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Last active August 29, 2015 13:57
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(defn get-adjacent-coords
"Returns a vector of [i j] coords representing orthogonally adjacent points."
[board [i j :as pos]]
(let [size (:size board)
coords (transient [])]
(when (pos? i)
(conj! coords [(dec i) j]))
(when (pos? j)
(conj! coords [i (dec j)]))
(when (< i (dec size))
(conj! coords [(inc i) j]))
(when (< j (dec size))
(conj! coords [i (inc j)]))
(persistent! coords)))
(defn get-adjacent-coords2
"Returns a vector of [i j] coords representing orthogonally adjacent points."
[board [i j :as pos]]
(let [size (:size board)]
(for [x [-1 1] y [-1 1]
:let [new-x (+ i x)
new-y (+ j y)]
:when (every? #(< % size) [new-x new-y])]
[new-x new-y])))
* Given a board position, returns a list of [i,j] coordinates representing
* orthogonally adjacent intersections
Board.prototype.get_adjacent_intersections = function(i , j) {
var neighbors = [];
if (i > 0)
neighbors.push([i - 1, j]);
if (j < this.size - 1)
neighbors.push([i, j + 1]);
if (i < this.size - 1)
neighbors.push([i + 1, j]);
if (j > 0)
neighbors.push([i, j - 1]);
return neighbors;
*board has a size of 19*
om-go.board> (get-adjacent-coords board [5 5])
[[4 5] [5 4] [6 5] [5 6]]
om-go.board> (get-adjacent-coords2 board [5 5])
([4 4] [4 6] [6 4] [6 6])
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