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Created January 19, 2018 09:51
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$pi: 3.14159265359;
$_precision: 10;
@function pow($base, $exp) {
$value: $base;
@if $exp > 1 {
@for $i from 2 through $exp {
$value: $value * $base;
@if $exp < 1{
@for $i from 0 through -$exp {
$value: $value / $base;
@return $value;
@function fact($num) {
$fact: 1;
@if $num > 0{
@for $i from 1 through $num {
$fact: $fact * $i;
@return $fact;
@function _to_unitless_rad($angle) {
@if unit($angle) == "deg" {
$angle: $angle / 180deg * $pi;
@if unit($angle) == "rad" {
$angle: $angle / 1rad;
@return $angle;
@function sin($angle){
$a: _to_unitless_rad($angle);
$sin: $a;
@for $n from 1 through $_precision {
$sin: $sin + (pow(-1, $n) / fact(2 * $n + 1) ) * pow($a, (2 * $n + 1));
@return $sin;
@function cos($angle){
$a: _to_unitless_rad($angle);
$cos: 1;
@for $n from 1 through $_precision {
$cos: $cos + ( pow(-1,$n) / fact(2*$n) ) * pow($a,2*$n);
@return $cos;
@function tan($angle){
@return sin($angle) / cos($angle);
$a: 550;
$b: 110;
$s: 100;
@keyframes move {
@for $i from 0 to $s + 1{
$keyframeSel: $i * 100%/$s;
$x: $a*cos(360deg/$s*$i);
$y:$b*sin(360deg/$s * $i);
#{$keyframeSel} {
transform: translate(#{$x}px, #{$y}px);
$w: $a *2;
$h:$b *2;
width: #{$w}px;
border-radius: 100%;
border: 1px solid #333;
position: relative;
margin: 30px 0 0 20px;
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
left: $a - 10px;;
top: $b - 10px;
background: red;
border-radius: 100%;
position: absolute;
animation: move 10s linear infinite;
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