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Created June 12, 2013 14:32
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Working with TiExceptionHandler to better capture issues within my Appcelerator IOS Applications
// swap out the TiExceptionHandler classes for my own classes.
// will need to call the original method functionality at some point
-(void) resetErrorHandling
[ComCiErrorHandlerModule swapMethod:@selector(reportScriptError:)
origClass:[TiExceptionHandler class]
newClass:[ComCiErrorHandlerModule class]];
[ComCiErrorHandlerModule swapMethod:@selector(showScriptError:)
origClass:[TiExceptionHandler class]
newClass:[ComCiErrorHandlerModule class]];
[ComCiErrorHandlerModule swapMethod:@selector(reportException:withStackTrace:)
origClass:[TiExceptionHandler class]
newClass:[ComCiErrorHandlerModule class]];
// these are my replacement methods
- (void)showScriptError:(TiScriptError *)error
NSLog(@"initializing NEW showScriptError: %@ ", [error description]);
- (void)reportScriptError:(TiScriptError *)scriptError
NSLog(@"reportScriptError: %@ ", [scriptError description]);
- (void)reportException:(NSException *)exception withStackTrace:(NSArray *)stackTrace
NSLog(@"initializing NEW reportException");
// Here is the magic of Swizzling to get it done
+ (void)swapMethod:(SEL)origM withMethod:(SEL)newM origClass:(Class)origClass newClass:(Class)newClass {
Method origMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(origClass, origM);
Method newMethod = class_getInstanceMethod(newClass, newM);
if (class_addMethod(origClass, origM, method_getImplementation(newMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(newMethod))) {
class_replaceMethod(origClass, newM, method_getImplementation(origMethod), method_getTypeEncoding(origMethod));
} else {
method_exchangeImplementations(origMethod, newMethod);
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