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Last active August 29, 2015 14:11
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A Javascript Meta-Object System, Modelled On Python's OO
* A small meta-object protocol for describing a Python-like class system in
* Javascript.
* In this MOP, objects are (at bottom) represented as a mapping of three things:
* - a list of parent classes
* - a list representing the object's MRO
* - a mapping of attribute names to attributes
* The interface to the 'machinery' of an object (that is, making the object actually
* do things), is a function, so that objects can provide custimized behavior when
* they are used. Thus, when you create a new object, you are really getting a function
* back.
* Functions for manipulating objects are described below.
MOP = {}
// A pretty printer for general objects
MOP.pretty = (function(obj, indent) {
indent = indent || '';
if (obj === null)
return indent + 'null';
else if (obj === undefined)
return indent + 'undefined';
else if (typeof(obj) == 'string')
return indent + '"' + obj + '"';
else if (obj instanceof RegExp)
return indent + obj.toString();
else if (obj instanceof Array)
return indent + "[" +
function(x) { return MOP.pretty(x, '') }
).join(", ") + "]";
else if (obj instanceof Function) {
var lines = obj.toString().split('\n');
// We want consistent indentation throughout the function, so we need to remove
// any leading indentation that may already be present.
var head_indent = lines[0].length - lines[0].trim().length;
return indent +
function(x) { return x.slice(head_indent); }
).join('\n' + indent);
else if (obj instanceof Object)
var result = indent + '{\n';
for (var property in obj)
result += MOP.pretty(property, indent + '\t') + ":\n";
result += MOP.pretty(obj[property], indent + '\t\t') + ",\n";
result += indent + '}';
return result;
return indent + obj.toString();
// Clone a hash table - any other object is returned as given
MOP.clone_hash = (function(hash) {
if (typeof(hash) != 'object' || hash == null)
return hash;
var clone = {};
for (var key in hash) {
if (hash.hasOwnProperty(key))
clone[key] = clone(hash[key]);
return clone;
* --------------------
* This metaobject protocol implements a few fundamental operations:
* - MOP.create(meta_cls, ...) instantiates a new instance of meta_cls, passing
* the arguments both to the allocator (mop_new) as well as the constructor
* (mop_init).
* - MOP.hasattr(inst, attr) returns true if an instance has the given attribute,
* or false otherwise.
* - MOP.getattr(inst, attr) returns the value of the attribute in the instance
* if the instance possesses the attribute, or undefined otherwise.
* - MOP.setattr(inst, attr, value) sets the value of the attribute directly on
* the instance.
* - MOP.delattr(inst, attr) removes the attribute from the instance if it has it.
* - gets the name of an instance.
* - MOP.attrs(inst) gets a mapping from attribute names to attribute values.
* - parents(inst) gets a list of parent classes for a class.
* - MOP.mro(inst) gets the MRO of an instance.
* - MOP.metacalss(inst) gets the metaclass which constructed the given instance
* Note that most of these can be overrided by values attached to instances:
* mop_new(metaclass, ...) should return an empty object, ready to be initialized.
* mop_init(inst, ...) initializes a new object (its return value is ignored).
* mop_hasattr(inst, attr)
* mop_getattr(inst, attr)
* mop_setattr(inst, attr, value)
* mop_delattr(inst, attr)
* If you want to create a new class, you can do this:
* var my_klass = MOP.create(MOP.MetaClass, 'MyKlass',
* [parent1, parent2, ...],
* {
* 'mop_init': (function(instance, x, y, z) {
* // Do something with the instance
* })
* });
* Creating an instance is simpler than creating a class, because MetaClass
* provides a default mop_new for all classes (which you may override). To
* initialize an instance of MyKlass:
* var my_inst = MOP.create(my_klass, x, y, z);
* These are the 'generic functions', which expose the basics of the MOP. They
* are all designed to be used on instances (except MOP.create, which is meant
* to be used on classes) - because this is a *meta-object* protocol, note that
* all classes are instances as well. Since these dispatch to the objects
* themselves, objects are free to override their behavior by using the 'special
* methods' described above.
// Creates a new instance of a parent class. Note that this takes any number of
// arguments besides the parent class, which are passed onto the class's
// 'mop_new' and 'mop_init' functions.
MOP.create = (function(meta_cls /*, ... */) {
var args =, [1]);
var new_func = meta_cls('getattr', 'mop_new');
var inst = new_func.apply(new_func, [meta_cls].concat(args));
if (inst == null)
return null;
if (meta_cls('hasattr', 'mop_init')) {
// Note that we don't want to call the mop_init inside of a class
// (which is designed for instances) on the class itself, which is
// why we search for mop_init on the metaclass rather than the class.
var init = meta_cls('getattr', 'mop_init');
init.apply(init, [inst].concat(args));
return inst;
// Figures out whether or not an attribute is in an instance
MOP.hasattr = (function(inst, attr) {
return inst('hasattr', attr);
// Retrieves the value of an attribute from an instance.
