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Created July 11, 2017 14:35
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Bailador/Bailador:54: $p.kill;
Cofyc/perl6-redis:251: method client_kill(Str $ip, Int $port) returns Bool {
Cofyc/perl6-redis:252: return self.exec_command("CLIENT KILL", $ip, $port);
Cofyc/perl6-redis:867: method script_kill() returns Bool {
Cofyc/perl6-redis:868: return self.exec_command("SCRIPT KILL");
Cofyc/perl6-redis:19: dies-ok { $r.script_kill() };
CurtTilmes/perl6-eredis:34: $!proc.kill('QUIT') unless $!done;
CurtTilmes/perl6-libcurl:94: shell Q<kill `cat`>;
CurtTilmes/perl6-libcurl:106: shell Q<kill `cat`>;
CurtTilmes/perl6-libcurl:118: shell Q<kill `cat`>;
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:36: $cursor.kill();
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:37: }, 'kill cursor';
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:42: is ( + ), 0, 'cursor is killed';
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:143: $cursor.kill;
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:165: * More tests on server down events added to get-more() and kill-cursors() in Wire and fetch() in Cursor.
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:341: kill support for cursor
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:166: * 0.3 - basic flags added to methods (upsert, multi_update, single_remove,...), kill support for cursor
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:23: OP_KILL_CURSORS 1.0
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:55: :OP-DELETE(2006), :OP-KILL-CURSORS(2007),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:195: :OP-DELETE(2006), :OP-KILL-CURSORS(2007),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:196: cursor must be removed explicitly using C<$cursor.kill()>.
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:18: # no documents on the server or the cursor is killed.
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:142: method kill ( --> Nil ) {
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:146: (self,), :$!server);
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:121: =head2 kill
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:123: method kill ( --> Nil )
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:21: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:33: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:199: method encode-kill-cursors ( Buf:D @cursor-ids --> List ) {
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:201: my Buf $kill-cursors-buffer = [~]
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:218: $kill-cursors-buffer ~= $cursor-id;
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:224: ( my Buf $encoded-kill-cursors, my Int $u-request-id) =
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:225: self!encode-message-header( $kill-cursors-buffer.elems, OP-KILL-CURSORS);
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:227: return ( $encoded-kill-cursors ~ $kill-cursors-buffer, $u-request-id);
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:192: method kill-cursors ( @cursors where .elems > 0, ServerType:D :$server! ) {
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:202: # Kill the cursors if found any
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:208: ( my Buf $encoded-kill-cursors,
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:210: ) = $header.encode-kill-cursors(@cursor-ids);
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:212: $!socket.send($encoded-kill-cursors);
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:322: method OP_KILL_CURSORS ( *@cursors --> Nil ) is DEPRECATED('OP-KILL-CURSORS') {
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:323: self.OP-KILL-CURSORS(@cursors);
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:327: method OP-KILL-CURSORS ( *@cursors --> Nil ) {
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:328: #
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:330: my Buf $B-OP-KILL_CURSORS = [~]
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:346: $B-OP-KILL_CURSORS ~= $;
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:353: $B-OP-KILL_CURSORS.elems,
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:354: BSON::OP-KILL-CURSORS
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:359: @cursors[0].collection.database.client.send( $msg-header ~ $B-OP-KILL_CURSORS, False);
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:62: license => 'to_kill',
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:173: $c.kill;
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:190: $cursor.kill;
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:192: ok $doc<ok>.Bool, 'No error after kill cursor';
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:33: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:41: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:64: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:79: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:94: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:108: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:124: :custom-data((license => 'to_kill'),),
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:44: # license => "to_kill",
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:75: license => 'to_kill',
MARTIMM/mongo-perl6-driver:22: This specification does not apply to OP_GET_MORE or OP_KILL_CURSORS operations
MattOates/Text--Emotion:92: #Let the bot admin kill the bot
MattOates/Text--Emotion:97: #Let the bot admin kill the bot
MattOates/Text--Emotion:1398: kill -3
MattOates/Text--Emotion:1399: killed -3
MattOates/Text--Emotion:1400: killing -3
MattOates/Text--Emotion:1401: kills -3
MattOates/Text--Emotion:6: has %dictionary = split /<[,;]>/, "abandon,-2;abandoned,-2;abandons,-2;abducted,-2;abduction,-2;abductions,-2;abhor,-3;abhorred,-3;abhorrent,-3;a…
Perl6-Noise-Gang/perl6-Audio-MIDI-Note:52: Note: on my system, the midi player on that page kills timidity and I have
PerlGameDev/SDL6:163: our sub init( int32 ) returns Int is native('libSDL') is named('SDL_KillThread') { * }
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:75: Missed morning ride, walked to work in freezing rain, was splashed by car and attacked by dog. ALMOST enough to kill my appetite for FroYo.
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:111: Seth says I have the social skills of a Chihuahua. Well, they don't call 'em "man's best friend" for nothing, bro
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:122: Jottin down rhymes 4 a lil freestyle mix I'm putting together 4 Lisa, hope I have enough skillz/flow to pull off "supersonic"/"neo-platonic"
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:189: Rejection letter from HS reunion committee. I lack the proper "social skills". Um, for starters, it's an art, not a skill.
