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Created July 27, 2014 21:45
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require 'httpclient'
require 'json'
repos = []
days = %w{Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday}
times = do |hash, key|
hash[key] = { |h, k| h[k] = 0 }
resp = HTTPClient.get('')
JSON(resp.body).each do |repo|
repos << repo['name']
repos.each do |name|
resp = HTTPClient.get("{name}/stats/punch_card")
JSON(resp.body).each do |(day, hour, amount)|
times[day][hour] += amount
spacing = days.sort_by(&:length).last.length
times.each do |day_index, hours|
day = days[day_index]
hour, commits = hours.sort_by { |pair| pair[1] }.last
puts "#{day.ljust(spacing, ' ')} at #{hour.to_s.ljust(2, ' ')}: #{commits} commits"
Sunday at 21: 54 commits
Monday at 22: 62 commits
Tuesday at 23: 65 commits
Wednesday at 23: 64 commits
Thursday at 0 : 72 commits
Friday at 0 : 48 commits
Saturday at 0 : 28 commits
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