MOP.getattr = (function(inst, attr) {
return inst('getattr', attr);
// Assigns the value of an attribute to an instance.
MOP.setattr = (function(inst, attr, value) {
return inst('setattr', attr, value);
// Removes an attribute from an instance.
MOP.delattr = (function(inst, attr) {
return inst('delattr', attr);
// Gets the entire mapping of attributes for an instance.
MOP.attrs = (function(inst) {
return inst('attrs');
// Gets a list of parent classes for an instance.
MOP.parents = (function(inst) {
return inst('parents');
// Gets the compete resolution order of an instance.
MOP.mro = (function(inst) {
return inst('mro');
// Gets the name of a class = (function(inst) {
return inst('name');
* Linearizes an inheritance hierarchy according to the C3 method, which is
* basically a funny topological sort which respects the order of parent
* classes in a left-to-right fashion.
MOP.c3 = (function(parents) {
// Removes all the empty lists from a list of lists
var filter_empty = (function(list_of_lists) {
return list_of_lists.filter(
function(l) { return l.length > 0; })
// Gets a list, containing the first element of the original list of lists.
// Equivalent to (map list_of_lists car)
var get_heads = (function(list_of_lists) {
function(l) { return l[0]; });
// Gets a list of lists, containing all but the first element of the original
// list of lists. Equivalent to (map list_of_lists cdr)
var get_tails = (function(list_of_lists) {
function(l) { return l.slice(1); });
// Converts a list of potentially nested lists into a single list containing
// all the items in depth-first order
var flatten = (function(tree) {
// Note that Array.prototype.concat.apply([], [...]) is a way to concatenate all the lists
// inside of [...]
return Array.prototype.concat.apply([], {
if (item instanceof Array)
return flatten(item);
return item
var mro = [];
var parent_linears = {
return parent('mro').slice();
parent_linears = filter_empty(parent_linears);
while (parent_linears.length > 0) {
var heads = get_heads(parent_linears);
var tails = flatten(get_tails(parent_linears));
// Find a head which no other classes are dependant upon.
var choices = [];
// Why build choices in reverse? Well, we want the later classes
// in the inheritance order to be processed first, so that way the
// end up further in the back of the MRO
while (heads.length > 0) {
var head = heads.shift();
if (tails.indexOf(head) == -1 && choices.indexOf(head) == -1)
// No suitable linearization was found - presumably there are circular
// dependencies somewhere
if (choices.length == 0)
console.log('Invalid MRO for %s',
MOP.pretty( { return x('name'); })));
return null;
while (choices.length > 0) {
var choice = choices.shift();
// Remove the chosen class from the head of any MROs that we still have
for (var i = 0; i < parent_linears.length; i++) {
if (parent_linears[i][0] == choice)
parent_linears = filter_empty(parent_linears);
return mro;
* This defines the MetaClass, which defines the basic operations supported by
* the MOP, which can then be inherited by all other classes.
MOP.make_metaclass = (
function() {
// Primitive attribute manipulation functions, which are used to bootstrap
// how attributes are manipulated. Note that the instance data (that is, the
// content of instance('raw')) is passed to these, and not the instances
// themselves. However, the wrappers created by MetaClass handle the
// transformation.
var prim_hasattr = (function(inst_data, attr) {
var hierarchy_attrs = inst_data.mro.slice(1).map(
(function(inst) { return inst('attrs'); }));
while (hierarchy_attrs.length > 0) {
var attrs = hierarchy_attrs.shift();
if (attr in attrs)
return true;
return false;
var prim_getattr = (function(inst_data, attr) {
var hierarchy_attrs = inst_data.mro.slice(1).map(
(function(inst) { return inst('attrs'); }));
while (hierarchy_attrs.length > 0) {
var attrs = hierarchy_attrs.shift();
if (attr in attrs)
return attrs[attr];
return undefined;
var prim_setattr = (function(inst_data, attr, value) {
inst_data.attribs[attr] = value;
var prim_delattr = (function(inst_data, attr) {
delete inst_data.attribs[attr];
var metaclass = (function(action /* ... */) {
// Note that metaclass_data is defined in the scobe above this,
// but later, since it needs to get a reference to 'metaclass'
// itself to make metaclass_data.