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:228: Hokay, probably a miscalculation to assume that my Carcassonne skillz would seamlessly translate to another strategic venue
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:370: would it kill Friendster to put "we dont guarantee you'll actually make friends" in their Ts&Cs? Jill in cust svc claims its implied. Uhhuh.
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:432: also, you don't have to embrace Grizzly Bear as the greatest band in history, but would it kill you to listen a little and pretend they are?
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:593: big party next door, trying to focus on book, can't help listening. ppl keep guffawing. Would it kill you to tell the jokes a little louder?
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:634: people should only be allowed to buy a tandem bike if they're single. I'm a killer pedaller or could also steer, your bike your call!
TiMBuS/Net--IRC:664: killer dream, just sittin round w friends talkin bout whatever it is folks like that talk about. so nice to just share, even in my dreams
azawawi/farabi6:156: // Avoid killing block comments completely outside the selection.
azawawi/farabi6:32: function findBreakPoint(text, column, wrapOn, killTrailingSpace) {
azawawi/farabi6:37: if (killTrailingSpace)
azawawi/farabi6:46: var killTrailing = options.killTrailingSpace !== false;
azawawi/farabi6:66: findBreakPoint(curLine, column, wrapOn, killTrailing);
azawawi/farabi6:78: var bp = findBreakPoint(curLine, column, wrapOn, killTrailing);
azawawi/farabi6:493: // Prevent clicks in the scrollbars from killing focus
azawawi/farabi6:4060: // menu is closed (since the input reset would kill the
azawawi/farabi6:4605: var ranges = cm.doc.sel.ranges, kill = [];
azawawi/farabi6:4606: // Build up a set of ranges to kill first, merging overlapping
azawawi/farabi6:4609: var toKill = compute(ranges[i]);
azawawi/farabi6:4610: while (kill.length && cmp(toKill.from, lst(kill).to) <= 0) {
azawawi/farabi6:4611: var replaced = kill.pop();
azawawi/farabi6:4612: if (cmp(replaced.from, toKill.from) < 0) {
azawawi/farabi6:4613: toKill.from = replaced.from;
azawawi/farabi6:4617: kill.push(toKill);
azawawi/farabi6:4621: for (var i = kill.length - 1; i >= 0; i--)
azawawi/farabi6:4622: replaceRange(cm.doc, "", kill[i].from, kill[i].to, "+delete");
azawawi/farabi6:5412: killLine: function(cm) {
azawawi/farabi6:5592: "Alt-D": "delWordAfter", "Alt-Backspace": "delWordBefore", "Ctrl-K": "killLine", "Ctrl-T": "transposeChars"
azawawi/farabi6:345: kill :1, // - send a signal to a process or process group
azawawi/farabi6:33: 'curl cut diff echo find gawk gcc get git grep kill killall ln ls make ' +
azawawi/farabi6:296: keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "accessible action add after algorithm all analyze asensitive at authors auto_increment autocommit avg avg_row_length…
azawawi/farabi6:312: keywords: set(sqlKeywords + "accessible action add after algorithm all always analyze asensitive at authors auto_increment autocommit avg avg_row…
azawawi/farabi6:1: /* mousetrap v1.4.6 */
azawawi/farabi6:1065: // Kill current debugging session
azawawi/farabi6:294: "localtime gethost getpw chroot getlogin getpeername kill fork wait",
azawawi/perl6-electron:18: $p.kill if $p.defined;
azawawi/perl6-electron:94: then force killing the electron process
azawawi/perl6-electron:100: $!electron_process.kill(SIGTERM);
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:2079: (focus ? SCEN_SETFOCUS : SCEN_KILLFOCUS)),
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:26: "key keys kill "
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:7035: <a class="message" href="#SCEN_KILLFOCUS">SCEN_KILLFOCUS</a><br />
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:7524: <b id="SCEN_KILLFOCUS">SCEN_KILLFOCUS</b><br />
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:7526: <code>SCEN_KILLFOCUS</code> (256) when it loses focus. These notifications are sent using the
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:7529: notification codes <code>EN_SETFOCUS</code> (256) and <code>EN_KILLFOCUS</code> (512). It is
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:2492: Clients should switch any code that currently uses SCEN_SETFOCUS or SCEN_KILLFOCUS.
