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Forked from niw/site.pp
Created February 15, 2014 00:31
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node default {
# This is required to apply some manifests since these are not using
# appropriate user, group or full path to the command.
Exec {
group => "staff",
user => $boxen_user,
path => [
# This is also required to apply some manifests correctly.
File {
group => "staff",
owner => $boxen_user
# Run all defaults command as login user.
Boxen::Osx_defaults {
user => $boxen_user
# NOTE OS X 10.9 Mavericks workaround
# OS X 10.9 is using cfprefsd daemon to cache preferences
# and sometimes it causes inconsistency between actual preferences and cache.
# `killall cfprefsd` tells cfprefsd to flush all cache and it will relaunch.
exec {
"/usr/bin/killall cfprefsd":
user => $boxen_user,
refreshonly => true;
# Use /bin/zsh as login shell.
osx_chsh {
shell => "/bin/zsh";
# Keyboard
class {
# Keyboard, Keyboard, Key Repeat
rate => 2;
# Keyboard, Keyboard, Delay Until Repeat
delay => 15;
# Keyboard, Shortcuts, Full keyboard Access, All controls
include osx::global::enable_keyboard_control_access
# Disables keyboard press-and-hold for accented characters.
include osx::global::disable_key_press_and_hold
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Keyboard, Keyboard, Use all F1, F2, etc. keys as standard function keys":
domain => NSGlobalDomain,
key => "",
type => boolean,
value => true;
# Mouse and Trackpad
class {
# Trackpad, Scroll & Zoom, Scroll direction: natural
enabled => false;
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Trackpad, Point & Click, Secondary click":
host => currentHost,
domain => NSGlobalDomain,
key => "",
type => boolean,
value => true;
"Trackpad, Point & Click, Tap to click":
host => currentHost,
domain => NSGlobalDomain,
key => "",
type => boolean,
value => true;
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Mouse, Tracking":
domain => NSGlobalDomain,
key => "",
type => float,
value => 2.5;
# Active all mouse buttons.
"Mouse, Button 1":
domain => "",
key => "Button1",
type => integer,
value => 1;
"Mouse, Button 2":
domain => "",
key => "Button2",
type => integer,
value => 2;
"Mouse, Button 3":
domain => "",
key => "Button3",
type => integer,
value => 3;
"Mouse, Button 4":
domain => "",
key => "Button4",
type => integer,
value => 4;
# Finder
# General, Show these items on the desktop, all
include osx::finder::show_all_on_desktop
# Show ~/Library
include osx::finder::unhide_library
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Finder, Advanced, Show all filename extensions":
domain => NSGlobalDomain,
key => "AppleShowAllExtensions",
type => boolean,
value => true,
notify => Exec["killall Finder"];
"Finder, Advanced, When performing a search":
domain => "",
key => "FXDefaultSearchScope",
type => string,
value => "SCcf", # Search the Current Folder
notify => Exec["killall Finder"];
"Finder, Advanced, Show warning before changing an extension":
domain => "",
key => "FXEnableExtensionChangeWarning",
type => boolean,
value => false,
notify => Exec["killall Finder"];
"Finder, Advanced, Show warning before emptying the Trash":
domain => "",
key => "WarnOnEmptyTrash",
type => boolean,
value => false,
notify => Exec["killall Finder"];
# Dock
class {
# Size
size => 22;
# Show hidden app (secret preference)
include osx::dock::dim_hidden_apps
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Dock, Magnification":
domain => "",
key => "magnification",
type => boolean,
value => true,
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
"Dock, Magnification, Size":
domain => "",
key => "largesize",
type => float,
value => 32,
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
# Mission Control, Hot Corners
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Mission Control, Hot Corners, Top Left":
domain => "",
key => "wvous-tl-corner",
type => integer,
value => 4, # Desktop
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
"Mission Control, Hot Corners, Top Left, Modifier":
ensure => absent,
domain => "",
key => "wvous-tl-modifier",
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
"Mission Control, Hot Corners, Bottom Left":
domain => "",
key => "wvous-bl-corner",
type => integer,
value => 2, # Mission Control
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
"Mission Control, Hot Corners, Bottom Left, Modifier":
ensure => absent,
domain => "",
key => "wvous-bl-modifier",
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
"Mission Control, Hot Corners, Top Right":
domain => "",
key => "wvous-tr-corner",
type => integer,
value => 12, # Notification Center
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
"Mission Control, Hot Corners, Top Right, Modifier":
ensure => absent,
domain => "",
key => "wvous-tr-modifier",
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
"Mission Control, Hot Corners, Bottom Right":
domain => "",
key => "wvous-br-corner",
type => integer,
value => 5, # Start Screen Saver
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
"Mission Control, Hot Corners, Bottom Right, Modifier":
ensure => absent,
domain => "",
key => "wvous-br-modifier",
notify => Exec["killall Dock"];
# Menu Items
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Energy Saver, Show battery status in menu bar, Show Percentage":
domain => "",
key => "ShowPercent",
type => boolean,
value => true;
"Date & Time, Clock, Display the time with seconds":
domain => "",
key => "DateFormat",
type => string,
value => "EEE h:mm:ss a"; # Sun 8:35:25 PM
# To apply menu item changes, restart SystemUIServer
exec {
"/usr/bin/killall SystemUIServer":
user => $boxen_user,
refreshonly => true;
# General
boxen::osx_defaults {
"General, Sidebar icon size":
domain => NSGlobalDomain,
key => "NSTableViewDefaultSizeMode",
type => integer,
value => 1; # Small
"Disable window animations":
domain => NSGlobalDomain,
key => "NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled",
type => boolean,
value => false;
# Desktop & Screen Saver
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Desktop & Screen Saver, Screen Saver, Start after":
host => currentHost,
domain => "",
key => "idleTime",
type => interger,
value => 600; # 10 Minutes
# Image Capture (iPhoto)
boxen::osx_defaults {
"Connecting camera opens, No application":
ensure => absent,
host => currentHost,
domain => "",
key => "HotPlugActionPath";
# Applications
include chrome::beta
include mou
include xquartz
include vagrant
package {
"Android Studio":
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
source => "",
provider => compressed_app;
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
source => "",
provider => appdmg_eula;
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
source => "",
provider => appdmg_eula;
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
"IntelliJ IDEA 12":
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
"IntelliJ IDEA 13":
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
"iPhone Configuration Utility":
source => "",
provider => pkgdmg;
source => "",
flavor => zip,
provider => compressed_app;
source => "",
provider => compressed_app;
"Lytro Desktop":
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
source => "",
provider => appdmg_eula;
source => "",
flavor => zip,
provider => compressed_app;
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
source => "",
provider => compressed_app;
source => "",
flavor => zip,
provider => compressed_app;
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
"Sublime Text 2":
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
"The Unarchiver":
source => "",
provider => compressed_app;
"VMware Fusion":
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
source => "",
provider => appdmg;
"Google Hangout Plugin":
source => "",
provider => pkgdmg;
# Utilities
package {
source => "",
provider => compressed_pkg;
# Uninstall Java Applet Plugin
file {
"/Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin":
ensure => absent;
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