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Created January 2, 2021 15:05
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CDK Stack file to create a custom VPC
from aws_cdk import core
from aws_cdk.aws_ec2 import Vpc, CfnRouteTable, RouterType, CfnRoute, CfnInternetGateway, CfnVPCGatewayAttachment, \
CfnSubnet, CfnSubnetRouteTableAssociation, CfnSecurityGroup, CfnInstance
from . import config
class VpcStack(core.Stack):
def __init__(self, scope: core.Construct, id: str, **kwargs) -> None:
super().__init__(scope, id, **kwargs)
# create VPC
self.bifrost_vpc = Vpc(
self, config.VPC, cidr='', nat_gateways=0, subnet_configuration=[], enable_dns_support=True,
self.internet_gateway = self.attach_internet_gateway()
self.subnet_id_to_subnet_map = {}
self.route_table_id_to_route_table_map = {}
self.security_group_id_to_group_map = {}
self.instance_id_to_instance_map = {}
def create_route_tables(self):
""" Create Route Tables """
for route_table_id in config.ROUTE_TABLES_ID_TO_ROUTES_MAP:
self.route_table_id_to_route_table_map[route_table_id] = CfnRouteTable(
self, route_table_id, vpc_id=self.bifrost_vpc.vpc_id, tags=[{'key': 'Name', 'value': route_table_id}]
def create_routes(self):
""" Create routes of the Route Tables """
for route_table_id, routes in config.ROUTE_TABLES_ID_TO_ROUTES_MAP.items():
for i in range(len(routes)):
route = routes[i]
kwargs = {
'route_table_id': self.route_table_id_to_route_table_map[route_table_id].ref,
if route['router_type'] == RouterType.GATEWAY:
kwargs['gateway_id'] = self.internet_gateway.ref
del kwargs['router_type']
CfnRoute(self, f'{route_table_id}-route-{i}', **kwargs)
def attach_internet_gateway(self) -> CfnInternetGateway:
""" Create and attach internet gateway to the VPC """
internet_gateway = CfnInternetGateway(self, config.INTERNET_GATEWAY)
CfnVPCGatewayAttachment(self, 'internet-gateway-attachment', vpc_id=self.bifrost_vpc.vpc_id,
return internet_gateway
def create_subnets(self):
""" Create subnets of the VPC """
for subnet_id, subnet_config in config.SUBNET_CONFIGURATION.items():
subnet = CfnSubnet(
self, subnet_id, vpc_id=self.bifrost_vpc.vpc_id, cidr_block=subnet_config['cidr_block'],
availability_zone=subnet_config['availability_zone'], tags=[{'key': 'Name', 'value': subnet_id}],
self.subnet_id_to_subnet_map[subnet_id] = subnet
def create_subnet_route_table_associations(self):
""" Associate subnets with route tables """
for subnet_id, subnet_config in config.SUBNET_CONFIGURATION.items():
route_table_id = subnet_config['route_table_id']
self, f'{subnet_id}-{route_table_id}', subnet_id=self.subnet_id_to_subnet_map[subnet_id].ref,
def create_security_groups(self):
""" Creates all the security groups """
for security_group_id, sg_config in config.SECURITY_GROUP_ID_TO_CONFIG.items():
self.security_group_id_to_group_map[security_group_id] = CfnSecurityGroup(
self, security_group_id, vpc_id=self.bifrost_vpc.vpc_id, **sg_config
def create_instances(self):
""" Creates all EC2 instances """
for subnet_id, subnet_config in config.SUBNET_CONFIGURATION.items():
subnet = self.subnet_id_to_subnet_map[subnet_id]
self.create_instances_for_subnet(subnet, subnet_config.get('instances', {}))
def create_instances_for_subnet(self, subnet: CfnSubnet, instance_id_to_config_map: {str: dict}):
""" Creates EC2 instances in a subnet """
for instance_id, instance_config in instance_id_to_config_map.items():
instance = self.create_instance(subnet, instance_id, instance_config)
self.instance_id_to_instance_map[instance_id] = instance
def create_instance(self, subnet: CfnSubnet, instance_id: str, instance_config: dict) \
-> CfnInstance:
""" Creates a single EC2 instance """
security_group_ids = instance_config['security_group_ids']
del instance_config['security_group_ids']
return CfnInstance(self, f'{instance_id}-instance', **{
'subnet_id': subnet.ref,
'security_group_ids': [
for security_group_id in security_group_ids
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