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Created May 3, 2021 12:44
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// ntaps: the number of filter coefficients
// M: Every Mth coefficient will be zero, this is the "M"
// in M-band
// fp: Filter's passband cutoff. Can be zero.
LPFIRLITE equiripple_halfband_fl(int ntaps, const int M,
const double fp) {
// Assume that our filters will always have odd length
ntaps = (ntaps & 1) ? ntaps : ntaps-1;
int L;
int k;
L = 0;
for(k = 1; k<= ntaps/2; k++) {
if ((k%M)==0)
int nz = L+1; // number of zeros in frequency
int ngrid = nextlg(ntaps*16)+1; // Grid points to examine
printf("%d TAPS, M = %d, fp = %f, L = %d, nz = %d, ngrid=%d\n", ntaps, M, fp, L, nz, ngrid);
double dgrid;
RLMATRIX mx(nz,nz);
RLVECTOR x(nz), b(nz);
int *nodei;
double *fq, *Hf, *nodef, stopband, delta, old_delta;
// fp ranges from 0 to 1/2M.
stopband = 1./M -fp; // Stopband is determined by the passband
assert(fp < 1./M/2.); // Passband cutoff must be < 1/(2M)
assert(1./M/2.< stopband);
fq = new double[ngrid];
Hf = new double[ngrid];
nodei= new int[L+1];
nodef= new double[L+1];
// Create a frequecy grid
dgrid = (0.5-stopband) / (ngrid-1);
fq[0] = stopband;
for(int k=1; k<ngrid; k++)
fq[k] = fq[k-1] + dgrid;
fq[ngrid-1] = 0.5;
// Select points for our linear equations across that grid
nodef[0] = fq[0];
nodei[0] = 0;
for(int k=1; k<nz-1; k++) {
nodei[k] = k*ngrid/nz;
nodef[k] = fq[nodei[k]];
nodei[nz-1] = ngrid-1;
nodef[nz-1] = fq[nodei[nz-1]];
assert(nodei[nz-1] > nodei[nz-2]);
// Iterate until "good enough"
do {
// Build our matrix
for(int i=0; i<nz; i++) {
// H(f0) = delta
int k = 1; // Coefficient location
for(int j=0; j<L; j++) {
mx[i][j] = 2.0*cos(nodef[i]*2.0*M_PI*k);
if ((k % M)==0)
} mx[i][L] = (i==0) ? 1. : -mx[i-1][L];
b[i] = -1./M; // Known -h[0] value
// Solve for our coefficients
x = mx.solve(b);
// Check if we are within our limits
delta = fabs(x[nz-1]);
printf("delta = %f -> %6.2f dB\n", delta,
if ((fabs(delta-old_delta)/delta)<1e-5) {
old_delta = delta;
// Calculate the frequency response of the filter
for(int i=0; i<ngrid; i++) {
double acc = 1./M;
int k = 1; // Coefficient location
for(int j=0; j<L; j++) {
acc += 2.0 * cos(fq[i]*2.0*M_PI*k)*x[j];
if ((k % M)==0)
Hf[i] = acc;
// Calculate a new set of frequencies via Remez-Exchange
// Treat the first node special: it *must* be at the limit
nodei[0] = 0;
nodef[0] = fq[nodei[0]];
int lastnode = 0;
// Walk through the rest of the nodes
// First node, k=0 is fixed at the edge of the stopband
// Last node should be fixed at the other edge ... might
// not be though.
for(int k=1; k<nz; k++) {
// Walk forward until the sign changes
int sgn;
int ni = lastnode + 1;
if (lastnode == 0)
sgn = 1;
sgn = (Hf[lastnode] > 0.0) ? 1 : -1;
// Skip forward until the sign changes
while((ni < ngrid)&&(Hf[ni]*sgn >= 0))
// Now move forward until we find the maximum, before
// the sign changes again
sgn = -sgn;
while((ni < ngrid)&&(Hf[ni]*sgn > Hf[ni-1]*sgn))
nodei[k] = ni-1;
assert(nodei[k] > nodei[k-1]);
nodef[k] = fq[nodei[k]];
lastnode = nodei[k];
} while(1);
result = new FIRLITE(ntaps);
int eqn = 0, hloc=ntaps/2+1, lloc = hloc-2;
for(int k=0; k<ntaps; k++)
result[k] = 0.0;
result[ntaps/2] = 1./M;
for(int k=1; k<=ntaps/2; k++) {
double hk;
if ((k%M) == 0)
hk = 0.0;
else {
printf("R[%4d] = R[%4d] = %11.5f\n",
hloc, lloc, x[eqn]);
hk = x[eqn++];
result[hloc] = hk;
result[lloc] = hk;
delete[] fq;
delete[] Hf;
delete[] nodef;
return result;
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