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tapping away on my keyboard _</>...

Ayush Kumar Shaw YourAKShaw

tapping away on my keyboard _</>...
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YourAKShaw /
Last active September 13, 2024 09:32
Namaste 🙏 JavaScript is a YouTube playlist by Akshay Saini. These are the notes I've made when I was learning JavaScript from Scratch using the playlist.

How JavaScript Works?

Is JavaScript:

  • Synchronous or Asynchronous?
  • Single-threaded or Multi-threaded?
  • Everything in JavaScript happens inside an Execution Context
    • You can assume this execution context to be a big box or a container in which the whole JavaScript code is executed.
  • This big box has two components in it:

To use NeoVim with style, you'll want to configure it for both productivity and aesthetics. Below is a step-by-step tutorial to set up a stylish NeoVim environment.

1. Install NeoVim

First, make sure you have NeoVim installed. You can install it by following the instructions for your system:

  • Linux:
    sudo apt update && sudo apt install neovim
  • macOS:

Using NeoVim effectively requires mastering its keybindings, understanding how to navigate between modes, and leveraging plugins and customization to streamline your workflow. Here's a structured guide to get you started and maximize your efficiency:

1. Master the Modes

NeoVim has multiple modes, and the most effective way to use it is by switching between them efficiently.

  • Normal Mode: This is the default mode (press Esc to enter it).

    • In this mode, you move around and manipulate text without actually inserting any.
  • Insert Mode: This is the mode for typing text (enter it by pressing i, a, o, etc.).

Building efficient, reliable, and secure REST APIs involves following several best practices. Here's a detailed breakdown of these practices, including versioning, security, and optimization techniques for your NestJS-based microservice:

1. API Design & Structure

  • Resource Naming: Use meaningful, clear, and consistent names for your endpoints (e.g., /movies, /movies/{id}). Prefer nouns for resources and use HTTP methods to represent actions (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE).
  • HTTP Methods:
    • GET for reading data.
    • POST for creating resources.
    • PUT or PATCH for updating resources.
    • DELETE for removing resources.
  • Use HTTP Status Codes: Return appropriate status codes (e.g., 200 for success, 201 for created, 404 for not found, 400 for bad request, 500 for server errors).