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:1096: (GetCtrlID(), focus ? SCEN_SETFOCUS : SCEN_KILLFOCUS), PWidget(wMain));
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:1035: #define SCEN_KILLFOCUS 256
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:2724: # Unfortunately the SETFOCUS and KILLFOCUS are flipped over from EN_*
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:2728: val SCEN_KILLFOCUS=256
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:391: (GetCtrlID(), focus ? SCEN_SETFOCUS : SCEN_KILLFOCUS),
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:426: killTimer(timers[reason]);
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:126: if (notifyCode == sci.SCEN_SETFOCUS) or (notifyCode == sci.SCEN_KILLFOCUS):
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:21: "WM_KILLFOCUS":8,
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:31: b"int ioctl join keys kill last lc lcfirst le length link listen "
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:1533: case WM_KILLFOCUS: {
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:1802: ::KillTimer(MainHWND(), timers[reason]);
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:1817: ::KillTimer(MainHWND(), reinterpret_cast<uptr_t>(idler.idlerID));
azawawi/perl6-gtk-scintilla:1975: MAKELONG(GetCtrlID(), focus ? SCEN_SETFOCUS : SCEN_KILLFOCUS),
azawawi/perl6-ncurses:510: sub killchar() returns int8 is native(&library) is export {*};
azawawi/perl6-net-curl:199: fprintf(MSG_OUT, "last transfer done, kill timeout\n");
azawawi/perl6-net-curl:203: MSG_OUT("last transfer done, kill timeout\n");
azawawi/perl6-net-curl:188: fprintf(MSG_OUT, "last transfer done, kill timeout\n");
azawawi/perl6-net-curl:162: /* [Un]Comment this out to kill the program rather than pushing close. */
azawawi/perl6-net-curl:79: static void kill_locks(void)
azawawi/perl6-net-curl:102: #define kill_locks()
azawawi/perl6-net-curl:159: kill_locks();
azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver:27: self.process.kill if self.process.defined;
azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver:79: # And store the process to be able to kill it when we're done
azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver:84: self.process.kill if self.process.defined;
azawawi/perl6-selenium-webdriver:32: self.process.kill if self.process.defined;
bluebear94/Terminal-WCWidth:278: (0x11727, 0x1172b,), # Ahom Vowel Sign Aw ..Ahom Sign Killer
bradclawsie/DB-Rscs:33: $proc.kill("SIGINT");
cygx/p6-image-png-inflated:1816: break; /* kill inner loop */
cygx/p6-image-png-inflated:1934: zlib_error = -1; /* kill outermost loop (over chunks) */
cygx/p6-image-png-inflated:1935: err = Z_STREAM_END; /* kill middle loop */
cygx/p6-image-png-inflated:1936: break; /* kill innermost loop */
cygx/p6-image-rgba-text:1816: break; /* kill inner loop */
cygx/p6-image-rgba-text:1934: zlib_error = -1; /* kill outermost loop (over chunks) */
cygx/p6-image-rgba-text:1935: err = Z_STREAM_END; /* kill middle loop */
cygx/p6-image-rgba-text:1936: break; /* kill innermost loop */
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:31: #define SIGKILL 9 /* kill (cannot be caught or ignored) */
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:1328: WINBASEAPI WINBOOL WINAPI DebugSetProcessKillOnExit(WINBOOL KillOnExit);
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:2986: #define JOB_OBJECT_LIMIT_KILL_ON_JOB_CLOSE 0x00002000
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:973: #define WM_KILLFOCUS 0x0008
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:2514: WINUSERAPI WINBOOL WINAPI KillTimer(HWND hWnd,UINT_PTR uIDEvent);
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:3854: #define EN_KILLFOCUS 0x0200
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:3872: #define EIMES_COMPLETECOMPSTRKILLFOCUS 0x0004
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:3960: #define BN_KILLFOCUS 7
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:4137: #define LBN_KILLFOCUS 5
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:4218: #define CBN_KILLFOCUS 4
cygx/p6-tinycc-resources-win64:405: KillTimer
dnmfarrell/Pod-PerlTricks:167: <p>I can execute the tests with <span class="terminal">perl tests.t</span> Now none of the data are in the test file. And, there's nothing special ab…
dnmfarrell/Pod-PerlTricks:1: { "body" : "\"\\n\\n<p>How can I easily run the same tests on different data without duplicating a lot of code? If I follow my usual pattern, I start…
dnmfarrell/Pod-PerlTricks:171: I can execute the tests with T<perl tests.t> Now none of the data are in the test file. And, there's nothing special about a simple text file. I coul…
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:159: | killStmt
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:318: killStmt : KILL WS valueStmt;
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:646: KILL |
drforr/perl6-ANTLR4:745: KILL: K I L L;
drforr/perl6-readline:514: =item kill-text( int32 $start, int32 $end ) returns int32
drforr/perl6-readline:516: Copy the text between C<$start> and C<$end> in the current line to the kill ring, appending or prepending to the last kill if…
drforr/perl6-readline:1231: # Bindable commands for killing and yanking text, and managing the kill ring.
