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Created August 28, 2009 04:22
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const Aliases = {
t: {
help: 'title',
get text() info().title,
u: {
help: 'URL',
get text() info().url,
a: {
help: 'title and URL as link tag',
get text(){ with(info()) return <a href={url}>{title}</a>.toXMLString() },
f: {
help: 'favicon as data:image/png',
get text() img2du(Utils.currentChromeWindow.gBrowser.selectedTab.image),
s: {
help: 'selection as anchor text',
get text(){
return ((<a href={url} title={title}><x/></a>+'')
.replace(/\s*<x\/>\s{0,}/, CmdUtils.getSelection()));
h: {
help: 'selection as HTML',
get text() CmdUtils.getHtmlSelection(),
q: {
help: 'selection as blockquote',
get text(){
return ((<blockquote cite={url} title={title}><x/></blockquote>+'')
.replace(/\s*<x\/>\s{0,}/, CmdUtils.getHtmlSelection()));
m: {
help: 'selection as markdown',
get text(){
return ('['+CmdUtils.getSelection()+']('+url+' "'+title+'")');
i: {
help: 'selected image (or "1x1 transparent" if none) as data:image/png',
get text(){
var doc = CmdUtils.getDocument();
return img2du(
? doc.URL
: (/src=([\"\']?)(\S+?)\1/(CmdUtils.getHtmlSelection())||0)[2]),
j: {
help: 'snapshot of current tab as data:image/jpeg',
get text() CmdUtils.getWindowSnapshot(CmdUtils.getWindow(), {width: 600}),
M: {
help: 'selection as MD5 hash',
get text() Utils.computeCryptoHash('MD5', CmdUtils.getSelection()),
S: {
help: 'selection as SHA1 hash',
get text() Utils.computeCryptoHash('SHA1', CmdUtils.getSelection()),
d: {
help: 'current datetime in RFC3399 format',
get text() new Date().toString('yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ddZ'),
J: {
help: 'URL as JSON',
get text(){
var {url} = info(), o = {url: url},
a = context.focusedWindow.document.createElement('a');
a.href = url;
for each(var p in ['protocol', 'host', 'pathname', 'search', 'hash'])
o[p] = a[p];
o.query = ? Utils.urlToParams( : {};
return Utils.encodeJson(o);
X: {
help: 'selection as hex',
get text(){
return CmdUtils.getSelection()
.replace(/[^ -~]|\\/g, function(m0){
var code = m0.charCodeAt(0);
return '\\u' + ((code < 0x10) ? '000' :
(code < 0x100) ? '00' :
(code < 0x1000) ? '0' : '')
+ code.toString(16); });
x: {
help: 'selected hex as unescaped',
get text(){
return CmdUtils.getSelection()
.replace(/\\u([a-fA-F0-9]{4})/g, function(m0, m1){
return String.fromCharCode(parseInt(m1, 16)); });
P: {
help: 'selection as EncodeURIComponent (UTF-8)',
get text(){
return encodeURIComponent(CmdUtils.getSelection());
p: {
help: 'selection as DecodeURIComponent (UTF-8)',
get text(){
return decodeURIComponent(CmdUtils.getSelection());
n: {
help: 'line feed character',
text: '\n',
T: {
help: 'tab character',
text: '\t',
_: {
help: '',
get text(){},
REA = RegExp('['+ [k for(k in Aliases)] +']', 'g'),
Help = ('<ul style="list-style:none; margin:0.2em; padding:0">'+
for([k, v] in Iterator(Aliases))].join('') +
DUCache = {'': 'data:,...'};
function img2du(src, ph)(
DUCache[src] ||
(CmdUtils.getImageSnapshot(src, function(du){ DUCache[src] = du }),
DUCache[src] = ph || DUCache['']));
function info(){
var t, u, {top, document: {title, URL}} = CmdUtils.getWindow();
? ({title: t, url: u}) = top.wrappedJSObject.getPermalink() :
? ({title: t, link: u}) = top.wrappedJSObject.get_active_item(1) : 0);
return {title: t || title, url: u || URL};
function parse(txt) txt.replace(REA, replr);
function replr(m) Aliases[m].text;
names: ['copy'],
icon: 'chrome://ubiquity/skin/icons/convert.png',
arguments: [{role: 'object', nountype: {
label: '?',
suggest: function(txt, htm, cb, sx){
if(sx || !txt) return [];
var s = {text: txt, summary: txt.replace(REA, this.mark)};
this.default = function() s;
return [s];
mark: function($) '<u>'+ $ +'</u>',
description: ('Collects various informations into a text'+
' and sends it to your clipboard.'),
help: (<>Try "copy tnu" to copy the page title and url
separated by a new line.<br/><br/>
[ Aliases ]</> + Help),
execute: function({object: {text}}){
if(!text) return;
Utils.clipboard.text = parse(text);
displayMessage({icon: this.icon, title:, text: text});
preview: function(pbl, {object: {text}}){
pbl.innerHTML =
<pre>{parse(text) || <em>empty</em>}</pre>.toXMLString() + Help;
previewDelay: 222,
author: 'satyr'.link(''),
contributors: ['powchin'.link('')],
license: 'MIT',
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