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Created November 26, 2012 21:55
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"""Test cherrypy web server for "requests" test redirection to AWS S3 temporary url.
2012-05-22 by
import cherrypy
from cherrypy.lib import auth_digest
class DigestForwarder(object):
"""Server, serving only authorized users ("user", "password") by redirecting to some secret destination url
Home page (gives you instructions and links to use)
Easy page redirection:
Redirection to tmp AWS page (valid till end 2012):
easypage= "",
awsredir= ""
def index(self):
login = cherrypy.request.login
lines = ""
for key, value in self.targets.items():
request_url = "/feed?key=" + key
lines += """<li>Key: %(key)s: <a href="%(request_url)s">%(request_url)s</a></li>""" % locals()
return """\
<h1>Digest based redirector</h1>
<p>Your user account <b>%(login)s</b> has access to following feeds:</p>
</html>""" % locals()
def feed(self, key):
if key in self.targets.keys():
url = self.targets[key]
raise cherrypy.HTTPRedirect(url, 302)
raise cherrypy.HTTPError(400, "Unexpected value of feed key: %s." % key)
return "You asked for key %(key)s and are redirected to %(ulr)s" % locals()
conf = {"/": {
"log.error_file": "digestforwarder.error.log",
"log.access_file": "digestforwarder.logaccess.log",
"tools.auth_digest.on": True,
"tools.auth_digest.realm": 'localhost',
"tools.auth_digest.get_ha1": cherrypy.lib.auth_digest.get_ha1_dict_plain({'user': 'password'}),
"tools.auth_digest.key": 'abcd12345efgh',
"tools.auth_digest.debug": True
controller = DigestForwarder()
print controller.__doc__
cherrypy.quickstart(controller, config = conf)
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPDigestAuth
def test_redirect_to_easypage():
url = 'http://localhost:8080/feed'
auth = HTTPDigestAuth("user", "password")
params = {"key": "easypage"}
r = requests.get(url, auth = auth, params = params)
assert r.status_code == 200
assert len(r.history) == 2
assert r.history[1].status_code == 401
assert r.history[0].status_code == 302
def test_redirect_to_awspage():
url = 'http://localhost:8080/feed'
auth = HTTPDigestAuth("user", "password")
params = {"key": "awsredir"}
r = requests.get(url, auth = auth, params = params)
#assert r.status_code == 200
#assert len(r.history) == 2
#assert r.history[1].status_code == 401
#assert r.history[0].status_code == 302
return r
resp = test_redirect_to_awspage()
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