drforr/perl6-readline:1233: sub rl_kill_word ( int32, int32 ) returns int32 is native( LIB ) { * }
drforr/perl6-readline:1234: sub rl_backward_kill_word ( int32, int32 ) returns int32 is native( LIB ) { * }
drforr/perl6-readline:1235: sub rl_kill_line ( int32, int32 ) returns int32 is native( LIB ) { * }
drforr/perl6-readline:1236: sub rl_backward_kill_line ( int32, int32 ) returns int32 is native( LIB ) { * }
drforr/perl6-readline:1237: sub rl_kill_full_line ( int32, int32 ) returns int32 is native( LIB ) { * }
drforr/perl6-readline:1241: sub rl_copy_region_to_kill ( int32, int32 ) returns int32 is native( LIB ) { * }
drforr/perl6-readline:1242: sub rl_kill_region ( int32, int32 ) returns int32 is native( LIB ) { * }
drforr/perl6-readline:1794: sub rl_kill_text( int32, int32 )
drforr/perl6-readline:1797: method kill-text( int32 $start, int32 $end )
drforr/perl6-readline:1799: rl_kill_text( $start, $end ) }
drforr/perl6-readline:122: lives-ok { my $rv = $r.kill-text( $start, $end ) },
drforr/perl6-readline:123: 'kill-text lives';
gfldex/perl6-concurrent-channelify:38: the channel will force the lazy list to stop producing values and kill the
gfldex/perl6-meta6-bin:24: self.kill(signal => Signal::SIGKILL);
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:1188: <a name="t2.3.63"></a><h2 id="_language_5to6-perlfunc.pod6-kill">2.3.63 kill</h2>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:1189: <ul><li><p>kill SIGNAL, LIST</p>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:1190: </li></ul> <ul><li><p>kill SIGNAL</p>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:5997: $log.kill('QUIT');
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:11724: die "Killed by Wormtongue" if $ents-destroy-isengard;
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:19515: <p>Returns the signal number with which the external process was killed, or 0 or an undefined value otherwise.</p>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:19613: <a name="t141.1.13"></a><h2 id="_type_Proc_Async.pod6-method_kill">141.1.13 method kill</h2>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:19614: <pre class="code">kill(Proc::Async:D: $signal = "HUP")</pre>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:19615: <p>Sends a signal to the running program. The signal can be a signal name ("KILL" or "SIGKILL"), an integer (9) or an element of the <span class="code">Signal</span> enum (Signal::SIGKILL).</p>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:21633: <p>If <span class="code">$app_lifetime</span> is set to <span class="code">True</span>, then the thread is killed when the main thread of the process terminates. If set to <span class="code">False</span>, the process will only terminate when the thread has finished.</p>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:21655: <p>Returns <span class="code">False</span> unless the named parameter <span class="code">:app_lifetime</span> is specifically set to <span class="co…
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:23101: <a href="#t2.3.63"><li class="toc-level toc-level-2"><span class="toc-number">2.3.63</span> kill</li></a>
gfldex/perl6-pod-to-bigpage:25275: <a href="#t141.1.13"><li class="toc-level toc-level-2"><span class="toc-number">141.1.13</span> method kill</li></a>
gfldex/perl6-proc-async-timeout:4: `X::Proc::Async::Timeout` is thrown and the command is killed.
gfldex/perl6-proc-async-timeout:17: self.kill(signal => Signal::SIGKILL);
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:30: $ kill -15 -`cat lock` && rm lock
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:32: Negative PID kills whole PGID
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:71: kill($pid, 0) == 0 ?? True !! False;
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:75: #=Int $pgid - PGID of processes to kill
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:76: #=Bool :$force - SIGKILL is sent instead of SIGTERM
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:81: my $sig-num = $force ?? SignalNumbers::KILL !! SignalNumbers::TERM;
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:83: kill(-abs($pgid),$sig-num);
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:100: #=alive if either kill 0 ok, or sending signals not permitted
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:105: if kill($pid, 0) == 0 or cglobal('libc.dylib', 'errno', int32) == 1 {
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:111: if kill($pid, 0) == 0 or cglobal('', 'errno', int32) == 1 {
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:183: $ kill -15 -`cat lock` && rm lock
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:185: Negative PID kills whole PGID
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:5: sub kill(int32, int32) returns int32 is native is export {};
hipek8/p6-UNIX-Daemonize:17: KILL => 9,
jnthn/p6-docker-file:148: simple-image( => 'SIGKILL')),
jnthn/p6-docker-file:151: STOPSIGNAL SIGKILL
jnthn/p6-docker-file:248: STOPSIGNAL SIGKILL
jnthn/p6-docker-file:255: is $ins.signal, 'SIGKILL', 'Correct signal';
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14873: kill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14874: killarnei
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14875: kill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14876: killer
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14877: killeth
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14878: kill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14879: killingworth
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14880: kill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24304: skill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24305: skilless
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24306: skillet
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24307: skill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24308: skill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:632: akilling
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:5113: colmekill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14873: kill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14874: killarney
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14875: killed
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14876: killer
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14877: killeth
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14878: killing
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14879: killingworth
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:14880: kills
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24304: skill
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24305: skilless
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24306: skillet
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24307: skillful
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:24308: skills
johnspurr/Lingua-EN-Stem-Porter:28453: unskillful
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:88: method kill-client
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:91: multi method kill-client(Source $source, Listener $client)
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:92: multi method kill-client(Str $mount, Str() $id)
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:96: method kill-source
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:99: multi method kill-source(Source $source)
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:100: multi method kill-source(Str $mount)
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:217: This is icecast's internal identifier for the client connection. It is the value required by `kill-client`.
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:117: =head2 method kill-client
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:119: multi method kill-client(Source $source, Listener $client)
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:120: multi method kill-client(Str $mount, Str() $id)
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:126: =head2 method kill-source
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:128: multi method kill-source(Source $source)
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:129: multi method kill-source(Str $mount)
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:250: It is the value required by C<kill-client>.
