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Last active February 15, 2020 00:12
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package test
import java.util.UUID
import cats.arrow.NaturalTransformation
import cats.{Id, ~>, Monad}
import scala.annotation.tailrec
import scala.util.Random
object Events {
case class Handled[E](e: E)
sealed trait ES[E, A[_], R] {
def flatMap[R2](f: R => ES[E, A, R2]): ES[E, A, R2] = FlatMap(this, f)
def map[R2](f: R => R2): ES[E, A, R2] = FlatMap(this, f andThen (x => Pure(x)))
final def step: ES[E, A, R] = this match {
case FlatMap(FlatMap(c, f), g) => c.flatMap(cc => f(cc).flatMap(g)).step
case FlatMap(Pure(a), f) => f(a).step
case x => x
def foldMap[M[_]](ai: A ~> M, ei: E => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[R] = step.foldAfterStep(ai, ei)
protected def foldAfterStep[M[_]](ai: A ~> M, ei: E => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[R]
def handleEvents(modelUpdate: PartialFunction[E, ES[Nothing, A, Unit]], eventListener: PartialFunction[E, ES[E, A, Unit]]): ES[Handled[E], A, R]
def compile[E2, A2[_]](ainj: A ~> A2, einj: E => E2): ES[E2, A2, R] = {
type ES2[X] = ES[E2, A2, X]
foldMap[ES2](new (A ~> ES2) {
override def apply[X](fa: A[X]) = Suspend(ainj(fa))
}, e => Emit(einj(e)))
implicit class ESHandled[E, A[_], R](es: ES[Handled[E], A, R]) {
def run[M[_]](ai: A ~> M, storeEvent: E => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[R] =
es.foldMap(ai, eh => storeEvent(eh.e))
case class Pure[E, A[_], R](r: R) extends ES[E, A, R] {
override def handleEvents(mu: PartialFunction[E, ES[Nothing, A, Unit]], el: PartialFunction[E, ES[E, A, Unit]]): ES[Handled[E], A, R] =
Pure[Handled[E], A, R](r)
protected def foldAfterStep[M[_]](ai: A ~> M, ei: E => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[R] =
case class Emit[E, A[_]](e: E) extends ES[E, A, Unit] {
private def extendEvents(p: ES[Nothing, A, Unit]): ES[Handled[E], A, Unit] =
p.compile[Handled[E], A](, identity)
override def handleEvents(mu: PartialFunction[E, ES[Nothing, A, Unit]], el: PartialFunction[E, ES[E, A, Unit]]): ES[Handled[E], A, Unit] = {
def applyMu: ES[Nothing, A, Unit] = if (mu.isDefinedAt(e)) mu(e) else ES.done
def applyEl: ES[E, A, Unit] = if (el.isDefinedAt(e)) el(e) else ES.done
Emit[Handled[E], A](Handled(e))
.flatMap(_ => extendEvents(applyMu)
.flatMap(_ => applyEl.handleEvents(mu, el)))
protected def foldAfterStep[M[_]](ai: A ~> M, ei: E => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[Unit] =
case class Suspend[E, A[_], R](a: A[R]) extends ES[E, A, R] {
override def handleEvents(mu: PartialFunction[E, ES[Nothing, A, Unit]], el: PartialFunction[E, ES[E, A, Unit]]): ES[Handled[E], A, R] =
Suspend[Handled[E], A, R](a)
protected def foldAfterStep[M[_]](ai: A ~> M, ei: E => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[R] =
case class FlatMap[E, A[_], R1, R2](c: ES[E, A, R1], f: R1 => ES[E, A, R2]) extends ES[E, A, R2] {
override def handleEvents(mu: PartialFunction[E, ES[Nothing, A, Unit]], el: PartialFunction[E, ES[E, A, Unit]]): ES[Handled[E], A, R2] = {
FlatMap[Handled[E], A, R1, R2](c.handleEvents(mu, el), f andThen (_.handleEvents(mu, el)))
protected def foldAfterStep[M[_]](ai: A ~> M, ei: E => M[Unit])(implicit M: Monad[M]): M[R2] =
M.flatMap(c.foldMap(ai, ei))(cc => f(cc).foldMap(ai, ei))
object ES {
implicit def esMonad[E, A[_]]: Monad[({type x[X] = ES[E, A, X]})#x] = new Monad[({type x[X] = ES[E, A, X]})#x] {
override def pure[X](x: X) = Pure(x)
override def flatMap[X, Y](fa: ES[E, A, X])(f: X => ES[E, A, Y]) = fa.flatMap(f)
def pure[E, A[_], R](r: R): ES[E, A, R] = Pure(r)
def done[E, A[_]]: ES[E, A, Unit] = pure(())
def emit[E, A[_]](e: E): ES[E, A, Unit] = Emit(e)
def suspend[E, A[_], R](a: A[R]): ES[E, A, R] = Suspend(a)
object EventsExample extends App {
import Events._
object UserModule {
case class User(id: Long, email: String, password: String)
case class ApiKey(userId: Long, key: String)
sealed trait Action[R]
case class FindUserByEmail(email: String) extends Action[Option[User]]
case class WriteUser(u: User) extends Action[Unit]
case class FindApiKeyByUserId(userId: Long) extends Action[Option[ApiKey]]
case class WriteApiKey(ak: ApiKey) extends Action[Unit]
case class SendEmail(to: String, body: String) extends Action[Unit]
sealed trait Event
case class UserRegistered(u: User) extends Event
case class ApiKeyCreated(ak: ApiKey) extends Event
def pure[R](r: R): ES[Event, Action, R] = ES.pure(r)
def emit(e: Event): ES[Event, Action, Unit] = ES.emit(e)
def action[E, R](a: Action[R]): ES[E, Action, R] = ES.suspend(a)
def registerUserCommand(email: String, password: String): ES[Event, Action, Either[String, Unit]] = {
action(FindUserByEmail(email)).flatMap {
case None => emit(UserRegistered(User(new Random().nextInt(), email, password))).map(_ => Right(()))
case Some(user) => pure(Left("User with the given email already exists"))
val modelUpdate: PartialFunction[Event, ES[Nothing, Action, Unit]] = {
case UserRegistered(u) => action(WriteUser(u))
case ApiKeyCreated(ak) => action(WriteApiKey(ak))
val eventListeners: PartialFunction[Event, ES[Event, Action, Unit]] = {
case UserRegistered(u) => for {
_ <- emit(ApiKeyCreated(ApiKey(, UUID.randomUUID().toString)))
_ <- action(SendEmail(, "Welcome!"))
} yield ()
import UserModule._
val handledCommand = registerUserCommand("", "1234").handleEvents(modelUpdate, eventListeners)
val result: Either[String, Unit] =[Id](new (Action ~> Id) {
override def apply[A](fa: Action[A]) = fa match {
case FindUserByEmail(email) => println(s"Find user by email: $email"); None
case WriteUser(u) => println(s"Write user $u")
case FindApiKeyByUserId(id) => println(s"Find api key by user id: $id"); None
case WriteApiKey(ak) => println(s"Write api key: $ak")
case SendEmail(to, body) => println(s"Send email to $to, body: $body")
}, e => println("Store event: " + e))
println("Result: " + result)
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