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Last active December 11, 2022 21:34
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Dominoes Valid Train Finder
* Will find all permutations of the given set of 'dominos' that can
* be laid in a single line end to end to form a valid domino train.
function start() {
const dominos = ['05','60','54','66','40','43','21','35','03','24','32','52','11'];
let remaining = dominos.filter(d=>d!=domino);
lookForValidTrain([domino], remaining);
* @param {string[]} startingWith
* @param {string[]} remainingSet
function lookForValidTrain(startingWith, remainingSet){
if(remainingSet.length == 0){
console.log('valid train found:' + startingWith.join(', '));
const last = startingWith.slice(-1)[0];
if(last.substring(1) === remainingDomino.substring(0,1)){
const newRemaining = remainingSet.filter((remaining)=>remaining!=remainingDomino);
const newStarting = [...startingWith, remainingDomino];
lookForValidTrain(newStarting, newRemaining);
//to check for matches using the other orientation
//the first "if" is to prevent double dominos from creating two outputs (both their orientations are the same)
if(remainingDomino.substring(1) !== remainingDomino.substring(0,1)){
if(last.substring(1) === remainingDomino.substring(1)){
const newRemaining = remainingSet.filter((remaining)=>remaining!=remainingDomino);
const newStarting = [...startingWith, remainingDomino.substring(1) + remainingDomino.substring(0,1)];
lookForValidTrain(newStarting, newRemaining);
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