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Last active April 23, 2019 11:27
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A change version from react-circle
class Circle extends Component {
static defaultProps = {
number: 0,
max_number: 255,
animate: true,
animationDuration: '1s',
showPercentage: true,
showPercentageSymbol: true,
progressColor: 'rgb(76, 154, 255)',
bgColor: '#ecedf0',
textColor: '#6b778c',
size: '60',
lineWidth: '25',
percentSpacing: 10,
textStyle: { font: 'bold 8rem Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif' }
render() {
const { number, max_number, size, bgColor, progressColor, lineWidth, animate, animationDuration, roundedStroke, responsive, onAnimationEnd, textColor, textStyle, percentSpacing, showPercentageSymbol } = this.props;
const radius = 175;
const diameter = Math.round(Math.PI * radius * 2);
const getOffset = (val = 0) => Math.round((100 - Math.min(val, 100)) / 100 * diameter);
const progress = parseInt(number * 100 / max_number);
const strokeDashoffset = getOffset(progress);
const transition = animate ? `stroke-dashoffset ${animationDuration} ease-out` : undefined;
const strokeLinecap = roundedStroke ? 'round' : 'butt';
const svgSize = responsive ? '100%' : size;
return (
<svg width={svgSize} height={svgSize} viewBox="-25 -25 400 400">
<circle stroke={bgColor} cx="175" cy="175" r="175" strokeWidth={lineWidth} fill="none" />
<circle stroke={progressColor} transform="rotate(-90 175 175)" cx="175" cy="175" r="175" strokeDasharray="1100" strokeWidth={lineWidth} strokeDashoffset="1100" strokeLinecap={strokeLinecap} fill="none" style={{ strokeDashoffset, transition }} onTransitionEnd={onAnimationEnd} />
<text style={textStyle} fill={textColor} x={radius} y={radius} textAnchor="middle" dominantBaseline="central">
{number}{showPercentageSymbol && <tspan dx={percentSpacing}>%</tspan>}
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