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Created October 17, 2023 13:43
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Given a list of nucleotide IDs, fetch sequences and write to DNAStringSet
entrez2dss <-
function(id_list) {
require(rentrez) # v1.2.3
require(Biostrings) # v2.66.0
require(stringr) # v1.5.0
# fetch all sequences, trim empty elements
raw_ <-
entrez_fetch(db = "nucleotide",
rettype = "fasta",
id = id_list) |>
str_split_1(pattern = "\n\n") |>
# get sequence names
names_ <-
gsub(pattern = "\n.*",
replacement = "",
x = raw_) |>
gsub(pattern = "^>",
replacement = "")
# get sequences
seqs_ <-
sub(pattern = ".*?\n",
replacement = "",
x = raw_) |>
gsub(pattern = "\n",
replacement = "")
# create named DNAStringSet object
dss <- DNAStringSet(x = seqs_)
names(dss) <- names_
# test
seqlist <- c("NC_045512", "OR558592")
cov2 <- entrez2dss(seqlist)
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acvill commented Oct 17, 2023

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