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:462: proto method kill-client(|c) { * }
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:464: multi method kill-client(Source $source, Listener $client) {
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:465: self.kill-client( $source.mount, $;
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:468: multi method kill-client(Str $mount, Str() $id) {
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:469: my $resp = self.get(path => <admin killclient>, params => %(:$mount, :$id));
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:478: proto method kill-source(|c) { * }
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:480: multi method kill-source(Source $source) {
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:481: self.kill-source($source.mount);
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:484: multi method kill-source(Str $mount) {
jonathanstowe/Audio-Icecast:485: my $resp = self.get(path => <admin killsource>, params => %(:$mount));
jonathanstowe/Audio-Liquidsoap:48: $ls.kill;
jonathanstowe/Audio-Liquidsoap:172: $ls.kill;
jonathanstowe/Audio-Liquidsoap:40: my $t = signal(SIGINT, SIGHUP).tap({ $t.close; sleep 1; $s.kill });
jonathanstowe/Audio-Liquidsoap:50: method kill() {
jonathanstowe/Audio-Liquidsoap:52: $!proc.kill('INT');
jonathanstowe/Audio-Sndfile:46: # just a drive by here. If I've got it wrong this may completely kill moar
jonathanstowe/p6-fcgi:3896: # So, we kill variables containing newlines.
kalkin/Ddt:17: as long as it's not completly overkill and a burden.
kalkin/Ddt:70: with $proc { .kill(9) }
kalkin/Ddt:14: with $proc { .kill; say "Restarting @cmd.join(" ")"};
krunen/term-termios:117: has int8 $.cc_VKILL is rw;
masak/007:28: Having settled in, Dryden smiles and continues. "Benefits of being Section Chief. I'd know of anyone being promoted to Double-O status, wouldn't I? Your file shows no kills, and it takes..."
masak/007:88: "You were supposed to *kill* me there. Right there, before you cut me off! You were supposed to *shoot* me in cold blood and *then* go 'Yes. Considerably.' Not just interrupt me and keep me alive!" Dryden gets up and starts walking around, agitated.
masak/007:90: Now Bond looks a trifle concerned. "Are you sure? I mean, that would make you my second kill, yes. But what if I killed a second person on my way here?"
masak/007:92: Dryden sighs. "That's possible, of course, but unsatisfactory from a story point of view. Look at the chronological facts: MI6 finds out I sell state…
masak/007:98: "I don't suppose I can just kill you now instead?" asks Bond hopefully.
masak/007:164: "In a way, *that* was my second kill," muses Bond, "even though technically, it was the same guy twice. And you're right, it was easier. I knew he was going to go for the pistol on the floor, so I could disarm him earlier."
masak/007:218: "Ok, look. This is a flashback showing how I killed you. Invoking a flashback in a movie is a little bit like calling a macro in a programm…
masak/007:234: "I don't feel like killing you anymore," offers Bond. "I'm having far too much fun discussing macros with you. If I kill you, I'll have to start over."
p6-pdf/Font-AFM-p6:41: was overkill. generated sources are now checked in, and can be occasionally
peelle/Finance-CompoundInterest:60: .0083, # We gotz skillz. 10% anually.
perl6-community-modules/p6-irc-utils:655: 361 => 'RPL_KILLDONE', # RFC1459
perl6-community-modules/p6-irc-utils:738: 483 => 'ERR_CANTKILLSERVER', # RFC1459
perl6/doc:680: =head2 kill
perl6/doc:682: =item kill SIGNAL, LIST
perl6/doc:684: =item kill SIGNAL
perl6/doc:690: sub kill(int32, int32) is native {*};
perl6/doc:691: kill $*PID, 9; # OUTPUT: «Killed␤»
perl6/doc:693: To kill processes that were started by creating a L<Proc::Async>, use
perl6/doc:694: L«C<Proc::Async.kill> method|/type/Proc::Async#method_kill».
perl6/doc:84: $log.kill('QUIT');
perl6/doc:543: die "Killed by Wormtongue" if $ents-destroy-isengard;
perl6/doc:156: Returns the signal number with which the external process was killed, or 0 or
perl6/doc:254: =head2 method kill
perl6/doc:256: method kill(Proc::Async:D: $signal = "HUP")
perl6/doc:259: ("KILL" or "SIGKILL"), an integer (9) or an element of the C<Signal> enum
perl6/doc:260: (Signal::SIGKILL).
perl6/doc:80: { note 'timeout'; $proc.kill }
perl6/doc:48: If C<$app_lifetime> is set to C<True>, then the thread is killed when the main
perl6/doc:100: the thread will be killed when the main thread of the process terminates.
