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Last active July 3, 2019 04:32
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Generate a climogram using bomrang to download station data for 2018/19 summer growing season in Australia
# Find stations ----------------------------------------------------------------
# Find nearest stations for each area
# search for the lat lon values of each location
# clermont
head(capella <-
sweep_for_stations(latlon = c(-23.083333, 148.0166666)))
head(clermont <-
sweep_for_stations(latlon = c(-22.824930, 147.639380)))
# SQ
head(dalby <-
sweep_for_stations(latlon = c(-27.183270, 151.263733)))
head(toowoomba <-
sweep_for_stations(latlon = c(-27.563830, 151.953970)))
head(millmerran <-
sweep_for_stations(latlon = c(-27.873250, 151.271110)))
head(inverell <-
sweep_for_stations(latlon = c(-29.776279, 151.113434)))
head(mullalley <-
sweep_for_stations(latlon = c(-31.099090, 149.909210)))
head(gunnedah <-
sweep_for_stations(latlon = c(-30.976900, 150.251820)))
# for Capella and Clermont we can use the Clermont Airport station
# for the Darling Downs we will just use the Dalby Airport
# for NNSW we can use both the Inverell Research Centre and Gunnedah Airport
# Download ---------------------------------------------------------------------
clermont_rain <-
get_historical(stationid = clermont[1, 1], type = "rain")[, -c(1, 8)]
clermont_max <-
get_historical(stationid = clermont[1, 1], type = "max")[, -c(1, 8)]
clermont_min <-
get_historical(stationid = clermont[1, 1], type = "min")[, -c(1, 8)]
dalby_rain <-
get_historical(stationid = dalby[1, 1], type = "rain")[, -c(1, 8)]
dalby_max <-
get_historical(stationid = dalby[1, 1], type = "max")[, -c(1, 8)]
dalby_min <-
get_historical(stationid = dalby[1, 1], type = "min")[, -c(1, 8)]
inverell_rain <-
get_historical(stationid = inverell[1, 1], type = "rain")[, -c(1, 8)]
inverell_max <-
get_historical(stationid = inverell[1, 1], type = "max")[, -c(1, 8)]
inverell_min <-
get_historical(stationid = inverell[1, 1], type = "min")[, -c(1, 8)]
gunnedah_rain <-
get_historical(stationid = gunnedah[1, 1], type = "rain")[, -c(1, 8)]
gunnedah_max <-
get_historical(stationid = gunnedah[1, 1], type = "max")[, -c(1, 8)]
gunnedah_min <-
get_historical(stationid = gunnedah[1, 1], type = "min")[, -c(1, 8)]
# Munge for summary statistics for reporting 2018/19 season --------------------
clermont_avgs <- left_join(clermont_rain, clermont_max) %>%
left_join(., clermont_min) %>%
mutate(YYYYMMDD = ISOdate(year, month, day)) %>%
filter(YYYYMMDD >= "2019-02-28" &
YYYYMMDD <= "2019-05-01") %>%
min = min(min_temperature, na.rm = TRUE),
max = max(max_temperature, na.rm = TRUE),
avg_tmp = round(mean(
c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE
), 2),
rainfall = sum(rainfall, na.rm = TRUE),
start = min(YYYYMMDD),
end = max(YYYYMMDD)
) %>%
add_column(Location = "Clermont") %>%
select(c("Location", "min", "max", "avg_tmp", "rainfall", "start", "end"))
dalby_avgs <- left_join(dalby_rain, dalby_max) %>%
left_join(., dalby_min) %>%
mutate(YYYYMMDD = ISOdate(year, month, day)) %>%
filter(YYYYMMDD >= "2018-12-31" &
YYYYMMDD <= "2019-03-01") %>%
tmp = mean(c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE),
tmp = na_if(min_temperature, NA),
tmp = na_if(max_temperature, NA)
) %>%
min = min(min_temperature, na.rm = TRUE),
max = max(max_temperature, na.rm = TRUE),
avg_tmp = round(mean(
c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE
), 2),
rainfall = sum(rainfall, na.rm = TRUE),
start = min(YYYYMMDD),
end = max(YYYYMMDD)
) %>%
add_column(Location = "Dalby") %>%
select(c("Location", "min", "max", "avg_tmp", "rainfall", "start", "end"))
inverell_avgs <- left_join(inverell_rain, inverell_max) %>%
left_join(., inverell_min) %>%
mutate(YYYYMMDD = ISOdate(year, month, day)) %>%
filter(YYYYMMDD >= "2018-12-31" &
YYYYMMDD <= "2019-03-01") %>%
min = min(min_temperature, na.rm = TRUE),
max = max(max_temperature, na.rm = TRUE),
avg_tmp = round(mean(
c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE
), 2),
rainfall = sum(rainfall, na.rm = TRUE),
start = min(YYYYMMDD),
end = max(YYYYMMDD)
) %>%
add_column(Location = "Inverell") %>%
select(c("Location", "min", "max", "avg_tmp", "rainfall", "start", "end"))
