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Last active August 16, 2019 14:51
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#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6.d;
use REX::File;
use Audio::Sndfile;
sub MAIN(:i(:$in-dir), :o(:$out-dir)) {
mkdir $out-dir unless $out-dir.IO.d;
my (@fails, $total, %words);
for $in-dir.IO.dir(test => / '.rx2' $/) -> $rf {
#say "Processing $rf";
my $rex = :path($rf);
say "Encountered stereo rex file: $rf" if $ == 2;
if $rex.&check-name-parity {
my @words = $rex.&words;
for @words.kv -> $idx, $w {
my $name = $out-dir ~ "/$w - %words{$w}.wav";
$rex.&render-slice-file($name, $idx);
} else {
@fails.push: $rf;
say "There were {+@fails}/$total REX files where name mismatched slice count";
say "Here are the processed words:";
dd %words;
sub words($rex) {
$' - ')[0].split(' ')
sub check-name-parity($rex) {
so $rex.&words.elems == +$rex.slices
sub render-slice-file($rex, $filename, $idx) {
my $format = Audio::Sndfile::Info::WAV +| Audio::Sndfile::Info::FLOAT;
my $as =$filename, :$format, channels => 1, :samplerate($rex.sample-rate), :w);
use REX::Native;
use NativeCall;
class REX::File {
has $.path is required where *.IO.e;
has $.name = $!path.IO.basename.subst('.rx2', '');
has Pointer[void] $.handle = get-rex-handle($!path);
has REXInfo $.info = rex-get-info($!handle);
has $.sample-rate = $!info.fSampleRate;
has @!slices;
has $!sample-length;
has $!seconds-length;
my atomicint $REFCOUNT = 0;
method new(:$path) {
# REX::Native needs to load the dylib into memory
initialize if $REFCOUNT == 0;
self.bless: :$path;
my class Slice {
has REXInfo $.info handles <fSampleRate fChannels>;
has REXSliceInfo $.slice-info handles <fSampleLength>;
has Int $.idx;
has Pointer[void] $.handle;
has CArray[CArray[num32]] $.samples = rex-render-slice($!handle, $!idx, $!slice-info.fSampleLength, $!info.fChannels);
method seconds {
self.fSampleLength / self.fSampleRate
method ms {
self.seconds * 1000
method interleaved {
if self.fChannels == 2 {
my $ret = CArray[num32].allocate(self.fSampleLength * 2);
for ^self.fSampleLength -> $s {
$ret.push: $!samples[0][$s], $!samples[1][$s]
} else {
method slices {
if ! @!slices {
for ^$!info.fSliceCount -> $idx {
@!slices.push:$!info, :slice-info(rex-get-slice-info($!handle, $idx)), :$idx, :$!handle);
method samples {
[ self.slices>>.samples ]
method sample-length {
$!sample-length ||= [+] self.slices>>.fSampleLength
method seconds-length {
$!seconds-length ||= [+] self.slices>>.seconds;
submethod DESTROY {
uninitialize if --⚛$REFCOUNT == 0;
use v6.d;
use NativeCall;
constant LIBRARY = './dist/REX Shared Library.framework/Versions/Current/REX Shared Library';
constant DEBUG = False;
enum REXError
#/* Not really errors */
kREXError_NoError => 1,
kREXError_OperationAbortedByUser => 2,
kREXError_NoCreatorInfoAvailable => 3,
#/* Run-time errors */
kREXError_OutOfMemory => 105,
kREXError_FileCorrupt => 106,
kREXError_REX2FileTooNew => 107,
kREXError_FileHasZeroLoopLength => 108,
#/* Implementation errors */
kREXImplError_DLLNotInitialized => 200,
kREXImplError_DLLAlreadyInitialized => 201,
kREXImplError_InvalidHandle => 202,
kREXImplError_InvalidSize => 203,
kREXImplError_InvalidArgument => 204,
kREXImplError_InvalidSlice => 205,
kREXImplError_InvalidSampleRate => 206,
kREXImplError_BufferTooSmall => 207,
kREXImplError_IsBeingPreviewed => 208,
