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Last active March 10, 2019 17:51
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All that I've got so far.
public enum PartTypes
public enum Grade
// - \/ Goes in a class not using atm...
// private List<string> PartTypesStringsList = new List<string>() {
// PartTypes.Disabled.ToString(),
// PartTypes.ShipArmor.ToString(),
// PartTypes.BeamGenerator.ToString(),
// PartTypes.BeamCharger.ToString(),
// PartTypes.EnergyShield.ToString(),
// PartTypes.ShieldGenerator.ToString(),
// PartTypes.MissileMagazine.ToString(),
// PartTypes.Specials.ToString(),
// };
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
using UnityEditor;
public class Slot : MonoBehaviour {
public static Slots parent;
public static int PlayerLevel;
public static Slot slot;
public int SlotIndex;
public bool IsSlotUnlocked;
private Grade CurrentPartGrade;
private PartTypes CurrentPartType;
public int CurrentObjectSelection;
private string CurrentPartName;
private int CurrentPartLevel;
private GameObject CurrentHoldObject;
public SlotPartRequirment SlotsRequirements;
public List<GameObject> availableObjects = new List<GameObject>();
void Awake() {
parent = GetComponentInParent<Slots>();
slot = parent.AllSlots[SlotIndex];
// PlayerLevel = Player.PlayerLevel;
IsSlotUnlocked = parent.UnlockedPartSlots[SlotIndex];
CurrentPartGrade = parent.SlotGrade[SlotIndex];
CurrentPartType = parent.SlotPartType[SlotIndex];
CurrentHoldObject = availableObjects[CurrentObjectSelection];
CurrentPartName = availableObjects[CurrentObjectSelection].GetComponent<Blueprint>().BluePrintName;
if (CurrentPartLevel <= PlayerLevel) {
CurrentPartLevel = SlotsRequirements.levelsRequired[parent.Selection][CurrentObjectSelection];
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class SlotEditor : EditorWindow {
//Editor Variables
//private static int CurrentSlotCount = 7;
//private static int MaxSlotCount = 7;
//private const int MinSlotCount = 1;
private BlueprintDatabase blueprintDatabase = null;
private ItemDataBaseList itemDatabase = null;
private Vector2 scrollPosition;
public static SlotEditor editor;
//Edit To Send back
private Slot SlotToEdit;
private static SlotPartRequirmentEditor requirementsEditor;
private List<PartTypes> SlotPartType = new List<PartTypes>(7) { PartTypes.Disabled };
private List<Slot> AllSlots = new List<Slot>();
private List<List<GameObject>> availableObjectsLists = new List<List<GameObject>>();
//Use to edit
private int CurrentSlotSelection = 7;
private int selection = 1;
private List<string> NamesList = new List<string>();
private PartTypes changeType;
private Slots slotsObject;
void OnChangeData(Slot slot) {
SlotPartType[CurrentSlotSelection] = changeType;
slotsObject.SlotPartType = SlotPartType;
slotsObject.AllSlots = AllSlots;
slot.SlotIndex = selection;
slot.SlotsRequirements = requirementsEditor.req;
slot.availableObjects = availableObjectsLists[selection];
public void Init(int selection, Slots slotsObject, List<Slot> slots, Slot slot, List<PartTypes> partTypesList, List<List<GameObject>> availableObjectsLists)
editor = (SlotEditor)GetWindow(typeof(EditorWindow));
CurrentSlotSelection = selection;
SlotToEdit = slot;
AllSlots = slots;
SlotPartType = partTypesList;
this.slotsObject = slotsObject;
this.availableObjectsLists = availableObjectsLists;
void OnGUI()
if (itemDatabase == null)
itemDatabase = (ItemDataBaseList)Resources.Load("ItemDatabase");
if (blueprintDatabase == null)
blueprintDatabase = (BlueprintDatabase)Resources.Load("BlueprintDatabase");
selection = GUILayout.Toolbar(selection, NamesList.ToArray(), EditorStyles.toolbarDropDown);
scrollPosition = EditorGUILayout.BeginScrollView(scrollPosition);
selection = EditorGUILayout.Popup("Type Item Slot:", selection, NamesList.ToArray(), EditorStyles.popup);
if (GUILayout.Button("Edit Requirments")) {
void GetSelection()
//CurrentSlotCount = EditorGUILayout.IntSlider("Slot:", CurrentSlotCount, MinSlotCount, MaxSlotCount, GUILayout.Width(position.width - 38));
//MaxSlotCount = slots.Count;
//slots[CurrentSlotSelection].CurrentSetItemType = NamesList[selection];
public void OnEditSlotPartRequirment()
requirementsEditor = (SlotPartRequirmentEditor)GetWindow(typeof(EditorWindow));
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class SlotPartRequirment : MonoBehaviour
public PartTypes SlotPartsType;
public Grade CurrentAloudGrade = Grade.Grade1;
public float Integrity = 0;
public string GoalRequired;
public bool RequireLevel;
public bool RequireIntegrity;
public bool RequireGoalComplete;
public readonly List<List<int>> levelsRequired = new List<List<int>>() { ShipArmorUpgradeLevels, BeamGeneratorUpgradeLevels, BeamChargerUpgradeLevels, EnergyShieldUpgradeLevels, ShieldGeneratorUpgradeLevels, MissileMagazineUpgradeLevels, SpecialsUpgradeLevels };
public static List<int> ShipArmorUpgradeLevels = new List<int>() { 14, 18, 23, 32, 38, 43, 50 };
public static List<int> BeamGeneratorUpgradeLevels = new List<int>() { 14, 19, 24, 33, 39, 44, 52 };
public static List<int> BeamChargerUpgradeLevels = new List<int>() { 15, 20, 26, 34, 40, 46, 54 };
