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Adam DeHaven adamdehaven

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adamdehaven /
Last active June 16, 2022 14:00
ESModules cannot be stubbed

Utilizing Vite + Vue and Cypress Component Test Runner, how would you stub a composable function since you can't stub the default export?

I can't find a decent example that doesn't utilize Babel, and the only solution we have come up with is exporting an object with methods that can be stubbed, which, to be honest, would be a large refactor.

// Composable function
import { ref } from 'vue'

export default function useToggle (initialValue = false) {
 const enabled = ref(initialValue)
adamdehaven / 1-before.json
Created March 22, 2022 22:37
JSON Patch before/after
"viewer": {
"name": "Viewer",
"description": "Read only access to all users",
"entity_instances": [
"id": "UUID-A"
"id": "UUID-B"
#!/usr/bin/env bash
mapfile -t words < <(grep -x '[a-z]\{5\}' "${WORDLIST:-/usr/share/dict/words}")
word=${words[RANDOM % ${#words[@]}]} pool=abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
for ((round=1; round <= ${ROUNDS:=6}; round++)); do
while chars="" && read -rp "$round/$ROUNDS: " guess || exit 1; do
case " ${words[@]} " in *" ${guess,,} "*) guess=${guess,,}; break; esac
done; for ((i=0; i < ${#word}; i++)); do
[[ ${word:i:1} != ${guess:i:1} ]] && chars+=${word:i:1}
done; i=0; while char=${guess:i:1} && ((i < ${#guess})) ; do
{ [[ ${word:i++:1} == $char ]] && color=2; } ||
adamdehaven / Login.spec.ts
Last active January 27, 2022 00:32
Cypress component tests: stub window methods (only relevant code)
import Login from 'Login.vue'
import win from 'window.ts'
it('pre-populates the email input from search params', () => {
// Stub search params
cy.stub(win, 'getLocationSearch').returns(`?email=${encodeURIComponent(}`)
// Email input should be pre-populated
cy.get('.button').click().then(() => {
cy.wrap(Cypress.vueWrapper.emitted()).should('', 'click-forgot-password-link')
# Current package.json has "vue": "^3.0.0"
❯ npm install vue@3.1.4
npm ERR! code ERESOLVE
npm ERR! ERESOLVE unable to resolve dependency tree
npm ERR!
npm ERR! Found: vue@3.1.4
npm ERR! node_modules/vue
npm ERR! vue@"3.1.4" from the root project
npm ERR! peer vue@"3.x" from @fortawesome/vue-fontawesome@3.0.0-3
adamdehaven / getUrlParams.js
Created October 30, 2020 19:35
Get URL query string parameter values
* Return the value of a URL parameter
* @param url String
* @param key String
const getUrlParam = (url, key) => {
const results = new RegExp('[?&]' + key + '=([^&#]*)').exec(url)
return results ? decodeURI(results[1]) : null
adamdehaven / expand.js
Created October 26, 2020 17:47
Expand & collapse
// Expand/collapse section
const toggleCollapse = (e) => {
const header =;
const contentId = header.getAttribute("data-section");
if (contentId) {
const content = document.getElementById(contentId);
if (content.classList.contains("is-active")) { = "";
} else { = content.scrollHeight + 500 + "px"; // Add 500 to account for changing viewport size
adamdehaven / uniqueArrayofObjects.js
Created August 7, 2020 21:31
Remove duplicate objects from JavaScript array
* Returns an array of objects with no duplicates
* @param {Array} arr Array of Objects
* @param {Array} keyProps Array of keys to determine uniqueness
function uniqueArrayofObjects(arr, keyProps) {
return Object.values(arr.reduce((uniqueMap, entry) => {
const key = => entry[k]).join('|')
if (!(key in uniqueMap)) uniqueMap[key] = entry
return uniqueMap