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Last active December 17, 2015 13:39
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MinimalFramework, for AS3
import flash.display.Bitmap;
import flash.display.BitmapData;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
import flash.display.Sprite;
import flash.geom.Point;
import flash.geom.Rectangle;
import flash.utils.Dictionary;
import flash.utils.getTimer;
* MinimalFramework
* A really tiny (2.9KB base size) framework that I have made for cases when I would want
* to participate in contests revolving around extremely limited SWF size. Only several
* games are 'powered by it' so far, mostly being 3..5-hour jam games, doing their purposes.
* @author YellowAfterlife
public class Main extends MovieClip
//{ Inner functions
public var swidth:uint = 160; // screen width
public var sheight:uint = 120; // screen height
public var scolor:uint = 0x553344; // color to clear screen with
// time variables
public var elapsed:Number; // time elapsed since last frame
public var last:int;
public var time:int;
// screen buffers:
public var target:BitmapData; // buffer to draw to right now
public var screen:Vector. = new Vector.(2); // pair of buffers
public var screenc:int = 0; // index of current buffer
public var screens:Sprite = new Sprite; // sprite to represent actual bitmap on screen
// input:
public var keydown: = new Vector.(256); // states of keys (held)
public var keypressed:Vector. = new Vector.(256); // states of keys (pressed)
public var keyreleased:Vector. = new Vector.(256); // states of keys (released)
public var mousedown:Boolean, mousepressed:Boolean, mousereleased:Boolean; // mouse states
//{ Event handlers
private function onkeyd(e:KeyboardEvent):void
var c:uint = e.keyCode;
if (keydown[c]) return;
keypressed[c] = true;
keydown[c] = true;
private function onkeyu(e:KeyboardEvent):void
var c:uint = e.keyCode;
if (!keydown[c]) return;
keyreleased[c] = true;
keydown[c] = false;
private function onmd(e:MouseEvent):void
if (mousedown) return;
mousepressed = true;
mousedown = true;
private function onmu(e:MouseEvent):void
if (!mousedown) return;
mousereleased = true;
mousedown = false;
//{ onFrame
private function onframe(e:Event):void
// update elapsed:
time = getTimer();
elapsed = (time - last) / 1000;
last = time;
// update game:
// input update:
var i:uint;
for (i = 0; i < 256; i++)
if (keypressed[i]) keypressed[i] = false;
if (keyreleased[i]) keyreleased[i] = false;
mousepressed = mousereleased = false;
// render game:
//{ render function:
public function _render():void
screenc = 1 - screenc;
target = screen[screenc].bitmapData;
target.fillRect(target.rect, scolor);
screen[screenc].visible = true;
screen[1 - screenc].visible = false;
//{ addedToStage event
private function added(e:Event = null):void
removeEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added);
var i:int;
for (i = 0; i < 2; i++)
screen[i] = new Bitmap(new BitmapData(swidth, sheight, false, 0), "never");
target = screen[0].bitmapData;
// bind events:
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_DOWN, onkeyd);
stage.addEventListener(KeyboardEvent.KEY_UP, onkeyu);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_DOWN, onmd);
stage.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_UP, onmu);
stage.align = "TL";
stage.quality = "high";
stage.scaleMode = "noScale";
stage.displayState = "normal";
// start events:
last = getTimer();
stage.addEventListener(Event.ENTER_FRAME, onframe);
//{ Bitmap functions
protected const bmp_alpha:String = "0123456789ABCDEFGHJIKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz()";
