# Script to install HDP 2.5, Nifi 1.0, Zeppein with Truckin demo and Nifi-Twitter demo. Run below command to kick off: #curl -sSL https://gist.github.com/abajwa-hw/3f2e211d252bba6cad6a6735f78a4a93/raw | sudo -E sh #To run on multinode: run below on non-ambariserver nodes first #export ambari_server=; export ambari_version=; curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/seanorama/ambari-bootstrap/master/ambari-bootstrap.sh | sudo -E sh ; bootstrap_home=/tmp rm -rf ${bootstrap_home}/ambari-bootstrap set -e -x export hdp_ver=${hdp_ver:-2.5} #version of HDP export host_count=${host_count:-ask} #num nodes in cluster (including Ambari) export install_nifidemo="${install_nifidemo:-true}" #whether to install nifi demo (works on hdp2.4/2.5) export install_iotdemo="${install_iotdemo:-true}" #whether to install trucking demo (currently only works on HDP 2.4) export install_tpcds="${install_tpcds:-false}" export install_nifisolr_on_all_nodes="${install_nifisolr_on_all_nodes:-true}" #whether nifi/solr should be installed on all nodes export ambari_services=${ambari_services:-HDFS HIVE PIG SPARK MAPREDUCE2 TEZ YARN ZOOKEEPER} #choose core services export enable_llap="${enable_llap:-false}" export cluster_name="${cluster_name:-hdp}" export ambari_password=${ambari_password:-BadPass#1} ## For security purposes, when installing on AWS, this password will be overridden with your AWS accountid #export public_ip=$(curl icanhazip.com) #export nifi_flow=${nifi_flow:-https://gist.githubusercontent.com/abajwa-hw/3a3e2b2d9fb239043a38d204c94e609f/raw} # nifi flow.xml to import #service user for Ambari to setup demos export service_user="demokitadmin" export service_password="BadPass#1" #only use ambari service to iotdemo on 2.4 #if ([ "${hdp_ver}" = "2.4" ] && [ "${install_iotdemo}" = true ]); then # export install_iot_service=true #fi #on 2.5 onwards, pick flow.xml with both iotdemo flow and twitter flow if ([ "${hdp_ver}" = "2.4" ] || [ "${install_iotdemo}" = false ]); then export nifi_flow="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/abajwa-hw/3a3e2b2d9fb239043a38d204c94e609f/raw" else export nifi_flow="https://gist.githubusercontent.com/abajwa-hw/a78634099c82cd2bab1ccceb8cc2b86e/raw" fi export install_ambari_server=true #export ambari_version= # java7 doesn't work with ambari 2.4.1 (at least on RHEL7) #if [ "${hdp_ver}" = "2.4" ]; then # export java_version=7 #fi #remove unneeded repos if [ -f /etc/yum.repos.d/zfs.repo ]; then rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/zfs.repo fi if [ -f /etc/yum.repos.d/lustre.repo ]; then rm -f /etc/yum.repos.d/lustre.repo fi #install ambari-server/agent using bootstrap yum install -y git cd ${bootstrap_home} sudo git clone https://github.com/seanorama/ambari-bootstrap.git bash ${bootstrap_home}/ambari-bootstrap/ambari-bootstrap.sh sleep 20 #create demokitadmin user curl -iv -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: blah" -X POST -d "{\"Users/user_name\":\"${service_user}\",\"Users/password\":\"${service_password}\",\"Users/active\":\"true\",\"Users/admin\":\"true\"}" http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users #if running on AWS, fetch accountId if [ -f /sys/hypervisor/uuid ] && [ `head -c 3 /sys/hypervisor/uuid` == ec2 ]; then echo "AWS detected, reading accountId..." eval $(curl -sSL \ | awk -F\" '/:/ {print "export "$2"="$4}') #if accountId not empty, use it as password for admin user echo "Overriding ambari_password to AWS accountid..." if [ -n "${accountId}" ]; then export ambari_password=${accountId} fi else echo "non-AWS detecting. Leaving pasword to default" fi #update admin password curl -iv -u admin:admin -H "X-Requested-By: blah" -X PUT -d "{ \"Users\": { \"user_name\": \"admin\", \"old_password\": \"admin\", \"password\": \"${ambari_password}\" }}" http://localhost:8080/api/v1/users/admin if [ "${install_iotdemo}" = true ]; then if [ "${hdp_ver}" = "2.5" ]; then sudo git clone -b hdp25 https://github.com/hortonworks-gallery/iotdemo-service.git /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP//${hdp_ver}/services/IOTDEMO25 elif [ "${hdp_ver}" = "2.6" ]; then sudo git clone -b hdp26 https://github.com/hortonworks-gallery/iotdemo-service.git /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP//${hdp_ver}/services/IOTDEMO26 else sudo git clone https://github.com/hortonworks-gallery/iotdemo-service.git /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/${hdp_ver}/services/IOTDEMO #sudo git clone https://github.com/hortonworks-gallery/ambari-zeppelin-service.git /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.4/services/ZEPPELINDEMO fi fi if [ "${install_nifidemo}" = true ]; then sudo git clone https://github.com/abajwa-hw/solr-stack.git /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/${hdp_ver}/services/SOLRDEMO sudo git clone https://github.com/abajwa-hw/ambari-nifi-service /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/${hdp_ver}/services/NIFIDEMO fi #update role_command_order cat << EOF > custom_order.json "SOLR_MASTER-START" : ["ZOOKEEPER_SERVER-START"], "NIFI_MASTER-START" : ["ZOOKEEPER_SERVER-START"], EOF if [ "${install_iotdemo}" = true ]; then echo ' "IOTDEMO_MASTER-START" : ["ZOOKEEPER_SERVER-START", "NAMENODE-START", "DATANODE-START", "NODEMANAGER-START", "RESOURCEMANAGER-START", "HIVE_SERVER-START", "WEBHCAT_SERVER-START", "HBASE_MASTER-START", "HBASE_REGIONSERVER-START","KAFKA_BROKER-START","STORM_REST_API-START" ],' >> custom_order.json fi #if [ "${hdp_ver}" = "2.4" ]; then # echo ' "ZEPPELIN_MASTER-START": ["NAMENODE-START", "DATANODE-START"],' >> custom_order.json #fi if ([ "${install_nifidemo}" = true ] || [ "${install_iotdemo}" = true ]); then order_file="/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/${hdp_ver}/role_command_order.json" # there is no order file in 2.6 if [ ! -f ${order_file} ]; then order_file="/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.5/role_command_order.json" fi sed -i.bak '/"dependencies for all cases",/ r custom_order.json' ${order_file} fi if ([ "${install_nifidemo}" = true ] && [ "${install_nifisolr_on_all_nodes}" = true ]); then advisor="/var/lib/ambari-server/resources/stacks/HDP/2.0.6/services/stack_advisor.py" cp $advisor "$advisor.bak" sed -i.bak "s#return \['ZOOKEEPER_SERVER', 'HBASE_MASTER'\]#return \['ZOOKEEPER_SERVER', 'HBASE_MASTER', 'NIFI_MASTER', 'SOLR_MASTER'\]#" $advisor sed -i.bak "s#\('ZOOKEEPER_SERVER': {\"min\": 3},\)#\1\n 'NIFI_MASTER': {\"min\": $host_count}, 'SOLR_MASTER': {\"min\": $host_count},#g" $advisor fi service ambari-server restart sleep 20 yum install -y python-argparse cd ${bootstrap_home}/ambari-bootstrap/deploy #temporary - patch hardcoded stack bug #git pull origin pull/25/head #git reset --hard b2e5cf5 if ([ "${install_nifidemo}" = true ]); then #download nifi flow twitter_flow=$(curl -L ${nifi_flow}) #change kafka broker string