if (action == 'hasattr') {
var attrib = arguments[1];
if (attrib == null)
return false;
return prim_hasattr(metaclass_data, attrib);
} else if (action == 'getattr') {
var attrib = arguments[1];
if (attrib == null)
return undefined;
return prim_getattr(metaclass_data, attrib);
} else if (action == 'setattr') {
var attrib = arguments[1];
var value = arguments[2];
if (attrib == null)
return prim_setattr(metaclass_data, attrib, value);
} else if (action == 'delattr') {
var attrib = arguments[1];
if (attrib == null)
return prim_delattr(metaclass_data, attrib);
} else if (action == 'attrs')
return metaclass_data.attribs;
else if (action == 'parents')
return metaclass_data.parents;
else if (action == 'mro')
return metaclass_data.mro;
else if (action == 'name')
else if (action == 'metaclass')
return metaclass_data.metaclass;
else if (action == 'raw')
return metaclass_data;
* Creates a class from a metaclass.
var prim_new = (function(metaclass, name, parents, attribs) {
var class_data = {};
var klass = (function(action /* ... */) {
if (action == 'hasattr') {
var attrib = arguments[1];
if (attrib == null)
return false;
var my_hasattr = prim_getattr(class_data, 'mop_hasattr');
if (!my_hasattr)
return prim_hasattr(class_data, attrib);
return my_hasattr(klass, attrib);
} else if (action == 'getattr') {
var attrib = arguments[1];
if (attrib == null)
return undefined;
var my_getattr = prim_getattr(class_data, 'mop_getattr');
if (!my_getattr)
return prim_getattr(class_data, attrib);
return my_getattr(klass, attrib);
} else if (action == 'setattr') {
var attrib = arguments[1];
var value = arguments[2];
if (attrib == null)
var my_setattr = prim_getattr(class_data, 'mop_setattr');
if (!my_setattr)
return prim_setattr(class_data, attrib, value);
return my_setattr(klass, attrib, value);
} else if (action == 'delattr') {
var attrib = arguments[1];
if (attrib == null)
var my_delattr = prim_getattr(class_data, 'mop_delattr');
if (!my_delattr)
return prim_delattr(class_data, attrib);
return my_delattr(klass, attrib);
return my_delattr(klass, attrib);
} else if (action == 'attrs')
return class_data.attribs;
else if (action == 'parents')
return class_data.parents;
else if (action == 'mro')
return class_data.mro;
else if (action == 'name')
else if (action == 'metaclass')
return class_data.metaclass;
else if (action == 'raw')
return class_data;
class_data.metaclass = metaclass; = name;
class_data.parents = parents;
class_data.attribs = attribs;
class_data.mro = MOP.c3(parents);
// If we can't linerize the inheritance tree, than we don't know how
// to reliably find attributes in the resulting object. Abort!
if (class_data.mro == null)
return null;
// This is the default 'instance maker', which just creates an empty
// object. Note that the new object's mop_new is suppressed so that it
// cannot create new 'sub-instances' (without explicit work on behalf
// of the programmer)
prim_setattr(class_data, 'mop_new',
function(klass) {
// This gets the object creation function from the metaclass
// of the current class
var maker = MOP.getattr(klass('metaclass'), 'mop_new');
// Override the child's mro_new, so that it cannot make
// instances, *unless* it overrides mro_new
return maker(klass, name + '.instance', [], {
'mop_new': (function(inst) { return null; })
if (class_data.mro.indexOf(klass) == -1)
// Note that the metaclass which is calling this can, in fact, be
// something other than MetaClass. To be entirely general, we have
// to push the metaclass's whole MRO rather than just the metaclass
// itself.
if (class_data.mro.indexOf(metaclass) == -1)
class_data.mro = class_data.mro.concat(metaclass('mro'));
return klass;
// Note that the MetaClass itself doesn't use these members, but
// instead directly dispatches to the primitives. These are only
// useful for derived classes/instances/etc. which use the 'mop_*' special
// methods to do their work.
var metaclass_attribs = {
'mop_new': prim_new,
'mop_hasattr': (function(metaobject, attrib) {
return prim_hasattr(metaobject('raw'), attrib);
'mop_getattr': (function(metaobject, attrib) {
return prim_getattr(metaobject('raw'), attrib);
'mop_setattr': (function(metaobject, attrib, value) {
return prim_setattr(metaobject('raw'), attrib, value);
'mop_delattr': (function(metaobject, attrib) {
return prim_delattr(metaobject('raw'), attrib);
var metaclass_data = {
'parents': [],
'attribs': metaclass_attribs,
'mro': [metaclass],
'name': 'MetaClass',
'metaclass': null,
return metaclass;
MOP.MetaClass = MOP.make_metaclass();
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