public static List<int> EnergyShieldUpgradeLevels = new List<int>() { 16, 21, 29, 36, 41, 47, 55 };
public static List<int> ShieldGeneratorUpgradeLevels = new List<int>() { 16, 21, 29, 36, 41, 47, 55 };
public static List<int> MissileMagazineUpgradeLevels = new List<int>() { 17, 22, 31, 37, 42, 49, 57 };
public static List<int> SpecialsUpgradeLevels = new List<int>() { 0, 0, 22, 31, 37, 42, 49, 57 };
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEditor;
public class SlotPartRequirmentEditor : EditorWindow
public SlotPartRequirment req;
//public Slot obj;
//void OnChangeColor() {
// if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity == 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
// else if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity < 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
// else if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity > 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
//void OnGUI()
// if (obj == null)
// return;
// //draw label for selected IAP name
// EditorGUILayout.BeginHorizontal();
// EditorGUILayout.LabelField("IAP:", GUILayout.Width(40));
// EditorGUILayout.LabelField(obj.CurrentSelection.ToString(), EditorStyles.boldLabel);
// EditorGUILayout.EndHorizontal();
// EditorGUILayout.Space();
// EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Locked Settings", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
// obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireGoalComplete = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("RequireGoalComplete [?]", ""), obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireGoalComplete);
// if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireGoalComplete)
// {
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.currentSlotsRequirements.GoalRequired))
// {
// if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity == 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
// else if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity < 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
// else if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity > 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
// obj.currentSlotsRequirements.GoalRequired = EditorGUILayout.TextField(new GUIContent("Goal Required [?]", "" +
// ""), obj.currentSlotsRequirements.GoalRequired);
// }
// }
// obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireIntegrity = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("RequireIntegrity [?]", ""), obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireIntegrity);
// if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireIntegrity)
// {
// for (int i = 0; i < obj.currentSlotsRequirements.levelsRequired.Count; i++)
// {
// for (int B = 0; B < obj.currentSlotsRequirements.levelsRequired[i].Count; B++)
// {
// obj.currentSlotsRequirements.levelsRequired[i][B] = EditorGUILayout.IntField(new GUIContent("Levels Required [?]", "" +
// ""), obj.currentSlotsRequirements.levelsRequired[i][B]);
// }
// }
// obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity = EditorGUILayout.FloatField(new GUIContent("Integrity [?]", ""), obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity);
// if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity == 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
// else if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity < 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
// else if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.Integrity > 0)
// GUI.backgroundColor =;
// }
// obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireLevel = EditorGUILayout.Toggle(new GUIContent("RequireLevel [?]", ""), obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireLevel);
// if (obj.currentSlotsRequirements.RequireLevel)
// {
// }
// obj.currentSlotsRequirements.AloudParts = (PartTypes)EditorGUILayout.EnumPopup(new GUIContent("AloudParts [?]", ""), (PartTypes)obj.currentSlotsRequirements.AloudParts);
// EditorGUILayout.Space();
// EditorGUILayout.LabelField("Upgrades", EditorStyles.boldLabel);
// if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(obj.currentSlotsRequirements.nextId))
// GUI.backgroundColor = Color.yellow;
// obj.currentSlotsRequirements.nextId = EditorGUILayout.TextField(new GUIContent("Next product [?]", "Product Id of the upgrade that comes after this one"), obj.currentSlotsRequirements.nextId);
// GUI.backgroundColor = Color.white;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
public class Slots : MonoBehaviour
public int Selection;
public string Tag = "Slots";
public List<Slot> AllSlots = new List<Slot>();
public List<PartTypes> SlotPartType = new List<PartTypes>(7) { PartTypes.Disabled };
public List<Grade> SlotGrade = new List<Grade>(7) { Grade.Grade1 };
public List<bool> UnlockedPartSlots = new List<bool>(7) {false};
public List<List<GameObject>> availableObjectsLists = new List<List<GameObject>>();
void Awake() {
gameObject.tag = Tag;
public void OnEditSlot()
SlotEditor.editor.Init(Selection, this, AllSlots,AllSlots[Selection], SlotPartType, availableObjectsLists);
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