@printf "$$(tput setaf 0)$$(tput setab 2)\n\n Running XYZ TopSecret installation script, this might take a minute...)\n"
@echo "$$(tput setaf 7)$$(tput setab 0)"
@sleep 1
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Making an .env file\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
cp .env.example .env
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Making a docker-compose.yml override copy of your own\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
cp docker-compose.override.yml.dist docker-compose.yml
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Building, recreating and booting up containers (with remove orphans + detach) \n$$(tput setaf 7)"
docker-compose up --detach --force-recreate --build --remove-orphans
sleep 1 # Because we are not using `depends_on` and `healthcheck` options in `docker-compose.yml`
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Populating .env.local values with secret tokens and access keys\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Running composer install\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
docker-compose exec php composer install
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Pinging /api/v1/healthcheck to check if everything is up and running\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
curl -IL -k https://localhost/healthz
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Running database migrations\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
docker-compose exec php bin/console doc:mig:mig --no-interaction
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Loading Fixtures into database\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
docker-compose exec php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load --append
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Docker containers status\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
docker-compose ps
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> Localhost domains you should add to your /etc/hosts file:\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
@echo '---------------------------------'
@echo ' first.topsecret.local'
@echo ' second.topsecret.local'
@echo ' third.topsecret.local'
@echo ' main.topsecret.local'
@echo '---------------------------------'
@echo "$$(tput setaf 3) \n> API Documentation is available at:$$(tput setaf 7)"
@echo "$$(tput setaf 6)$$(tput setab 0)\n https://first.topsecret.local/api/doc$$(tput setaf 7)"
@echo "$$(tput setaf 6)$$(tput setab 0) https://second.topsecret.local/api/doc$$(tput setaf 7)"
@echo "$$(tput setaf 6)$$(tput setab 0) https://third.topsecret.local/api/doc$$(tput setaf 7)"
@echo "$$(tput setaf 6)$$(tput setab 0) https://main.topsecret.local/api/doc\n$$(tput setaf 7)"
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