for Ambari to replace later twitter_flow=$(echo ${twitter_flow} | sed 's/demo.hortonworks.com:6667/\{\{kafka_broker_host\}\}:6667/g') nifi_config="\"nifi-flow-env\" : { \"properties_attributes\" : { }, \"properties\" : { \"content\" : \"${twitter_flow}\" } }," nifi_config+="\"solr-config\": { \"solr.download.location\": \"HDPSEARCH\", \"solr.cloudmode\": \"true\", \"solr.demo_mode\": \"true\" }," fi #include LLAP in custom configs only for 2.5 #if ([ "${hdp_ver}" = "2.5" ] && [ "${enable_llap}" = true ]); then # llap_config='"hive-interactive-env": { "enable_hive_interactive": "true", "hive.server2.tez.default.queues": "llap", "llap_queue_capacity": "75" },' #fi if ([ "${hdp_ver}" != "2.4" ] && [ "${install_iotdemo}" = true ]); then iot_config="\"demo-config\": { \"demo.ambari_username\": \"${service_user}\", \"demo.ambari_password\": \"${service_password}\" }," fi #custom configs cat << EOF > configuration-custom.json { "configurations" : { ${llap_config} ${iot_config} ${nifi_config} "hadoop-env": { "namenode_heapsize": "2048m" }, "hdfs-site": { "dfs.replication": "1" }, "core-site": { "hadoop.proxyuser.root.hosts": "*" } } } EOF #nifi 1.0 needs JRE 8 to be available yum install -y java-1.8.0-openjdk if [ "${install_nifidemo}" = true ]; then export ambari_services="${ambari_services} NIFI SOLR" fi if [ "${install_iotdemo}" = true ]; then export ambari_services="${ambari_services} HBASE PHOENIX KAFKA STORM IOTDEMO ATLAS" fi if [ "${hdp_ver}" != "2.4" ]; then export ambari_services="${ambari_services} LOGSEARCH AMBARI_INFRA ZEPPELIN SLIDER" export recommendation_strategy="ALWAYS_APPLY_DONT_OVERRIDE_CUSTOM_VALUES" fi export ambari_stack_name=HDP export ambari_stack_version=${hdp_ver} export ambari_password="${ambari_password}" bash ./deploy-recommended-cluster.bash echo "Waiting for cluster to be installed..." sleep 5 #wait until cluster deployed ambari_pass="${ambari_password}" source ${bootstrap_home}/ambari-bootstrap/extras/ambari_functions.sh ambari_configs ambari_wait_request_complete 1 export HOST=$(hostname -f) #Turn on maintenance mode for Grafana to prevent startup issues while restarting cluster curl -u ${service_user}:${service_password} -H X-Requested-By:blah -X PUT -d '{"RequestInfo": {"context" :"Turn on Maintenance Mode for Grafana"}, "Body": {"HostRoles": {"maintenance_state": "ON"}}}' http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/${cluster_name}/hosts/${HOST}/host_components/METRICS_GRAFANA # If Zeppelin was successfully installed, update the demo notebooks zeppelin_missing=$(curl -u ${service_user}:${service_password} -H X-Requested-By:blah http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/$cluster_name/services/ZEPPELIN | grep "Service not found" | wc -l) if [ "$zeppelin_missing" -eq "0" ]; then echo "Updating Zeppelin notebooks" sudo curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hortonworks-gallery/zeppelin-notebooks/master/update_all_notebooks.sh | sudo -E sh #In HDP 2.5 to to set admin pass: 1. update zeppelin configs by uncommenting admin user and set password, 2. enable sessionManager/securityManager, 3. switch from anon to authc cd /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/scripts/ if ([ "${hdp_ver}" = "2.5" ]); then ./configs.sh -u ${service_user} -p ${service_password} get localhost ${cluster_name} zeppelin-env | sed -e '1,3d' \ -e "/^\"shiro_ini_content\" : / s:#admin = password1:admin = ${ambari_password}:" \ -e "/^\"shiro_ini_content\" : / s:#sessionManager:sessionManager:" \ -e "/^\"shiro_ini_content\" : / s:#securityManager:securityManager:" \ -e "/^\"shiro_ini_content\" : / s:#securityManager:securityManager:" \ -e "/^\"shiro_ini_content\" : / s:/\*\* = anon:#/\*\* = anon:" \ -e "/^\"shiro_ini_content\" : / s:#/\*\* = authc:/\*\* = authc:" > /tmp/zeppelin-env.json #write updating configs ./configs.sh -u ${service_user} -p ${service_password} set localhost ${cluster_name} zeppelin-env /tmp/zeppelin-env.json else #if HDP 2.6, only admin password needs to be updated ./configs.sh -u ${service_user} -p ${service_password} get localhost ${cluster_name} zeppelin-shiro-ini | sed -e '1,3d' \ -e "/^\"shiro_ini_content\" : / s:admin = admin, admin:admin = ${ambari_password},admin:" > /tmp/zeppelin-env.json #write updating configs ./configs.sh -u ${service_user} -p ${service_password} set localhost ${cluster_name} zeppelin-shiro-ini /tmp/zeppelin-env.json fi #restart Zeppelin sudo curl -u ${service_user}:${service_password} -H 'X-Requested-By: blah' -X POST -d " { \"RequestInfo\":{ \"command\":\"RESTART\", \"context\":\"Restart Zeppelin\", \"operation_level\":{ \"level\":\"HOST\", \"cluster_name\":\"${cluster_name}\" } }, \"Requests/resource_filters\":[ { \"service_name\":\"ZEPPELIN\", \"component_name\":\"ZEPPELIN_MASTER\", \"hosts\":\"${HOST}\" } ] }" http://localhost:8080/api/v1/clusters/$cluster_name/requests fi echo "Creating home dirs for admin, root, anonymous" for user in admin root anonymous; do sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /user/$user sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chown $user /user/$user done #setup stage dir/table for tweets sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -mkdir /tmp/tweets_staging sudo -u hdfs hdfs dfs -chmod -R 777 /tmp/tweets_staging hive -e 'create table if not exists tweets_text_partition( tweet_id bigint, created_unixtime bigint, created_time string, displayname string, msg string, fulltext string ) row format delimited fields terminated by "|" location "/tmp/tweets_staging";' echo "Importing sample foodmart dataset into Hive..." #curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hortonworks/tutorials/hdp-2.5/tutorials/hortonworks/learning-the-ropes-of-the-hortonworks-sandbox/Foodmart_Data/load_foodmart_data.sh | sudo -E sh curl -sSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hortonworks/data-tutorials/master/tutorials/hdp/hdp-2.5/learning-the-ropes-of-the-hortonworks-sandbox/assets/Foodmart_Data/load_foodmart_data.sh | sudo -E sh if ([ "${install_tpcds}" = true ]); then echo "Generate 2GB TPC-DS..." cd curl -sSL https://gist.github.com/abajwa-hw/2e49079e5d89692b9eace82d0c25c4ab/raw | sudo -E sh fi #remove zeppelin view as it doesn't work on AWS sudo rm -f /var/lib/ambari-server/resources/views/zeppelin-view-* if ([ "${hdp_ver}" != "2.4" ] && [ "${install_iotdemo}" = true ]); then sudo ambari-server restart sleep 15 echo "To complete IOT-Demo setup on HDP 2.5 only, please replace all storm log4j-2.1*.jars with log4j*2.6.2.jars in lib dir. Run below on all nodes where Storm is installed." echo "sudo mkdir ~/oldjars" echo "sudo mv /usr/hdp/2.*/storm/lib/log4j*-2.1.jar ~/oldjars" echo "sudo cp /var/lib/ambari-agent/cache/host_scripts/*.jar /usr/hdp/2.*/storm/lib/" fi #clear startup log before creating image rm -f /var/log/hdp_startup.log echo "Setup complete! Access Ambari UI on port 8080."