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Created March 27, 2020 16:12
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Macro examples
(ns macro-playground.core)
(defmacro square [x]
`(let [x# ~x]
(* x# x#)))
;; Example expansions for the when* macro:
(when* (even? x) (println "EVEN"))
; expands to...
(if (even? x) (println "EVEN") nil)
(when* (even? x) (println "EVEN") x)
; expands to...
(if (even? x) (do (println "EVEN") x) nil))
(defmacro when* [test & body]
`(if ~test
;; Example expansions for the while* macro
(while* (> @x 0) (swap! x dec))
; expands to...
((loop [] (when (> @x 0) (swap! x dec) (recur)))))
(defmacro while* [test action]
`(loop []
(when ~test ~action (recur))))
;; Example regex macro expansions:
(regex #"abc" "abc"
(println %0)
(println %1))
; expands to...
(let [match (re-find #"abc" "abc")]
(when match
(let [[%0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9] match]
(println %0)
(println %1))))
(regex #"a(bc)" "abc"
(println %0)
(println %1))
; expands to...
(let [match (re-find #"a(bc)" "abc")]
(when match
(let [[%0 %1 %2 %3 %4 %5 %6 %7 %8 %9] match]
(println %0)
(println %1)))))
(defmacro regex [pattern haystack & body]
`(let [match# (re-find ~pattern ~haystack)]
(when match#
(let [[~'%0 ~'%1 ~'%2 ~'%3 ~'%4 ~'%5 ~'%6 ~'%7 ~'%8 ~'%9]
(if (string? match#) [match#] match#)]
;; Example expansions of the with-open* macro
[in ( ( "/tmp/test.txt"))]
(println (slurp in)))
; expands to...
(let [in ( ( "/tmp/test.txt"))]
(println (slurp in))
(.close in))))
;; With multiple files
[in1 ( ( "/tmp/test.txt"))
in2 ( ( "/tmp/test2.txt"))]
(println (slurp in1))
(println (slurp in2)))
; expands to...
(let [in1 ( ( "/tmp/test.txt"))
in2 ( ( "/tmp/test2.txt"))]
(println (slurp in1))
(println (slurp in2))
(.close in2)
(.close in1)))))
(defmacro with-open* [bindings & body]
; compile time stuff!
; get the list of bindings to the files we need to close at the end
(let [close-ins (map
#(list '.close %)
; we want to close any files we open *in reverse order*
(reverse (take-nth 2 bindings)))]
; runtime!
; throw everyohing inside a try,
; close the files *in reverse order* in the finally
`(let ~bindings
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