kREXImplError_NotBeingPreviewed => 209,
kREXImplError_InvalidTempo => 210,
#/* DLL error - call the cops! */
kREXError_Undefined => 666
my %REXErrorLookup = REXError.enums.antipairs;
subset Error of Int where { %REXErrorLookup{$^err}:exists && $^err != kREXError_NoError }
enum REXCallbackResult <kREXCallback_Abort kREXCallback_Continue>;
# C Structs
class REXInfo is repr('CStruct') is export {
has int32 $.fChannels;
has int32 $.fSampleRate;
has int32 $.fSliceCount;
has int32 $.fTempo;
has int32 $.fOriginalTempo;
has int32 $.fPPQLength;
has int32 $.fTimeSignNom;
has int32 $.fTimeSignDenom;
has int32 $.fBitDepth;
class REXSliceInfo is repr('CStruct') is export {
has int32 $.fPPQPos;
has int32 $.fSampleLength;
class REXCreatorInfo is repr('CStruct') {
has Str $.fName;
has Str $.fCopyright;
has Str $.fURL;
has Str $.fEmail;
has Str $.fFreeText;
# C functions
my sub lib-path { LIBRARY }
sub REXInitializeDLL() returns int32 is native(&lib-path) {*}
sub REXUninitializeDLL() is native(&lib-path) {*}
sub REXCreateCallback returns Pointer is native(&lib-path) is export {*}
sub REXCreate(Pointer[void] $handle is rw, Blob $buffer, int32 $size, Pointer, Pointer[void]) returns int32
is native(&lib-path) {*}
sub REXDelete(Pointer[void] $handle is rw) is native(&lib-path) {*}
sub REXGetInfo(Pointer[void] $handle, int32 $size, REXInfo $info is rw)
returns int32 is native(&lib-path) {*}
sub REXGetSliceInfo(Pointer[void] $handle, int32 $index, int32 $size,
REXSliceInfo $info is rw) returns int32 is native(&lib-path) {*}
sub REXRenderSlice(Pointer[void] $handle, int32 $idx, int32 $length, CArray[CArray[num32]] $buffers) returns int32 is native(&lib-path) {*}
# Custom subs
sub error-name (Error $e) { %REXErrorLookup{$e} }
sub initialize is export {
my $e = REXInitializeDLL;
if $e != kREXError_NoError {
die "Error initializing the REX dynamic library: {error-name $e}";
} else {
$*ERR.put("Initializing REX library into memory") if DEBUG;
# This must be called!
sub uninitialize is export {
$*ERR.put("Uninitializing REX library from memory") if DEBUG;
} else {
die "uninitialize() called prior to initialize()";
sub get-rex-handle($path where *.IO.e) is export {
my $f = $;
my Blob $rex-blob = $f.slurp;
$f.close; # Ensure we don't hit fopen limits!
my Pointer[void] $handle .= new;
my $err = REXCreate($handle, $rex-blob, $rex-blob.elems, Pointer, Pointer[void]);
if $err ~~ Error {
die "Error: {error-name $err}";
sub free-rex-handle(Pointer[void] $handle) is export {
sub rex-get-info($handle) is export {
my REXInfo $info .= new;
my $err = REXGetInfo($handle, nativesizeof(, $info);
if $err ~~ Error {
die "Error: {error-name $err}";
sub rex-get-slice-info($handle, $idx) is export {
my REXSliceInfo $slice .= new;
my $err = REXGetSliceInfo($handle, $idx, nativesizeof(, $slice);
if $err ~~ Error {
die "Error getting slice info: {error-name $err}";
sub rex-render-slice($handle, $idx, $length, $channels where * <= 2) is export {
my $buffers = CArray[CArray[num32]].new(CArray[num32].allocate($length) xx $channels);
if $channels == 1 {
$buffers[1] = CArray[num32]; # Give it the type object aka NULL
say "Created CArray buffers of length {$buffers[0].elems} for $channels channels" if DEBUG;
my $err = REXRenderSlice($handle, $idx, $length, $buffers);
if $err ~~ Error {
die "Error rendering slice $idx: {error-name e}";
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