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I was able to fix the issues by deleting the files in ~Library/Accounts/ and ~/Library/Preferences/MobileMeAccounts.plist
then logging out and in again before opening the panels again.
Warning: This also removes every other account you have listed in the accounts folder.
StringBuilder stringBuilder = new StringBuilder();
stringBuilder.Append("<div style='padding: 0; margin: 0; height: 100%; background:#fbfaf7;'>");
stringBuilder.Append("<table width='100%' height='100%' align='center' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' bgcolor='#fbfaf7'>");
stringBuilder.Append("<tr><td style='font:12px/1.5 Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif;color:#454545'>&nbsp;</td></tr>");
stringBuilder.Append("<td style='color:#343731;'><table width='600px' bgcolor='#ffffff' cellspacing='0' cellpadding='0' align='center' border='0' style='border:1px solid #232323;text-align:center'><tbody><tr><td style='padding:10px;color:#343731'>");
stringBuilder.Append("<img src='' width='80px' style='margin:0 auto;display:block'>");
stringBuilder.Append("<h1 style='font-weight:400;text-transform:uppercase'>Trojan Trading Company PTY LTD</h1><h4 style='font-weight:400;text-transform:uppercase'>Australia</h4>");
import { ValidatorFn } from '@angular/forms';
export interface BooleanFn {
(): boolean;
* A conditional validator generator. Assigns a validator to the form control if the predicate function returns true on the moment of validation
* @example
* Here if the myCheckbox is set to true, the myEmailField will be required and also the text will have to have the word 'mason' in the end.
transform: translate(0, -50%);
1. Go to appsettings.json file and add the secret key for the JWT encryption.
"AppSettings": {
2. Create a class as “AppSettings.cs” to access the AppSetting values trough a class.
namespace NetCoreWebAPI.Helpers
1. top arrow fix
:host ::ng-deep .arrow::before {
border-top-color: #C0054D;
border-bottom-color: white !important;
:host ::ng-deep .tooltip-inner {
background: #C0054D;
width: 200px;
private readonly IConfiguration _configuration;
public Tools(IConfiguration configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
public string GetConfigKey(string categoryName, string keyName)
string keyValue = null;
in startup.cs
services.AddSingleton<IActionContextAccessor, ActionContextAccessor>();
services.AddScoped<IUrlHelper>(x => {
var actionContext = x.GetRequiredService<IActionContextAccessor>().ActionContext;
var factory = x.GetRequiredService<IUrlHelperFactory>();
return factory.GetUrlHelper(actionContext);
then could inject IUrlHelper
string decryptPassword = MD5DESEncryption.Decrypt(model.Password, true);
private static string securityKey = "Dicker183654729Data";
public static string Encrypt(string toEncrypt, bool useHashing)
string retVal = string.Empty;
byte[] keyArray;
1. add html below in <app-root></app-root> or in index.html
<div id="pre-bootstrap">
<div class="messaging">
Website is Loading
<div class="app-loader">
<div class="app-loader-inner">