perl6/doc:951: sigkill
perl6/tap-harness6:717: subset Killable of Any where { .can('kill') };
perl6/tap-harness6:719: has Killable $!killer;
perl6/tap-harness6:721: submethod BUILD(Promise :$!process, Killable :$!killer = Killable, Promise :$!timer) {
perl6/tap-harness6:723: method kill() {
perl6/tap-harness6:724: $!killer.kill if $!process;
perl6/tap-harness6:777: has Run $!run handles <kill>;
perl6/tap-harness6:813:$process, :killer($async), :$timer);
perl6/tap-harness6:972: has Promise $!killed;
perl6/tap-harness6:973: submethod BUILD (Promise :$!waiter, Promise :$!killed) {
perl6/tap-harness6:975: method kill(Any:D $reason) {
perl6/tap-harness6:976: $!killed.break($reason);
perl6/tap-harness6:992: my $killed =;
perl6/tap-harness6:999: my $int = $!trap ?? sigint().tap({ $killed.break("Interrupted"); $int.close(); }) !! Tap;
perl6/tap-harness6:1006: my $parser =$source, :@handlers, :$killed);
perl6/tap-harness6:1009: await Promise.anyof(@working»<done>, $killed);
perl6/tap-harness6:1013: await Promise.anyof(@working»<done>, $killed);
perl6/tap-harness6:1019: @working».<parser>».kill;
perl6/tap-harness6:1023: $reporter.summarize($aggregator, ?$killed, now - $begin) if !$killed || $!trap;
perl6/tap-harness6:1040:$waiter, :$killed);
perl6/tap-harness6:1044: my $int = $!trap ?? sigint().tap({ $killed.break("Interrupted"); $int.close(); }) !! Tap;
perl6/tap-harness6:1051: my $result =$source, :@handlers).run(:$killed);
perl6/tap-harness6:1054: $killed.result if $killed;
perl6/tap-harness6:1058: $reporter.summarize($aggregator, ?$killed, now - $begin) if !$killed || $!trap;
perl6/tap-harness6:1062:$waiter, :$killed);
rakudo-p5/v5:1460: <tr align='center'><td align='left' rowspan='2'>op/kill0.v5</td><td>0</td><td>6</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>6</td></tr>
rakudo-p5/v5:1461: <tr><td colspan='5'>Undefined subroutine &amp;main::kill called<br />
rakudo-p5/v5:1462: in block at t/spec/op/kill0.v5:1<br />
rakudo-p5/v5:2491: <tr align='center'><td align='left' rowspan='2'>op/kill0.v5</td><td>0</td><td>6</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>6</td></tr>
rakudo-p5/v5:2492: <tr><td colspan='5'>Undefined subroutine &amp;main::kill called<br />
rakudo-p5/v5:2493: in block &lt;unit&gt; at t/spec/op/kill0.v5:1<br />
rakudo-p5/v5:1920: <tr align='center'><td align='left' rowspan='2'>op/kill0.v5</td><td>0</td><td>6</td><td>0</td><td>0</td><td>6</td></tr>
rakudo-p5/v5:1921: <tr><td colspan='5'>No such symbol '&amp;kill'<br />
rakudo-p5/v5:1928: in block at t/spec/op/kill0.v5:20<br />
rakudo-p5/v5:336: 'd_killpg' => 'define',
rakudo-p5/v5:983: 'sig_name_init' => '"ZERO", "HUP", "INT", "QUIT", "ILL", "TRAP", "ABRT", "BUS", "FPE", "KILL", "USR1", "SEGV", "USR2", "PIPE", "ALR…
rakudo-p5/v5:249: op/kill0.t
samcns/uzu:380: $app.kill(SIGKILL);
samcns/uzu:34: $r1.kill(SIGKILL);
scriptkitties/p6-mpd-client:18: sub mpd-kill (
scriptkitties/p6-mpd-client:22: mpd-response-ok(mpd-send("kill", $socket));
sillymoose/Software-License:245: recipient of ordinary skill to be able to understand it.
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:30: my %tokill;
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:31: my Lock $tokill_lock;
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:33: $tokill_lock =;
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:35: # TODO: make this a rw proxy that does a fixup on %tokill
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:39: $tokill_lock.protect: {
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:40: for %tokill.kv -> $session-id, ($path, $remain) {
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:45: for %tokill.kv -> $session-id, ($path, $remain) {
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:133: $tokill_lock.protect: {
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:134: %tokill{"$pidstr.$.sessionname"} = ( $.path, $.remain );
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:201: $tokill_lock.protect: {
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:202: %tokill{"$!screen-pid.$.sessionname"}:delete
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:222: # That may have repopulated %tokill, so delete again.
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:223: $tokill_lock.protect: {
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:224: %tokill{"$!screen-pid.$.sessionname"}:delete
skids/perl6-Proc-Screen:64: #| so if you name a new screen the same as one that was killed,
slobo/Perl6-X11-Xlib-Raw:160: # c. Kill windows with alt + f4.
slobo/Perl6-X11-Xlib-Raw:279: # behavior (using XSetWMProtocols()), we kill it with XKillClient().
slobo/Perl6-X11-Xlib-Raw:302: # LOG(INFO) << "Killing window " << e.window;
slobo/Perl6-X11-Xlib-Raw:303: # XKillClient(display_, e.window);
slobo/Perl6-X11-Xlib-Raw:680: AllTemporary => 0, #= special Resource ID passed to KillClient
slobo/Perl6-X11-Xlib-Raw:117: X_KillClient => 113,
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:269: sufficiently detailed for a recipient of ordinary skill to be able to
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:323: # FIXME: race condition here if user kills between mkdir and trap.
spebern/Parser-FreeXL-Native:17293: # So, we kill variables containing newlines.