gunnedah_avgs <- left_join(gunnedah_rain, gunnedah_max) %>%
left_join(., gunnedah_min) %>%
mutate(YYYYMMDD = ISOdate(year, month, day)) %>%
filter(YYYYMMDD >= "2018-12-31" &
YYYYMMDD <= "2019-03-01") %>%
min = min(min_temperature, na.rm = TRUE),
max = max(max_temperature, na.rm = TRUE),
avg_tmp = round(mean(
c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE
), 2),
rainfall = sum(rainfall, na.rm = TRUE),
start = min(YYYYMMDD),
end = max(YYYYMMDD)
) %>%
add_column(Location = "Gunnedah") %>%
select(c("Location", "min", "max", "avg_tmp", "rainfall", "start", "end"))
# Averages and summary for growing season --------------------------------------
(bind_rows(clermont_avgs, dalby_avgs, inverell_avgs, gunnedah_avgs))
# Munge for graph --------------------------------------------------------------
clermont <- left_join(clermont_rain, clermont_max) %>%
left_join(., clermont_min) %>%
mutate(YYYYMMDD = ISOdate(year, month, day)) %>%
filter(YYYYMMDD >= "2018-12-01" &
YYYYMMDD <= "2019-05-31") %>%
tmp = mean(c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE),
tmp = na_if(min_temperature, NA),
tmp = na_if(max_temperature, NA)
) %>%
add_column(Location = "Clermont") %>%
select(c("Location", "YYYYMMDD", "tmp", "rainfall"))
dalby <- left_join(dalby_rain, dalby_max) %>%
left_join(., dalby_min) %>%
mutate(YYYYMMDD = ISOdate(year, month, day)) %>%
filter(YYYYMMDD >= "2018-09-01" &
YYYYMMDD <= "2019-04-30") %>%
tmp = mean(c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE),
tmp = na_if(min_temperature, NA),
tmp = na_if(max_temperature, NA)
) %>%
add_column(Location = "Dalby") %>%
select(c("Location", "YYYYMMDD", "tmp", "rainfall"))
inverell <- left_join(inverell_rain, inverell_max) %>%
left_join(., inverell_min) %>%
mutate(YYYYMMDD = ISOdate(year, month, day)) %>%
filter(YYYYMMDD >= "2018-09-01" &
YYYYMMDD <= "2019-03-31") %>%
tmp = mean(c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE),
tmp = na_if(min_temperature, NA),
tmp = na_if(max_temperature, NA)
) %>%
add_column(Location = "Inverell") %>%
select(c("Location", "YYYYMMDD", "tmp", "rainfall"))
gunnedah <- left_join(gunnedah_rain, gunnedah_max) %>%
left_join(., gunnedah_min) %>%
mutate(YYYYMMDD = ISOdate(year, month, day)) %>%
filter(YYYYMMDD >= "2018-09-01" &
YYYYMMDD <= "2019-03-31") %>%
tmp = mean(c(min_temperature, max_temperature), na.rm = TRUE),
tmp = na_if(min_temperature, NA),
tmp = na_if(max_temperature, NA)
) %>%
add_column(Location = "Gunnedah") %>%
select(c("Location", "YYYYMMDD", "tmp", "rainfall"))
# nnsw <- left_join(inverell, gunnedah, by = "YYYYMMDD") %>%
# mutate(tmp = mean(c(tmp.x, tmp.y), na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# mutate(rainfall = mean(c(rainfall.x, rainfall.y), na.rm = TRUE)) %>%
# add_column(Location = "NNSW") %>%
# select(c("Location", "YYYYMMDD", "tmp", "rainfall"))
weather <- bind_rows(clermont, dalby, inverell, gunnedah)
weather$Location <- factor(weather$Location,
levels = c("Clermont",
# Graph ------------------------------------------------------------------------
# max rainfall set from max clermont rainfall in Apr 2019
ylim.prim <- c(0, 160)
ylim.sec <- c(10, 50)
b <- diff(ylim.prim) / diff(ylim.sec)
a <- b * (ylim.prim[1] - ylim.sec[1])
png(filename = "Climograms/Image_1.png", width = 1024, height = 557, units = "px")
ggplot(weather, aes(x = as.Date(YYYYMMDD), y = rainfall)) +
geom_col() +
geom_line(aes(y = a + tmp * b),
color = usq_cols("support red"),
size = 1.25) +
scale_y_continuous("Precipitation (mm)",
sec.axis = sec_axis( ~ (. - a) / b,
name = "Mean Temperature (˚C)")) +
title = paste0("Climogram for ", bYYYY, "-", eYYYY, " Summer Cropping Season"),
subtitle = "Daily data sourced from Australia Bureau of Meteorology (BOM)",
caption = "Clermont data is from Clermont Airport, Dalby data is from the Dalby Airport,
Inverell data is from the Inverell Research Centre and Gunnedah is from the Gunnedah Airport AWS"
) +
scale_x_date(date_breaks = "1 month", date_labels = "%b\n%Y") +
xlab("Date") +
theme_usq() +
axis.ticks.y.right = element_line(color = usq_cols("support red")),
axis.text.y.right = element_text(color = usq_cols("support red")),
axis.title.y.right = element_text(color = usq_cols("support red"))
) +
facet_grid(Location ~ .)
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