protected var bmp_str:String;
protected var bmp_array:Array;
protected var bmp_point:Point = new Point;
protected var bmp_int:int;
protected var bmp_trace:String = "";
* Converts string to a BitmapData, following defined rules
* bmp_str -> 'dictionary' with letters
* bmp_array -> colors for each element in bmp_str
* bmp_int -> integer multiplier to scale everything up by
* @param src string with data
* @param w number of letters in row
* @return 'decoded' BitmapData
protected function str2bmp(src:String, w:uint):BitmapData
var scale:uint = bmp_int;
var r:Rectangle = new Rectangle(0, 0, scale, scale);
var l:uint = src.length;
var b:BitmapData = new BitmapData(w * scale, uint(l / w) * scale, true, 0);
var c:int;
for (var k:uint = 0; k < l; k++)
c = bmp_str.indexOf(src.charAt(k));
if (c == -1) continue;
r.x = (k % w) * scale;
r.y = uint(k / w) * scale;
b.fillRect(r, bmp_array[c]);
return b;
// Simple function to draw a bitmap to coordinates:
protected function bmap_draw(s:BitmapData, x:Number, y:Number):void
bmp_point.x = x;
bmp_point.y = y;
target.copyPixels(s, s.rect, bmp_point, null, null, true);
//{ Pseudo-font drawing:
protected var font ictionary = new Dictionary; // stores letter BitmapData's
protected var fontx:int = 1; // horizontal spacing between letters
protected var fonty:int = 8; // vertical spacing (line height)
protected var fontp:Point = new Point;
protected function text_draw(x:Number, y:Number, s:String):void
var i:int, c:String, b:BitmapData;
fontp.x = x; fontp.y = y; // fontp is working like a cursor here, being position to draw to
for (i = 0; i < s.length; i++)
c = s.charAt(i);
// 'special cases' go here:
if (c == "\n" || c == "\r")
fontp.x = x;
fontp.y += fonty;
// no matching character in font sheet:
if (font[c] == null) continue;
// draw the thing:
b = font[c] as BitmapData;
target.copyPixels(b, b.rect, fontp, null, null, true);
// shift drawing 'cursor' to next position:
fontp.x += b.width + fontx;
protected function text_init():void
bmp_str = "x"; // used for decoding.
bmp_array = [0xFFFF00CC]; // font color
bmp_int = 1; // font size
var fd:String = "h00000f11101h55000jAVAVAq4E3C74j9842Jj61M9Mf11000g21112g12221h52500h02720p000021h00700f00001jG8421i69996g32222i7861Fi78687i465F4iF1787i61796iF8422i69696i69E86f01010f01011h42124h07070h12421i78602jEHTLEi69F99i79797h61116i79997h71717h71711iE1D9Ei99F99h72227iC8896i95359h11117jHRLHHi9BD99i69996i79971q699968i79979iE1687h72222i99996i99552jHLLLAi99699i99E87h74217g31113j1248Gg32223h25000i0000Fg12000i0E99Ei17997h06116i8E99Ei06D36h42722y0699E86i17999f10111w2022221i19579f11111j0FLLLi07999i06996y0799711y0E99E88h05311i0E3C7h27224i0999Ei09952j0LLAAh05225y0999E87i0F42Fh62126f11111h32423"; // 04b03 font. Very compressed.
var i:int = 0, j:int, k:int, c:int = " ".charCodeAt();
var z:int, q:int, s:String;
while (i < fd.length) {
z = bmp_alpha.indexOf(fd.charAt(i++));
s = "";
for (j = 0; j < (z >>> 3); j++) {
q = bmp_alpha.indexOf(fd.charAt(i++));
for (k = 0; k < (z & 7); k++) {
s += (q & (1 << k)) != 0 ? "x" : " ";
font[String.fromCharCode(c++)] = str2bmp(s, z & 7);
// Executed on startup:
public function start():void
screens.scaleX = screens.scaleY = 4;
// Executed every step:
public function update():void
// step actions here. use 'elapsed' to get time from previous step
// Executed when drawing:
public function render():void
// draw actions here.
text_draw(4, 4, 'Oh hi there.\nI am an extremely small framework,\nsomewhat inspired by FlashPunk.\nMaybe you can find a use for me.');
public function Main():void
if (stage) added();
else addEventListener(Event.ADDED_TO_STAGE, added);
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