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Created October 25, 2021 11:01
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# Referenced videos:
# - Argo CD - Applying GitOps Principles To Manage Production Environment In Kubernetes:
# - kind - How to run local multi-node Kubernetes clusters:
# - GitHub CLI - How to manage repositories more efficiently:
# - Argo Workflows and Pipelines - CI/CD, Machine Learning, and Other Kubernetes Workflows:
# - Running Jenkins In Kubernetes - Tutorial And Review:
# - Github Actions Review And Tutorial:
# - Tekton - Kubernetes Cloud-Native CI/CD Pipelines And Workflows:
# - Environments Based On Pull Requests (PRs): Using Argo CD To Apply GitOps Principles On Previews:
# - How To Apply GitOps To Everything - Combining Argo CD And Crossplane:
# - Koncrete - GitOps As A Service With Argo CD:
# Setup Cluster #
# Watch if you are not familiar with GitHub CLI
gh repo fork \ \
cd argo-cd-image-updater
# Feel free to use any other Kubernetes cluster
# If using `kind`, please note that the commands were tested with Docker Desktop using 2 CPUs and 6 GB RAM.
# It might work with fewer resources though.
kind create cluster --config kind.yaml
# NGINX Ingress installation might differ for your k8s provider
kubectl apply \
# If not using kind, replace `` with the base host accessible through NGINX Ingress
kubectl create namespace production
# Setup Argo CD #
# Replace `[...]` with the GitHub organization or user
export GITHUB_ORG=[...]
# Replace `[...]` with the GitHub user (it might be the same as the value of `GITHUB_ORG`)
export GITHUB_USER=[...]
# Replace `[...]` with the GitHub access token
export GITHUB_TOKEN=[...]
export REPO_URL=$GITHUB_ORG/argo-cd-image-updater
# Replace `[...]` with your Docker Hub user
export DH_USER=[...]
cat argocd-app.yaml \
| sed -e "s@repoURL: .*@repoURL: $REPO_URL@g" \
| tee argocd-app.yaml
cat orig/devops-toolkit.yaml \
| sed -e "s@repoURL: .*@repoURL: $REPO_URL@g" \
| tee production/devops-toolkit.yaml
cat kustomize/overlays/production/ingress.yaml \
| sed -e "s@host: .*@host: devops-toolkit.$" \
| tee kustomize/overlays/production/ingress.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Customizations"
git push
docker image build \
--tag $DH_USER/devops-toolkit \
docker image push \
docker image tag \
$DH_USER/devops-toolkit \
docker image push \
helm repo add argo \
helm repo update
helm upgrade --install \
argocd argo/argo-cd \
--namespace argocd \
--create-namespace \
--set server.ingress.hosts="{argo-cd.$}" \
--set server.ingress.enabled=true \
--set server.extraArgs="{--insecure}" \
--set controller.args.appResyncPeriod=30 \
kubectl apply --filename argocd-app.yaml
export PASS=$(kubectl \
--namespace argocd \
get secret argocd-initial-admin-secret \
--output jsonpath="{.data.password}" \
| base64 --decode)
argocd login \
--insecure \
--username admin \
--password $PASS \
--grpc-web \
argocd account update-password \
--current-password $PASS \
--new-password admin123
echo http://argo-cd.$
# Open it in a browser
# Use `admin` as the username and `admin123` as the password
# Using Pipelines For CD #
# Open
# Installing Argo CD Image Updater #
# Show Argo CD UI
# It can be installed in the same cluster/Namespace or in a different cluster
kubectl --namespace argocd apply \
kubectl --namespace argocd logs \
# Configuring ArgoCD Image Updater #
# Add the following `metadata.annotations` to `production/devops-toolkit.yaml`:
# ` vfarcic/devops-toolkit`
# ` git:secret:argocd/git-creds`
# ` main`
kubectl --namespace argocd \
create secret generic git-creds \
--from-literal=username=$GITHUB_USER \
git add .
git commit -m "Image updater"
git push
kubectl --namespace argocd logs \
--selector \
# Updating To The Latest Release #
gh repo view --web
kubectl --namespace production \
describe deployment devops-toolkit
# Update strategies: `semver`, `latest`, `digest`, and `name`
# Defining Version Range #
# Update the `image-list` annotation in `production/devops-toolkit.yaml` to the following:
# ` vfarcic/devops-toolkit:~1`
# Open
git pull
git add .
git commit -m "Only version 1"
git push
docker image build \
--tag $DH_USER/devops-toolkit:1.2.3 \
docker image push \
kubectl --namespace argocd logs \
--selector \
kubectl --namespace production \
describe deployment devops-toolkit
# Going Outside The Version Range #
docker image build \
--tag $DH_USER/devops-toolkit:2.0.0 \
docker image push \
kubectl --namespace argocd logs \
--selector \
gh repo view --web
# Destroy #
kind delete cluster
rm kustomize/overlays/production/.argocd-source-devops-toolkit.yaml
git add .
git commit -m "Cleanup"
git push
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