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Last active August 3, 2021 17:06
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This gist gives a quickstart over docker and helps in understanding the whole container lifecycle.
## Check docker server and client version
docker version
## Check for running containers | Currently, it should be empty
docker ps
## Check for images | Currently, it should be empty
docker images
## Now Pull an Image (Nginx) from DockerHub
## SYNTAX: docker pull <image-name>
docker pull nginx
## Check for the image again
docker images
## Run the image to get the container
## FYI, nginx is a webserver use to host webpages
## SYNTAX: docker run [OPTIONS...] <image-name>
docker run --name my-nginx -d nginx
## --name: To give a name to the container
## -d: Run the container in background (datach mode)
## Verify if container is running
docker ps
## Get logs for the container
## SYNTAX: docker logs <container-name/id>
docker logs my-nginx
## Executing a command within the container | Checking the default nginx configuration
## SYNTAX: docker exec <container-name/id> <cmd-to-be-executed>
docker exec my-nginx cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/default.conf
## Get various container information
## SYNTAX: docker inspect <container-name/id>
docker inspect my-nginx
## Get the default webpage of nginx container
## Find the container IP and open it over browser
docker inspect my-nginx -f '{{ range.NetworkSettings.Networks }}{{ .IPAddress }}{{ end }}'
## -f: Used to define the Format in which we want (get value against particular key)
## Let's try to stop the running container
## SYNTAX: docker stop <container-name/id>
docker stop my-nginx
## Check if container has stopped
docker ps -a
## -a: Show all containers (Running and Stopped)
## Start the container again
## SYNTAX: docker start <container-name/id>
docker start my-nginx
## Verify if container has started
docker ps
## Show only Running containers
## Edit the default webpage of Nginx to some HTML page of our own by modifying the container
## Create your own webpage using Heredoc syntax
cat > index.html << EOF
<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>Welcome to nginx!</title>
body {
width: 35em;
margin: 0 auto;
font-family: Tahoma, Verdana, Arial, sans-serif;
<body style="background-color:powderblue;">
<h1>This is Docker Quickstart</h1>
<h3>This tutorial is provided by <h2>Yatharth | DevOps Engineer at Knoldus</h2></h3>
<p> <b>Like and share</b> the blog if you found it helpful </p>
<p> For more blogs from this Author, <a href="" target="_blank" >Click here</a></p>
## Copy the html file from local to the container
## SYNTAX: docker cp </path/to/file> <container-name/id>:</dest/path/to/file>
docker cp index.html my-nginx:/usr/share/nginx/html/index.html
## Verify if nginx started rendering the updated html page | Get the container IP again and copy in the browser
docker inspect my-nginx -f '{{ range.NetworkSettings.Networks }}{{ .IPAddress }}{{ end }}'
## Now save the updated container with a new image
## Why?? | Since containers are ephemeral, the changes we have made will be lost once the container is stopped.
## SYNTAx: docker commit <container-name/id> <new-image-tag>
docker commit my-nginx my-nginx-image
## Check the new image
docker images
## Run the new container image
docker run --name my-new-nginx -d my-nginx-image
## Verify that the container is running
docker ps
## Check the webpage hosted by the new nginx container | Get the IP address of the container and copy it over browser.
docker inspect my-new-nginx -f '{{ range.NetworkSettings.Networks }}{{ .IPAddress }}{{ end }}'
## Rename the existing docker image to "<dockerhub-id>/<image-name>"
## WHY?? Because, for pushing the image to dockerhub, we need to follow the above format
## SYNTAX: docker tag <image-name> <dockerhub-id>/<new-image-name>
docker tag my-nginx-image yatharth0045/my-nginx-image
## Login to dockerhub via docker CLI using your dockerhub creds
docker login
## It will prompt for your ID and Password
## Push the image to dockerhub
## SYNTAX: docker push <dockerhub-id>/<image-name>
docker push yatharth0045/my-nginx-image
## Remove the running container
## Way 1 | Stop the container and then remove it
docker stop my-nginx && docker rm my-nginx
## Way 2 | Forcefully remove the container
docker rm -f my-new-nginx
## Delete the image from local
## Removing multiple images
## SYNTAX: docker rmi <image/s>
docker rmi nginx my-nginx-image yatharth0045/my-nginx-image
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