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Created February 28, 2019 12:53
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name: catalyst
- conda-forge
- defaults
- ca-certificates=2017.08.26
- certifi=2018.1.18
- intel-openmp=2018.0.0
- ipython=6.4.0
- jupyter=1.0.0
- mkl=2018.0.1
- numpy=1.14.0
- openssl=1.0.2n
- matplotlib=2.2.2
- pip=9.0.1
- python=3.6.4
- scipy=1.0.0
- setuptools=38.4.0=py36_0
- sqlite=3.22.0
- tk=8.6.7
- wheel=0.30.0
- xz=5.2.3
- zlib=1.2.11
- pip:
- aiodns==1.1.1
- aiohttp==3.0.1
- alembic==0.9.7
- async-timeout==2.0.0
- attrdict==2.0.0
- attrs==17.4.0
- bcolz==1.2.1
- boto3==1.5.27
- botocore==1.8.41
- bottleneck==1.2.1
- cchardet==2.1.1
- ccxt==1.17.94
- chardet==3.0.4
- click==6.7
- contextlib2==0.5.5
- cyordereddict==1.0.0
- cython==0.27.3
- cytoolz==0.9.0
- docutils==0.14
- empyrical==0.2.1
- enigma-catalyst>=0.5.18
- eth-abi==1.1.1
- eth-account==0.2.2
- eth-hash==0.1.3
- eth-keyfile==0.5.1
- eth-keys==0.2.0b3
- eth-rlp==0.1.2
- eth-utils==1.0.3
- hexbytes==0.1.0
- idna==2.6
- idna-ssl==1.0.0
- intervaltree==2.1.0
- jmespath==0.9.3
- jupyter_nbextensions_configurator==0.4.0
- logbook==1.2.1
- lru-dict==1.1.6
- lxml==4.1.1
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- networkx==2.1
- numexpr==2.6.4
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- parsimonious==0.8.0
- patsy==0.5.0
- pycares==2.3.0
- pycryptodome==3.6.1
- pysha3==1.0.2
- python-editor==1.0.3
- redo==2.0.1
- requests==2.20.1
- requests-file==1.4.3
- requests-ftp==0.3.1
- requests-toolbelt==0.8.0
- rlp==0.6.0
- s3transfer==0.1.12
- sortedcontainers==1.5.9
- sqlalchemy==1.2.2
- statsmodels==0.8.0
- tables==3.4.2
- toolz==0.9.0
- urllib3==1.22
- virtualenv==15.2.0
- web3==4.4.1
- websockets==5.0
- wrapt==1.10.11
- yarl==1.1.0
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