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Created February 13, 2020 17:24
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import * as React from 'react';
import {A, T} from 'ts-toolbelt'
import { O } from 'ts-toolbelt';
import { Any } from 'ts-toolbelt';
import { Assign } from 'Object/_api';
* Fuzzy is a Higher Order Component.
* It consumes a component and keys that
* can be searched on that component.
* For those keys, if they had no match,
* they are omitted.
* @param Props the whole input props object, before filtering
* @param KeyT (optional) a rough Partial<Props> representing
* keys to be filtered. In this type, the values can be
* their correct value, or "true".
* @param Keys (optional) the expected key object type,
* representing a mapping of expected keys to `true`.
* @param c the component to operate on
* @param keys the key object as defined in Keys.
* @example
* declare const _Person: React.FC<Partial<Person>>;
* const Person = t.Fuzzy<Person>(_Person, {
* name: true,
* age: true,
* children: true
* }) // React.FC<Person>
export const Fuzzy:
<Props>() =>
* @param keys a whitelist (key: true)
* indicating what to fuzzy search on
<Keys extends KeyObject<Props>>(keys: Keys) =>
* @param c a react functional component
* consuming potentially matched props.
(c: React.FC<
A.Compute<InputObject<Props, Keys>>
>) => React.FC<Props>
() => keys => component => {
export type SearchableMemberTypes = string | number;
export const MatchSymbol = Symbol('match');
export interface Matched {
[MatchSymbol]: {
* runs is an array of ranges representing how many times
* a range of the relevant string (value) was matched
runs: {
* range indicates a substring of `value`.
range: [number, number],
* depth is the number of overlapping matches on `range`.
depth: number
* The coerced string of the matched value
value: string
type InputObjectObjectMap<T> =
AssignableOptional<T, optionalMark>;
type InputObjectRecordMap<PropObject, KeyObject, key extends keyof PropObject> =
key extends keyof KeyObject
// specified as true -- should be optional
? (PropObject[key] & Matched) | optionalMark: PropObject[key];
type InputObject<Props, Keys> =
Props extends object
? Keys extends object
? A.Compute<InputObjectObjectMap<{
[K in keyof Props]: InputObjectRecordMap<Props, Keys, K>
}>>: Props: Props;
type optionalMark = {
__optionalBrand: never
type extractIfArray<T, unionT = never> =
T extends Array<infer P>? P | unionT: T;
type keyObjectRecordMap<T> = T extends SearchableMemberTypes
? true | optionalMark
: T extends undefined
? optionalMark
: KeyObject<extractIfArray<T, optionalMark>>;
type keyObjectObjectMap<T> = AssignableOptional<T, optionalMark>;
type KeyObject<O> =
O extends object
? A.Compute<keyObjectObjectMap<{
[K in keyof O]: keyObjectRecordMap<O[K]>
type M = KeyObject<{
cool: 1,
cool2: {
cool3: {
cool4: {
ok: undefined,
cool5: 1
* Get the keys of the properties to which U can be assigned.
type AssignableKeys<T, U> = {
[K in keyof T]: U extends T[K] ? K : never
}[keyof T];
* Get the interface containing only properties to which T2 can be assigned,
* extracting T2.
type AssignableProperties<T, T2> = {
[K in AssignableKeys<T, T2>]: Exclude<T[K], T2>
* Get all of the keys except those to which U can be assigned.
type IncompatibleKeys<T, U> = {
[K in keyof T]: U extends T[K] ? never : K
}[keyof T];
* Get the interface containing no properties to which T2 can be assigned.
type OmitAssignableProperties<T, T2> = {
[K in IncompatibleKeys<T, T2>]: T[K]
* Get the interface where all properties are optional.
type Optional<T> = {[K in keyof T]?: T[K]};
* Get the interface where properties that can be assigned T2 are
* also optional.
type AssignableOptional<T, T2> = OmitAssignableProperties<T, T2> & Optional<AssignableProperties<T, T2>>;
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