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Last active April 10, 2017 10:42
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Patch IDEA run configurations with environment variables from a file
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import unicode_literals
import argparse
import re
import os
import subprocess
import sys
import codecs
import shlex
import shutil
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from datetime import datetime
ENV_VAR_RE = re.compile(r'(?:export\s+)?(?P<key>[A-Z_][A-Z0-9_]*)=(?P<value>.*)')
BOLD = subprocess.check_output('tput bold', shell=True)
RED_FG = subprocess.check_output('tput setaf 1', shell=True)
CYAN_FG = subprocess.check_output('tput setaf 6', shell=True)
GREEN_FG = subprocess.check_output('tput setaf 2', shell=True)
RESET = subprocess.check_output('tput sgr0', shell=True)
def find_env_file(env_file):
if os.path.exists(env_file):
return env_file
def find_idea_dir(env_file, hint):
if hint and os.path.isdir(hint):
return hint
candidate = os.path.realpath(env_file)
previous = None
for _ in range(0, 100):
candidate = os.path.dirname(candidate)
if candidate == previous:
previous = candidate
idea = os.path.join(candidate, '.idea')
if os.path.isdir(idea):
return idea
def parse_env(env_file):
out = {}
with, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f:
for line in f.readlines():
m = ENV_VAR_RE.match(line)
if m:
val = shlex.split('value'))[0]
except IndexError:
val = ''
out['key')] = val
return out
def patch_workspaces(idea_path, filter_, env, dry_run):
ws_path = os.path.join(idea_path, 'workspace.xml')
config_path = './/component[@name="RunManager"]/configuration[@default="false"]'
tree = ElementTree.parse(ws_path)
except IOError:
print_err(RED_FG + b'file(' + BOLD + ws_path.encode() + RESET + RED_FG +
b') does not exist' + RESET)
except ElementTree.ParseError:
print_err(RED_FG + b'file(' + BOLD + ws_path.encode() + RESET + RED_FG +
b') could not be parsed' + RESET)
print_std(BOLD + b'[ Patching Workspace ]' + RESET)
for node in tree.findall(config_path):
name = node.attrib.get('name')
if name and (not filter_ or filter_ in name):
print_std(' → patching run config('.encode() + BOLD + name.encode() + RESET + b')')
envs = node.find('envs')
if not envs:
envs = ElementTree.SubElement(node, 'envs')
for k, v in env.items():
env_node = envs.find('env[@name="{}"]'.format(k))
attr = {'name': k, 'value': v}
if not env_node:
ElementTree.SubElement(envs, 'env', attr)
if not dry_run:
backup = ws_path + '.bak.' +
shutil.copy2(ws_path, backup)
def parse():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Patches .idea run configuration with an '
'environment file')
parser.add_argument('env_file', help='Path to an environment file. The syntax is something '
'you could source in a shell in order to load environment '
parser.add_argument('-f', '--filter', help='Only affect run configurations that contain this '
parser.add_argument('-i', '--idea', help='Manually specify .idea location')
parser.add_argument('-d', '--dry-run', action='store_true', help='Do not really make changes')
return parser.parse_args()
def print_err(s):
sys.stdout.buffer.write(s + b'\n')
def print_std(s):
sys.stdout.buffer.write(s + b'\n')
def main():
args = parse()
env_file = find_env_file(args.env_file)
if not env_file:
print_err(RED_FG + b'Could not find env file' + RESET)
idea_dir = find_idea_dir(env_file, args.idea)
if not idea_dir:
print_err(RED_FG + b'Could not find .idea dir' + RESET)
print_std(BOLD + b'[ Found Files ]' + RESET)
print_std(b' - env = ' + BOLD + env_file.encode() + RESET)
print_std(b' - .idea = ' + BOLD + idea_dir.encode() + RESET)
env = parse_env(env_file)
patch_workspaces(idea_dir, args.filter, env, args.dry_run)
if args.dry_run:
print_std(CYAN_FG + BOLD + b'Done!' + RESET + CYAN_FG + b' (dry)' + RESET)
print_std(GREEN_FG + BOLD + b'Done!' + RESET)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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