Y
3333455 kantan-aryanmen variant Y
3334456 ryantan-aryanmen Y
2333344 ryantan-aryanmen variant Y
1234555 ryantan-nobetan Y
2333345 ryantan-nobetan variant Y
3335678 kantan-nobetan Y
3444567 santan Y
3334567 santan-nobetan Y
1112345 long-ryantan-nobetan (or maybe just “long ryantan”, since it always entails nobetan) Y
3334556 kantan-ryanmen (to recognize it, say to yourself, “kantan-bukure is kantan-ryanmen”) Y
3344455 ii-bulge Y
3334455 ii-ryanmen (aryanmen-shanpon) Y
3334445 entotsu-ryantan (same wait as ii-ryanmen) Y
33345678 santotsu Y
33445566 nobe-pon Y
33344556 entotsu and run (same wait as entotsu; the run doesn’t help; see also ii-kanchan-entotsu) Y
33345678 EE santotsu wait Y
33445566 EE nobe-pon wait Y
3344556677 suumenpon Y
33345m 33345s double entotsu
3334567888 happoubijin (*nobe-tatsumaki) (23-tile wait, same amount as chuuren, but fewer unique tiles) *
2224567999 nobe-kantankan Y
3334556777 ii-kantankan Y
1112345679 long long kantan Y
1112346789 long kantan-nobetan Y
1112346678 long kantan-aryanmen Y
1112344566 long kantan-aryanmen variant Y
1113456789 kantan-sanmentan Y
1113345678 kantan-asanmen Y
1113456678 kantan-asanmen-variant Y
1112345678 long-santan-sanmentan (or maybe just “long santan”, since it always entails sanmentan) Y
1233334567 santan-sanmentan Y
2223456678 santan-asanmen (variant implied) (santan-nobetan-aryanmen) Y
1112345567 long-ryantan-asanmen (variant implied) (long-ryantan-nobetan-aryanmen) Y
3345566677 ii-kanchan-ryanmen Y
3345567888 ii-kanchan-aryanmen (but there are five of 3 and 6, not much worse than the six of 5 and 8 above) Y
3345556777 ii-kanchan-shanpon Y
3345566777 ii-kanchan-entotsu (but entotsu is already accurate: it’s 33 456 56777, and the 456 doesn’t help) Y
3456667788 ii-ryanmen-nobetan Y
4566667788 ii-ryanmen-aryanmen (no more copies of 6 to wait on) Y
1112345566 long ii-ryanmen (wait: 4567) Y
3334445678 santotsu-nobetan Y
3334555567 tatsumaki / double-entotsu / kantan! Y
33344455 EE phantom sanrenkou (wait: 25E) Y
33345m 33445566s entotsu-nobepon Y
1112233445566 ii-sanmen Y
2223334445666 tatsumaki-sanrenkou (wait: 1234567) Y
2333345677778 (23-tile wait, same amount as chuuren, but fewer unique tiles, because no more copies of 3 or 7)
2344445666678 (23-tile wait, same amount as chuuren, but fewer unique tiles, because no more copies of 4 or 6)
2344455566678 (wait: 12 456 89)
2223456667788 (wait: 1 23 6789)
2223456677778 (23-tile wait, same amount as chuuren, but fewer unique tiles, because no more copies of 7)
1112345666678 (23-tile wait, same amount as chuuren, but fewer unique tiles, because no more copies of 6)
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