spitsh/spitsh:22: note "it's still running. Killing it";
spitsh/spitsh:23: .kill;
spitsh/spitsh:32: - Add `&kill` and `List[PID].kill`
spitsh/spitsh:205: - Add PID.kill which sends a signal to a process
spitsh/spitsh:51: die(){ note "$1" && kill "-TERM" $$ >&4; }
spitsh/spitsh:11: ## kill
spitsh/spitsh:12: >method kill(Str **$signal** ⟶ Bool)
spitsh/spitsh:380: .kill(SIGTERM) with $docker;
spitsh/spitsh:401: note "$_ recieved killing container";
spitsh/spitsh:402: .kill(SIGTERM) for @containers;
spitsh/spitsh:423: ‘mkfifo stdin; trap 'kill $!' TERM; trap 'rm stdin' EXIT; sh<stdin & cat>stdin; wait $!’;
spitsh/spitsh:72: kill
spitsh/spitsh:1: sub kill(PID *@pids, :$signal = 'TERM') {
spitsh/spitsh:2: ${kill "-$signal" @pids} if @pids;
spitsh/spitsh:20: method kill($signal = 'TERM')? {
spitsh/spitsh:21: ${kill "-$signal" $self};
spitsh/spitsh:24: method kill-group($signal = 'TERM')?{
spitsh/spitsh:25: ${kill $signal "-$self"}
spitsh/spitsh:41: method kill($signal = 'TERM') { kill :$signal, @$self }
spitsh/spitsh:19: sub die($str)* { note($str) && $?PID.kill; () }
spitsh/spitsh:42: # If you don't kill $pid as well you get zombies
spitsh/spitsh:43: kill $pid, $pid.descendants;
spitsh/spitsh:47: ok $pid.children == 0, '.children after killing';
spitsh/spitsh:48: ok $pid.descendants == 0, '.descendants after killing';
spitsh/spitsh:52: is eval{ kill }.${sh *>~}, '', 'no error message when called with no arguments';
spitsh/spitsh:69: $pid.descendants.kill;
spitsh/spitsh:71: ok $pid, 'pid still exists after .descendants.kill';
spitsh/spitsh:72: nok $pid.descendants, '.descendants is false after .descendants.kill';
spitsh/spitsh:23: $pid.kill;
spitsh/spitsh:25: }.${sh}, <one two>, ‘.kill on start's pid cancels it’;
spitsh/spitsh:25: $pid.kill;
spitsh/spitsh:27: nok .listening, '.listening after .kill';
spitsh/spitsh:29: '.connectable after .kill';
supernovus/perl6-mime-types:455: application/x-killustrator kil
supernovus/perl6-timezone:1090: # transitions. It is easy enough to interpret without Finnish skills.
supernovus/perl6-web:61: $!output = Nil; ## Kill the IO.
timo/SDL2_Raw-p6:160: my @kills;
timo/SDL2_Raw-p6:265: @kills.push($_);
tokuhirom/p6-Crust:29: exit 0; # There is no way to kill the server thread.
tony-o/perl6-green:10: }; #this should get handled by Green's ok and not kill global
tony-o/perl6-html-parser-xml:212: Bugfix #1: kill all the bad poets.
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:53: when 'kill-proc' {
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:54: "[INFO] Killing process with {$event<signal>}".say;
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:23: my ($prom, $proc, $killer, @filters);
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:53: $proc.kill(SIGQUIT);
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:59: msg => "Could not kill process: {.message}"
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:65: $killer.keep(True);
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:98: action => 'kill-proc',
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:101: await $proc.kill($_);
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:110: $killer =;
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:111: await Promise.anyof($prom, $killer);
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:112: $killer.break if $killer.status !~~ Kept;
tony-o/perl6-overwatch:113: if ($killer.status !~~ Kept && $prom.result:exists && $prom.result.exitcode != 0 && $.exit-on-error) || $.dying {
ugexe/zef:9: # This seems like overkill for what is likely an edge case
zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client:14: END { $s.kill };
zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client:34:$Wait).then: {$s.kill}
zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client:17: END { $s1.kill; $s2.kill; $s3.kill; $s4.kill; };
zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client:40:$Wait).then: { $s1.kill; $s2.kill; $s3.kill; $s4.kill; }
zoffixznet/perl6-IRC-Client:20: method kill { $!proc.kill; }
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:26: - `.killed`
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:39: # of 3 seconds will kill all the procs that sleep longer than that.
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:50: ~ (". Killed due to timeout" if .killed)
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:68: # Got a result for Letter o: STDOUT: oO. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:69: # Got a result for Letter p: STDOUT: pP. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:70: # Got a result for Letter s: STDOUT: sS. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:71: # Got a result for Letter t: STDOUT: tT. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:72: # Got a result for Letter v: STDOUT: vV. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:73: # Got a result for Letter w: STDOUT: wW. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:74: # Got a result for Letter q: STDOUT: qQ. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:75: # Got a result for Letter r: STDOUT: rR. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:76: # Got a result for Letter u: STDOUT: uU. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:77: # Got a result for Letter x: STDOUT: xX. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:78: # Got a result for Letter y: STDOUT: yY. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:79: # Got a result for Letter z: STDOUT: zZ. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:122: `@in`, as well as capturing STDOUT/STDERR, and [killing the
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:123: process](\_kill) after
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:167: a proc should be killed, if it did not complete yet. Timer starts ticking once
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:169: The process is killed with `SIGTERM` signal and if after 1 second it's still
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:170: alive, it gets another kill with `SIGSEGV`.
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:238: ### `.killed`
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:240: A `Bool:D` that is `True` if this proc was killed due to the `:$timeout`. More
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:241: precisely, this is an indication that the timeout expired and the kill code
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:244: `.kill`
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:6: # of 3 seconds will kill all the procs that sleep longer than that.
