We see that you own an active API key for the Flickr API, and wanted to let you know that Flickr is scheduling a maintenance outage for Thursday, July 25th, from 4 to 10pm PDT. During the outage window, the Flickr API will be unavailable. As such, you may want to adjust your app to gracefully handle the error that will result when it calls our API during the outage. (If your app is not yet public, this will only impact your personal use of the API.)
Specifically, a call to the Flickr API will result in the following error: 105: Service currently unavailable (Site Disabled). Here are example responses to expect:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?> <rsp stat="fail"> <err code="105" msg="Service currently unavailable (Site Disabled)" /> </rsp>
jsonFlickrApi({ "stat": "fail", "code": "105", "message": "Service currently unavailable (Site Disabled)" })
{ "stat": "fail", "code": "105", "message": "Service currently unavailable (Site Disabled)" }
We hope this helps, and thank you for being a member of our API community,
The Flickreenos