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:17: ~ (". Killed due to timeout" if .killed)
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:35: # Got a result for Letter o: STDOUT: oO. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:36: # Got a result for Letter p: STDOUT: pP. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:37: # Got a result for Letter s: STDOUT: sS. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:38: # Got a result for Letter t: STDOUT: tT. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:39: # Got a result for Letter v: STDOUT: vV. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:40: # Got a result for Letter w: STDOUT: wW. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:41: # Got a result for Letter q: STDOUT: qQ. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:42: # Got a result for Letter r: STDOUT: rR. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:43: # Got a result for Letter u: STDOUT: uU. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:44: # Got a result for Letter x: STDOUT: xX. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:45: # Got a result for Letter y: STDOUT: yY. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:46: # Got a result for Letter z: STDOUT: zZ. Killed due to timeout
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:42: my Bool:D $killed = False;
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:45: $killed = True;
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:46: $proc.kill: SIGTERM;
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:47: {$prom or $proc.kill: SIGSEGV}
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:65: has Bool:D $.killed is required;
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:67: :$tag, :$killed,
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:38: ${:err("a\n"), :exitcode(0), :!killed, :merged($(("a", "aA"))), :out("aA\n"), :tag("taga")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:39: ${:err("b\n"), :exitcode(1), :!killed, :merged($(("b", "bB"))), :out("bB\n"), :tag("tagb")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:40: ${:err("c\n"), :exitcode(2), :!killed, :merged($(("c", "cC"))), :out("cC\n"), :tag("tagc")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:41: ${:err("d\n"), :exitcode(3), :!killed, :merged($(("d", "dD"))), :out("dD\n"), :tag("tagd")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:42: ${:err("e\n"), :exitcode(4), :!killed, :merged($(("e", "eE"))), :out("eE\n"), :tag("tage")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:43: ${:err("f\n"), :exitcode(5), :!killed, :merged($(("f", "fF"))), :out("fF\n"), :tag("tagf")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:44: ${:err("g\n"), :exitcode(6), :!killed, :merged($(("g", "gG"))), :out("gG\n"), :tag("tagg")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:45: ${:err("h\n"), :exitcode(7), :!killed, :merged($(("h", "hH"))), :out("hH\n"), :tag("tagh")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:46: ${:err("i\n"), :exitcode(8), :!killed, :merged($(("i", "iI"))), :out("iI\n"), :tag("tagi")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:47: ${:err("j\n"), :exitcode(9), :!killed, :merged($(("j", "jJ"))), :out("jJ\n"), :tag("tagj")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:48: ${:err("k\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("k", "kK"))), :out("kK\n"), :tag("tagk")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:49: ${:err("l\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("l", "lL"))), :out("lL\n"), :tag("tagl")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:50: ${:err("m\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("m", "mM"))), :out("mM\n"), :tag("tagm")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:51: ${:err("n\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("n", "nN"))), :out("nN\n"), :tag("tagn")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:52: ${:err("o\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("o", "oO"))), :out("oO\n"), :tag("tago")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:53: ${:err("p\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("p", "pP"))), :out("pP\n"), :tag("tagp")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:54: ${:err("q\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("q", "qQ"))), :out("qQ\n"), :tag("tagq")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:55: ${:err("r\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("r", "rR"))), :out("rR\n"), :tag("tagr")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:56: ${:err("s\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("s", "sS"))), :out("sS\n"), :tag("tags")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:57: ${:err("t\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("t", "tT"))), :out("tT\n"), :tag("tagt")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:58: ${:err("u\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("u", "uU"))), :out("uU\n"), :tag("tagu")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:59: ${:err("v\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("v", "vV"))), :out("vV\n"), :tag("tagv")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:60: ${:err("w\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("w", "wW"))), :out("wW\n"), :tag("tagw")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:61: ${:err("x\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("x", "xX"))), :out("xX\n"), :tag("tagx")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:62: ${:err("y\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("y", "yY"))), :out("yY\n"), :tag("tagy")},
zoffixznet/perl6-Proc-Q:63: ${:err("z\n"), :exitcode(0), :killed, :merged($(("z", "zZ"))), :out("zZ\n"), :tag("tagz")};
zostay/P6W:493: The C<p6wx.harakiri.commit> environment variable MAY be set by the application to signal to the server that the current worker should be killed after the current request has been processed.
zostay/P6W:540: The `p6wx.harakiri.commit` environment variable MAY be set by the application to signal to the server that the current worker should be killed after the current request has been processed.
zostay/Template-Anti:455: say $ta.process('email.welcome', :name<Starkiller>, :dark-lord<Darth Vader>);
zostay/Template-Anti:456: say $ta.process('email.welcome-embedded', :name<Starkiller>, :dark-lord<Darth Vader>);
zostay/Template-Anti:716: say $ta.process('email.hello', :name<Starkiller>, :dark-lord<Darth Vader>);
zostay/Template-Anti:717: say $ta.process('email.hello-embedded', :name<Starkiller>, :dark-lord<Darth Vader>);
zostay/Template-Anti:15: is $ta.process('email.hello', :name<Starkiller>, :dark-lord<Darth Vader>), $expect, "custom format works";
zostay/Template-Anti:16: is $ta.process('email.hello-embedded', :name<Starkiller>, :dark-lord<Darth Vader>), $expect, "custom format with embedded code works";
zostay/Template-Anti:58: is $foo.hello.(:name<Starkiller>, :dark-lord<Darth Vader>), $expect, "custom format works";
zostay/Template-Anti:59: is $foo.hello-embedded.(:name<Starkiller>, :dark-lord<Darth Vader>), $expect, "custom format with embedded code works";
zostay/Template-Anti:1: Subject: Welcome Starkiller to the Dark Side
zostay/Template-Anti:3: Starkiller

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